path: root/
diff options
authorJay Freeman (saurik) <>2017-02-16 01:30:53 -0800
committerJay Freeman (saurik) <>2017-02-16 01:30:53 -0800
commita3d01a768f0e7f9d5a36b4bcea04458634818863 (patch)
treea3e62c81f8cf286cabe0bdf382c95caaf0722d0d /
parent68df8c0b7bacec286d4798408b5a110bdac88986 (diff)
Move a bunch of clearly shared logic into CyteKit.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d52a38e..64bc7ab 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -112,16 +112,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "Substrate.hpp"
#include "Menes/Menes.h"
-#include "CyteKit/Application.h"
-#include "CyteKit/NavigationController.h"
-#include "CyteKit/RegEx.hpp"
-#include "CyteKit/TableViewCell.h"
-#include "CyteKit/TabBarController.h"
-#include "CyteKit/URLCache.h"
-#include "CyteKit/WebScriptObject-Cyte.h"
-#include "CyteKit/WebViewController.h"
-#include "CyteKit/WebViewTableViewCell.h"
-#include "CyteKit/stringWithUTF8Bytes.h"
+#include "CyteKit/CyteKit.h"
#include "Cydia/MIMEAddress.h"
#include "Cydia/LoadingViewController.h"
@@ -389,47 +380,6 @@ void CYArrayInsertionSortValues(Type_ *values, size_t length, CFComparisonResult
/* }}} */
-/* Apple Bug Fixes {{{ */
-@implementation UIWebDocumentView (Cydia)
-- (void) _setScrollerOffset:(CGPoint)offset {
- UIScroller *scroller([self _scroller]);
- CGSize size([scroller contentSize]);
- CGSize bounds([scroller bounds].size);
- CGPoint max;
- max.x = size.width - bounds.width;
- max.y = size.height - bounds.height;
- // wtf Apple?!
- if (max.x < 0)
- max.x = 0;
- if (max.y < 0)
- max.y = 0;
- offset.x = offset.x < 0 ? 0 : offset.x > max.x ? max.x : offset.x;
- offset.y = offset.y < 0 ? 0 : offset.y > max.y ? max.y : offset.y;
- [scroller setOffset:offset];
-/* }}} */
-NSUInteger DOMNodeList$countByEnumeratingWithState$objects$count$(DOMNodeList *self, SEL sel, NSFastEnumerationState *state, id *objects, NSUInteger count) {
- size_t length([self length] - state->state);
- if (length <= 0)
- return 0;
- else if (length > count)
- length = count;
- for (size_t i(0); i != length; ++i)
- objects[i] = [self item:state->state++];
- state->itemsPtr = objects;
- state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long *) self;
- return length;
/* Cydia NSString Additions {{{ */
@interface NSString (Cydia)
- (NSComparisonResult) compareByPath:(NSString *)other;
@@ -5127,42 +5077,6 @@ static _H<NSMutableSet> Diversions_;
/* }}} */
-// CydiaScript {{{
-@interface NSObject (CydiaScript)
-- (id) Cydia$webScriptObjectInContext:(WebScriptObject *)context;
-@implementation NSObject (CydiaScript)
-- (id) Cydia$webScriptObjectInContext:(WebScriptObject *)context {
- return self;
-@implementation NSArray (CydiaScript)
-- (id) Cydia$webScriptObjectInContext:(WebScriptObject *)context {
- WebScriptObject *object([context evaluateWebScript:@"[]"]);
- for (size_t i(0), e([self count]); i != e; ++i)
- [object setWebScriptValueAtIndex:i value:[[self objectAtIndex:i] Cydia$webScriptObjectInContext:context]];
- return object;
-@implementation NSDictionary (CydiaScript)
-- (id) Cydia$webScriptObjectInContext:(WebScriptObject *)context {
- WebScriptObject *object([context evaluateWebScript:@"({})"]);
- for (id i in self)
- [object setValue:[[self objectForKey:i] Cydia$webScriptObjectInContext:context] forKey:i];
- return object;
-// }}}
/* Confirmation Controller {{{ */
bool DepSubstrate(const pkgCache::VerIterator &iterator) {
if (!iterator.end())
@@ -9811,12 +9725,6 @@ _trace();
[BridgedHosts_ addObject:[[NSURL URLWithString:CydiaURL(@"")] host]];
- [NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:[[[CyteURLCache alloc]
- initWithMemoryCapacity:524288
- diskCapacity:10485760
- diskPath:Cache("SDURLCache")
- ] autorelease]];
[CydiaWebViewController _initialize];
[NSURLProtocol registerClass:[CydiaURLProtocol class]];
@@ -10038,24 +9946,6 @@ id Dealloc_(id self, SEL selector) {
return object;
-Class $WAKWindow;
-static CGSize $WAKWindow$screenSize(WAKWindow *self, SEL _cmd) {
- CGSize size([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size);
- /*if ([$WAKWindow respondsToSelector:@selector(hasLandscapeOrientation)])
- if ([$WAKWindow hasLandscapeOrientation])
- std::swap(size.width, size.height);*/
- return size;
-Class $NSUserDefaults;
-MSHook(id, NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$, NSUserDefaults *self, SEL _cmd, NSString *key) {
- if ([key respondsToSelector:@selector(isEqualToString:)] && [key isEqualToString:@"WebKitLocalStorageDatabasePathPreferenceKey"])
- return Cache("LocalStorage");
- return _NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$(self, _cmd, key);
static NSMutableDictionary *AutoreleaseDeepMutableCopyOfDictionary(CFTypeRef type) {
if (type == NULL)
return nil;
@@ -10126,21 +10016,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
PackageName = reinterpret_cast<CYString &(*)(Package *, SEL)>(method_getImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod([Package class], @selector(cyname))));
- /* Library Hacks {{{ */
- class_addMethod(objc_getClass("DOMNodeList"), @selector(countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:), (IMP) &DOMNodeList$countByEnumeratingWithState$objects$count$, "I20@0:4^{NSFastEnumerationState}8^@12I16");
- $WAKWindow = objc_getClass("WAKWindow");
- if ($WAKWindow != NULL)
- if (Method method = class_getInstanceMethod($WAKWindow, @selector(screenSize)))
- method_setImplementation(method, (IMP) &$WAKWindow$screenSize);
- $NSUserDefaults = objc_getClass("NSUserDefaults");
- Method NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$(class_getInstanceMethod($NSUserDefaults, @selector(objectForKey:)));
- if (NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$ != NULL) {
- _NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$ = reinterpret_cast<id (*)(NSUserDefaults *, SEL, NSString *)>(method_getImplementation(NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$));
- method_setImplementation(NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$, reinterpret_cast<IMP>(&$NSUserDefaults$objectForKey$));
- }
- /* }}} */
/* Set Locale {{{ */
Locale_ = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
Languages_ = [NSLocale preferredLanguages];