path: root/data/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.53/doc/outdated/fastcgi.txt
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authorMCApollo <>2019-04-29 17:53:00 +0000
committerMCApollo <>2019-04-29 17:53:00 +0000
commit59f5fd20e2f59ae186d5a461aef7782dd55e4e7b (patch)
tree10475faf0b6dcb812b64da679f4ae8ff01c45874 /data/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.53/doc/outdated/fastcgi.txt
parentf06e297cd175cca39745f6d1970225ae88aa68f1 (diff)
Updated lighttpd.
Diffstat (limited to 'data/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.53/doc/outdated/fastcgi.txt')
1 files changed, 604 insertions, 0 deletions
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+the FastCGI Interface
+Module: mod_fastcgi
+:Author: Jan Kneschke
+:Date: $Date: 2004/11/03 22:26:05 $
+:Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $
+ The FastCGI interface is the fastest and most secure way
+ to interface external process-handlers like Perl, PHP and
+ your self-written applications.
+.. meta::
+ :keywords: lighttpd, FastCGI
+.. contents:: Table of Contents
+lighttpd provides an interface to a external programs that
+support the FastCGI interface. The FastCGI Interface is
+defined by and is a
+platform-independent and server independent interface between
+a web-application and a webserver.
+This means that FastCGI programs that run with the Apache
+Webserver will run seamlessly with lighttpd and vice versa.
+FastCGI is removes a lot of the limitations of CGI programs.
+CGI programs have the problem that they have to be restarted
+by the webserver for every request which leads to really bad
+performance values.
+FastCGI removes this limitation by keeping the process running
+and handling the requests by this always running process. This
+removes the time used for the fork() and the overall startup
+and cleanup time which is necessary to create and destroy a
+While CGI programs communicate to the server over pipes,
+FastCGI processes use Unix-Domain-Sockets or TCP/IP to talk
+with the webserver. This gives you the second advantage over
+simple CGI programs: FastCGI don't have to run on the Webserver
+itself but everywhere in the network.
+lighttpd takes it a little bit further by providing a internal
+FastCGI load-balancer which can be used to balance the load
+over multiple FastCGI Servers. In contrast to other solutions
+only the FastCGI process has to be on the cluster and not the
+whole webserver. That gives the FastCGI process more resources
+than a e.g. load-balancer+apache+mod_php solution.
+If you compare FastCGI against a apache+mod_php solution you
+should note that FastCGI provides additional security as the
+FastCGI process can be run under different permissions that
+the webserver and can also live a chroot which might be
+different than the one the webserver is running in.
+lighttpd provides the FastCGI support via the fastcgi-module
+(mod_fastcgi) which provides 2 options in the config-file:
+ a value between 0 and 65535 to set the debug-level in the
+ FastCGI module. Currently only 0 and 1 are used. Use 1 to
+ enable some debug output, 0 to disable it.
+ map multiple extensions to the same fastcgi server
+ Example: ::
+ = ( ".php3" => ".php" )
+ tell the module where to send FastCGI requests to. Every
+ file-extension can have it own handler. Load-Balancing is
+ done by specifying multiple handles for the same extension.
+ structure of fastcgi.server section: ::
+ ( <extension> =>
+ (
+ ( "host" => <string> ,
+ "port" => <integer> ,
+ "socket" => <string>, # either socket
+ # or host+port
+ "bin-path" => <string>, # OPTIONAL
+ "bin-environment" => <array>, # OPTIONAL
+ "bin-copy-environment" => <array>, # OPTIONAL
+ "mode" => <string>, # OPTIONAL
+ "docroot" => <string> , # OPTIONAL if "mode"
+ # is not "authorizer"
+ "check-local" => <string>, # OPTIONAL
+ "max-procs" => <integer>, # OPTIONAL
+ "broken-scriptfilename" => <boolean>, # OPTIONAL
+ "disable-time" => <integer>, # optional
+ "x-sendfile" => <boolean>, # optional (replaces "allow-x-send-file")
+ "x-sendfile-docroot" => <boolean>, # optional
+ "kill-signal" => <integer>, # OPTIONAL
+ "fix-root-scriptname" => <boolean>,
+ ( "host" => ...
