path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.0397
diff options
authorSam Bingner <>2018-12-13 15:11:52 -1000
committerSam Bingner <>2018-12-13 15:11:52 -1000
commit957aa75d05c00731d7112bed7b68ce4568667d0c (patch)
tree0445216818495a7864eaa3acde1a1570d34b958d /data/vim/patches/8.1.0397
parentc54a909c8b5a8519130803cf55f68603c0ad3682 (diff)
Update vim
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.0397')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0397 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.0397
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fab4180c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/vim/patches/8.1.0397
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+Subject: Patch 8.1.0397
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 8.1.0397
+Problem: No event triggered after updating diffs.
+Solution: Add the DiffUpdated event.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/diff.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/testdir/test_diffmode.vim, runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+*** ../vim-8.1.0396/src/vim.h 2018-09-13 17:26:31.091401618 +0200
+--- src/vim.h 2018-09-16 15:28:57.984413860 +0200
+*** 1251,1354 ****
+ */
+ enum auto_event
+ {
+! EVENT_BUFADD = 0, /* after adding a buffer to the buffer list */
+! EVENT_BUFDELETE, /* deleting a buffer from the buffer list */
+! EVENT_BUFENTER, /* after entering a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFFILEPOST, /* after renaming a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFFILEPRE, /* before renaming a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFHIDDEN, /* just after buffer becomes hidden */
+! EVENT_BUFLEAVE, /* before leaving a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFNEW, /* after creating any buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFNEWFILE, /* when creating a buffer for a new file */
+! EVENT_BUFREADCMD, /* read buffer using command */
+! EVENT_BUFREADPOST, /* after reading a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFREADPRE, /* before reading a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFUNLOAD, /* just before unloading a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFWINENTER, /* after showing a buffer in a window */
+! EVENT_BUFWINLEAVE, /* just after buffer removed from window */
+! EVENT_BUFWIPEOUT, /* just before really deleting a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFWRITECMD, /* write buffer using command */
+! EVENT_BUFWRITEPOST, /* after writing a buffer */
+! EVENT_BUFWRITEPRE, /* before writing a buffer */
+! EVENT_CMDLINECHANGED, /* command line was modified*/
+! EVENT_CMDLINEENTER, /* after entering the command line */
+! EVENT_CMDLINELEAVE, /* before leaving the command line */
+! EVENT_CMDUNDEFINED, /* command undefined */
+! EVENT_CMDWINENTER, /* after entering the cmdline window */
+! EVENT_CMDWINLEAVE, /* before leaving the cmdline window */
+! EVENT_COLORSCHEME, /* after loading a colorscheme */
+! EVENT_COLORSCHEMEPRE, /* before loading a colorscheme */
+! EVENT_COMPLETEDONE, /* after finishing insert complete */
+! EVENT_CURSORHOLD, /* cursor in same position for a while */
+! EVENT_CURSORHOLDI, /* idem, in Insert mode */
+! EVENT_CURSORMOVED, /* cursor was moved */
+! EVENT_CURSORMOVEDI, /* cursor was moved in Insert mode */
+! EVENT_DIRCHANGED, /* after user changed directory */
+! EVENT_ENCODINGCHANGED, /* after changing the 'encoding' option */
+! EVENT_EXITPRE, /* before exiting */
+! EVENT_FILEAPPENDCMD, /* append to a file using command */
+! EVENT_FILEAPPENDPOST, /* after appending to a file */
+! EVENT_FILEAPPENDPRE, /* before appending to a file */
+! EVENT_FILECHANGEDRO, /* before first change to read-only file */
+! EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELL, /* after shell command that changed file */
+! EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELLPOST, /* after (not) reloading changed file */
+! EVENT_FILEREADCMD, /* read from a file using command */
+! EVENT_FILEREADPOST, /* after reading a file */
+! EVENT_FILEREADPRE, /* before reading a file */
+! EVENT_FILETYPE, /* new file type detected (user defined) */
+! EVENT_FILEWRITECMD, /* write to a file using command */
+! EVENT_FILEWRITEPOST, /* after writing a file */
+! EVENT_FILEWRITEPRE, /* before writing a file */
+! EVENT_FILTERREADPOST, /* after reading from a filter */
+! EVENT_FILTERREADPRE, /* before reading from a filter */
+! EVENT_FILTERWRITEPOST, /* after writing to a filter */
+! EVENT_FILTERWRITEPRE, /* before writing to a filter */
+! EVENT_FOCUSGAINED, /* got the focus */
+! EVENT_FOCUSLOST, /* lost the focus to another app */
+! EVENT_FUNCUNDEFINED, /* if calling a function which doesn't exist */
+! EVENT_GUIENTER, /* after starting the GUI */
+! EVENT_GUIFAILED, /* after starting the GUI failed */
+! EVENT_INSERTCHANGE, /* when changing Insert/Replace mode */
+! EVENT_INSERTCHARPRE, /* before inserting a char */
+! EVENT_INSERTENTER, /* when entering Insert mode */
+! EVENT_INSERTLEAVE, /* when leaving Insert mode */
+! EVENT_MENUPOPUP, /* just before popup menu is displayed */
+! EVENT_OPTIONSET, /* option was set */
