path: root/cydia.control
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-07-03Ignore Upgrades had not 1, but 2! reasons to fail.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2015-06-26Use libicucore's uregex to avoid Depends: libpcre.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-06-12The new version of Cydia needs newer translations.v1.1.10Jay Freeman (saurik)
2012-09-19Use sbdidlaunch to handle bothersome uicache race.v1.1.7Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-15Merge latest bigboss package: org.thebigboss.repo.icons.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14Move BigBoss icons back to bigboss package.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-10Cydia was supposed to be marked cydia::essential.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-09Totally obsolete and replace the old source packages.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-08Split cydia-lproj from main package.Jay Freeman (saurik)