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ :<extension>: is the file-extension or prefix
+ (if started with "/")
+ :"host": is hostname/ip of the FastCGI process
+ :"port": is tcp-port on the "host" used by the FastCGI
+ process
+ :"bin-path": path to the local FastCGI binary which should be
+ started if no local FastCGI is running
+ :"socket": path to the unix-domain socket
+ :"mode": is the FastCGI protocol mode.
+ Default is "responder", also "authorizer"
+ mode is implemented.
+ :"docroot": is optional and is the docroot on the remote
+ host for default "responder" mode. For
+ "authorizer" mode it is MANDATORY and it points
+ to docroot for authorized requests. For security
+ reasons it is recommended to keep this docroot
+ outside of server.document-root tree.
+ :"check-local": is optional and may be "enable" (default) or
+ "disable". If enabled the server first check
+ for a file in local server.document-root tree
+ and return 404 (Not Found) if no such file.
+ If disabled, the server forward request to
+ FastCGI interface without this check.
+ :"broken-scriptfilename": breaks SCRIPT_FILENAME in a wat that
+ PHP can extract PATH_INFO from it (default: disabled)
+ :"disable-time": time to wait before a disabled backend is checked
+ again
+ :"x-sendfile": controls if X-Sendfile backend response header is allowed
+ (deprecated headers: X-Sendfile2 and X-LIGHTTPD-send-file)
+ ("x-sendfile" replaces "allow-x-sendfile")
+ :"x-sendfile-docroot": list of directory trees permitted with X-Sendfile
+ :"fix-root-scriptname": fix broken path-info split for "/" extension ("prefix")
+ If bin-path is set:
+ :"max-procs": the upper limit of the processess to start
+ :"bin-environment": put an entry into the environment of
+ the started process
+ :"bin-copy-environement": clean up the environment and copy
+ only the specified entries into the fresh
+ environment of the spawn process
+ :"kill-signal": signal to terminate the FastCGI process with,
+ defauls to SIGTERM
+ Multiple extensions for the same host ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "host" => "",
+ "port" => 1026,
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php"
+ )),
+ ".php4" =>
+ (( "host" => "",
+ "port" => 1026
+ ))
+ )
+ Example with prefix: ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( "/remote_scripts/" =>
+ (( "host" => "",
+ "port" => 9000,
+ "check-local" => "disable",
+ "docroot" => "/" # remote server may use
+ # it's own docroot
+ ))
+ )
+ The request `` will
+ be forwarded to fastcgi server at and the value
+ "/remote_scripts/test.cgi" will be used for the SCRIPT_NAME
+ variable. Remote server may prepend it with its own
+ document root. The handling of index files is also the
+ resposibility of remote server for this case.
+ In the case that the prefix is not terminated with a slash
+ the prefix will be handled as file and /test.cgi would become
+ a PATH_INFO instead of part of SCRIPT_NAME.
+ Example for "authorizer" mode: ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( "/remote_scripts/" =>
+ (( "host" => "",
+ "port" => 9000,
+ "docroot" => "/path_to_private_docs",
+ "mode" => "authorizer"
+ ))
+ )
+ Note that if "docroot" is specified then its value will be
+ used in DOCUMENT_ROOT and SCRIPT_FILENAME variables passed
+ to FastCGI server.
+The FastCGI plugin provides automaticly a load-balancing between
+multiple FastCGI servers. ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "host" => "", "port" => 1030 ),
+ ( "host" => "", "port" => 1030 ))
+ )
+To understand how the load-balancing works you can enable the
+fastcgi.debug option and will get a similar output as here: ::
+ proc: 1031 1 1 1 31454
+ proc: 1028 1 1 1 31442
+ proc: 1030 1 1 1 31449
+ proc: 1029 1 1 2 31447
+ proc: 1026 1 1 2 31438
+ got proc: 34 31454
+ release proc: 40 31438
+ proc: 1026 1 1 1 31438
+ proc: 1028 1 1 1 31442
+ proc: 1030 1 1 1 31449
+ proc: 1031 1 1 2 31454
+ proc: 1029 1 1 2 31447
+Even if this for multiple FastCGI children on the local machine
+the following explaination is valid for remote connections too.
+The output shows:
+- IP, port, unix-socket (is empty here)
+- is-local, state (0 - unset, 1 - running, ... )
+- active connections (load)
+- PID
+As you can see the list is always sorted by the load field.
+Whenever a new connection is requested, the first entry (the one
+with the lowest load) is selected, the load is increased (got proc: ...)
+and the list is sorted again.
+If a FastCGI request is done or the connection is dropped, the load on the
+FastCGI proc decreases and the list is sorted again (release proc: ...)
+This behaviour is very light-weight in code and still very efficient
+as it keeps the fastcgi-servers equally loaded even if they have different
+Adaptive Process Spawning
+.. note:: This feature is disabled in 1.3.14 again. min-procs is
+ ignored in that release
+Starting with 1.3.8 lighttpd can spawn processes on demand if
+a bin-path is specified and the FastCGI process runs locally.
+If you want to have a least one FastCGI process running and
+more of the number of requests increases you can use min-procs
+and max-procs.
+A new process is spawned as soon as the average number of
+requests waiting to be handle by a single process increases the
+max-load-per-proc setting.
+The idle-timeout specifies how long a fastcgi-process should wait
+for a new request before it kills itself.
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "socket" => "/tmp/php.socket",
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php",
+ "min-procs" => 1,
+ "max-procs" => 32,
+ "max-load-per-proc" => 4,
+ "idle-timeout" => 20
+ ))
+ )
+Disabling Adaptive Spawning
+Adaptive Spawning is a quite new feature and it might misbehave
+for your setup. There are several ways to control how the spawing
+is done:
+1. ``"max-load-per-proc" => 1``
+ if that works for you, great.
+2. If not set ``min-procs == max-procs``.
+3. For PHP you can also use: ::
+ $ PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=384 ./lighttpd -f ./lighttpd.conf
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "socket" => "/tmp/php.socket",
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php",
+ "min-procs" => 1,
+ "max-procs" => 1,
+ "max-load-per-proc" => 4,
+ "idle-timeout" => 20
+ ))
+ )
+ It will create one socket and let's PHP create the 384 processes itself.
+4. If you don't want lighttpd to manage the fastcgi processes, remove the
+ bin-path and use spawn-fcgi to spawn them itself.
+FastCGI and Programming Languages
+Preparing PHP as a FastCGI program
+One of the most important application that has a FastCGI
+interface is php which can be downloaded from
+ . You have to recompile the php from
+source to enable the FastCGI interface as it is normally
+not enabled by default in the distributions.
+If you already have a working installation of PHP on a
+webserver execute a small script which just contains ::
+ <?php phpinfo(); ?>
+and search for the line in that contains the configure call.
+You can use it as the base for the compilation.
+You have to remove all occurences of `--with-apxs`, `--with-apxs2`
+and the like which would build PHP with Apache support. Add the
+next three switches to compile PHP with FastCGI support::
+ $ ./configure \
+ --enable-fastcgi \
+ --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
+ ...
+After compilation and installation check that your PHP
+binary contains FastCGI support by calling: ::
+ $ php -v
+ PHP 4.3.3RC2-dev (cgi-fcgi) (built: Oct 19 2003 23:19:17)
+The important part is the (cgi-fcgi).
+Starting a FastCGI-PHP
+Starting with version 1.3.6 lighttpd can spawn the FastCGI
+processes locally itself if necessary: ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php"
+ ))
+ )
+PHP provides 2 special environment variables which control the number of
+spawned workes under the control of a single watching process
+(PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN) and the number of requests what a single worker
+handles before it kills itself. ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php",
+ "bin-environment" => (
+ "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "16",
+ "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" => "10000"
+ )
+ ))
+ )
+To increase the security of the started process you should only pass
+the necessary environment variables to the FastCGI process. ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php",
+ "bin-environment" => (
+ "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "16",
+ "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" => "10000" ),
+ "bin-copy-environment" => (
+ "PATH", "SHELL", "USER" )
+ ))
+ )
+Configuring PHP
+If you want to use PATH_INFO and PHP_SELF in you PHP scripts you have to
+configure php and lighttpd. The php.ini needs the option: ::
+ cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
+and the option ``broken-scriptfilename`` in your fastcgi.server config: ::
+ fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
+ (( "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
+ "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php",
+ "bin-environment" => (
+ "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "16",
+ "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" => "10000" ),
+ "bin-copy-environment" => (
+ "PATH", "SHELL", "USER" ),
+ "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable"
+ ))
+ )
+Why this ? the ``cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0`` would give you a working ``PATH_INFO``
+but no ``PHP_SELF``. If you enable it, it turns around. To fix the
+``PATH_INFO`` `--enable-discard-path` needs a SCRIPT_FILENAME which is against the CGI spec, a
+broken-scriptfilename. With ``cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1`` in php.ini and
+``broken-scriptfilename => "enable"`` you get both.
+External Spawning
+Spawning FastCGI processes directly in the webserver has some
+disadvantages like
+- FastCGI process can only run locally
+- has the same permissions as the webserver
+- has the same base-dir as the webserver
+As soon as you are using a seperate FastCGI Server to
+take off some load from the webserver you have to control
+the FastCGI process by a external program like spawn-fcgi.
+spawn-fcgi is used to start a FastCGI process in its own
+environment and set the user-id, group-id and change to
+another root-directory (chroot).
+For convenience a wrapper script should be used which takes
+care of all the necessary option. Such a script in included
+in the lighttpd distribution and is call
+The script has a set of config variables you should take
+a look at: ::
+ ## ABSOLUTE path to the spawn-fcgi binary
+ SPAWNFCGI="/usr/local/sbin/spawn-fcgi"
+ ## ABSOLUTE path to the PHP binary
+ FCGIPROGRAM="/usr/local/bin/php"
+ ## bind to tcp-port on localhost
+ FCGIPORT="1026"
+ ## bind to unix domain socket
+ # FCGISOCKET="/tmp/php.sock"
+ ## number of PHP childs to spawn
+ ## number of request server by a single php-process until
+ ## is will be restarted
+ ## IP adresses where PHP should access server connections
+ ## from
+ # allowed environment variables sperated by spaces
+ ## if this script is run as root switch to the following user
+ USERID=wwwrun
+ GROUPID=wwwrun
+If you have set the variables to values that fit to your
+setup you can start it by calling: ::
+ $
+ spawn-fcgi.c.136: child spawned successfully: PID: 6925
+If you get "child spawned successfully: PID:" the php
+processes could be started successfully. You should see them
+in your processlist: ::
+ $ ps ax | grep php
+ 6925 ? S 0:00 /usr/local/bin/php
+ 6928 ? S 0:00 /usr/local/bin/php
+ ...
+The number of processes should be PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN + 1.
+Here the process 6925 is the master of the slaves which
+handle the work in parallel. Number of parallel workers can
+be set by PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN. A worker dies automaticly of
+handling PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS requests as PHP might have
+memory leaks.
+If you start the script as user root php processes will be
+running as the user USERID and group GROUPID to drop the
+root permissions. Otherwise the php processes will run as
+the user you started script as.
+As the script might be started from a unknown stage or even
+directly from the command-line it cleans the environment
+before starting the processes. ALLOWED_ENV contains all
+the external environement variables that should be available
+to the php-process.
+For Perl you have to install the FCGI module from CPAN.
+Skeleton for remote authorizer
+The basic functionality of authorizer is as follows (see
+, 6.3 for
+details). ::
+ #include <fcgi_stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ int main () {
+ char* p;
+ while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0) {
+ /* wait for fastcgi authorizer request */
+ printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n");
+ if ((p = getenv("QUERY_STRING")) == NULL) ||
+ <QUERY_STRING is unauthorized>)
+ printf("Status: 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n");
+ else printf("\r\n");
+ /* default Status is 200 - allow access */
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+It is possible to use any other variables provided by
+FastCGI interface for authorization check. Here is only an
+fastcgi.debug should be enabled for troubleshooting.
+If you get: ::
+ (fcgi.c.274) connect delayed: 8
+ (fcgi.c.289) connect succeeded: 8
+ (fcgi.c.745) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the fastcgi
+ process died): 8
+the fastcgi process accepted the connection but closed it
+right away. This happens if FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS doesn't
+include the host where you are connection from.
+If you get ::
+ (fcgi.c.274) connect delayed: 7
+ (fcgi.c.1107) error: unexpected close of fastcgi connection
+ for /peterp/seite1.php (no fastcgi process on host/port ?)
+ (fcgi.c.1015) emergency exit: fastcgi: connection-fd: 5
+ fcgi-fd: 7
+the fastcgi process is not running on the host/port you are
+connection to. Check your configuration.
+If you get ::
+ (fcgi.c.274) connect delayed: 7
+ (fcgi.c.289) connect succeeded: 7
+everything is fine. The connect() call just was delayed a
+little bit and is completly normal.