+! EVENT_QUICKFIXCMDPOST, /* after :make, :grep etc. */
+! EVENT_QUICKFIXCMDPRE, /* before :make, :grep etc. */
+! EVENT_QUITPRE, /* before :quit */
+! EVENT_REMOTEREPLY, /* upon string reception from a remote vim */
+! EVENT_SESSIONLOADPOST, /* after loading a session file */
+! EVENT_SHELLCMDPOST, /* after ":!cmd" */
+! EVENT_SHELLFILTERPOST, /* after ":1,2!cmd", ":w !cmd", ":r !cmd". */
+! EVENT_SOURCECMD, /* sourcing a Vim script using command */
+! EVENT_SOURCEPRE, /* before sourcing a Vim script */
+! EVENT_SPELLFILEMISSING, /* spell file missing */
+! EVENT_STDINREADPOST, /* after reading from stdin */
+! EVENT_STDINREADPRE, /* before reading from stdin */
+! EVENT_SWAPEXISTS, /* found existing swap file */
+! EVENT_SYNTAX, /* syntax selected */
+! EVENT_TABCLOSED, /* after closing a tab page */
+! EVENT_TABENTER, /* after entering a tab page */
+! EVENT_TABLEAVE, /* before leaving a tab page */
+! EVENT_TABNEW, /* when entering a new tab page */
+! EVENT_TERMCHANGED, /* after changing 'term' */
+! EVENT_TERMINALOPEN, /* after a terminal buffer was created */
+! EVENT_TERMRESPONSE, /* after setting "v:termresponse" */
+! EVENT_TEXTCHANGED, /* text was modified not in Insert mode */
+! EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDI, /* text was modified in Insert mode */
+! EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDP, /* TextChangedI with popup menu visible */
+! EVENT_TEXTYANKPOST, /* after some text was yanked */
+! EVENT_USER, /* user defined autocommand */
+! EVENT_VIMENTER, /* after starting Vim */
+! EVENT_VIMLEAVE, /* before exiting Vim */
+! EVENT_VIMLEAVEPRE, /* before exiting Vim and writing .viminfo */
+! EVENT_VIMRESIZED, /* after Vim window was resized */
+! EVENT_WINENTER, /* after entering a window */
+! EVENT_WINLEAVE, /* before leaving a window */
+! EVENT_WINNEW, /* when entering a new window */
+! NUM_EVENTS /* MUST be the last one */
+ };
+ typedef enum auto_event event_T;
+--- 1251,1355 ----
+ */
+ enum auto_event
+ {
+! EVENT_BUFADD = 0, // after adding a buffer to the buffer list
+! EVENT_BUFDELETE, // deleting a buffer from the buffer list
+! EVENT_BUFENTER, // after entering a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFFILEPOST, // after renaming a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFFILEPRE, // before renaming a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFHIDDEN, // just after buffer becomes hidden
+! EVENT_BUFLEAVE, // before leaving a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFNEW, // after creating any buffer
+! EVENT_BUFNEWFILE, // when creating a buffer for a new file
+! EVENT_BUFREADCMD, // read buffer using command
+! EVENT_BUFREADPOST, // after reading a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFREADPRE, // before reading a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFUNLOAD, // just before unloading a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFWINENTER, // after showing a buffer in a window
+! EVENT_BUFWINLEAVE, // just after buffer removed from window
+! EVENT_BUFWIPEOUT, // just before really deleting a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFWRITECMD, // write buffer using command
+! EVENT_BUFWRITEPOST, // after writing a buffer
+! EVENT_BUFWRITEPRE, // before writing a buffer
+! EVENT_CMDLINECHANGED, // command line was modified*/
+! EVENT_CMDLINEENTER, // after entering the command line
+! EVENT_CMDLINELEAVE, // before leaving the command line
+! EVENT_CMDUNDEFINED, // command undefined
+! EVENT_CMDWINENTER, // after entering the cmdline window
+! EVENT_CMDWINLEAVE, // before leaving the cmdline window
+! EVENT_COLORSCHEME, // after loading a colorscheme
+! EVENT_COLORSCHEMEPRE, // before loading a colorscheme
+! EVENT_COMPLETEDONE, // after finishing insert complete
+! EVENT_CURSORHOLD, // cursor in same position for a while
+! EVENT_CURSORHOLDI, // idem, in Insert mode
+! EVENT_CURSORMOVED, // cursor was moved
+! EVENT_CURSORMOVEDI, // cursor was moved in Insert mode
+! EVENT_DIFFUPDATED, // after diffs were updated
+! EVENT_DIRCHANGED, // after user changed directory
+! EVENT_ENCODINGCHANGED, // after changing the 'encoding' option
+! EVENT_EXITPRE, // before exiting
+! EVENT_FILEAPPENDCMD, // append to a file using command
+! EVENT_FILEAPPENDPOST, // after appending to a file
+! EVENT_FILEAPPENDPRE, // before appending to a file
+! EVENT_FILECHANGEDRO, // before first change to read-only file
+! EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELL, // after shell command that changed file
+! EVENT_FILECHANGEDSHELLPOST, // after (not) reloading changed file
+! EVENT_FILEREADCMD, // read from a file using command
+! EVENT_FILEREADPOST, // after reading a file
+! EVENT_FILEREADPRE, // before reading a file
+! EVENT_FILETYPE, // new file type detected (user defined)
+! EVENT_FILEWRITECMD, // write to a file using command
+! EVENT_FILEWRITEPOST, // after writing a file
+! EVENT_FILEWRITEPRE, // before writing a file
+! EVENT_FILTERREADPOST, // after reading from a filter
+! EVENT_FILTERREADPRE, // before reading from a filter
+! EVENT_FILTERWRITEPOST, // after writing to a filter
+! EVENT_FILTERWRITEPRE, // before writing to a filter
+! EVENT_FOCUSGAINED, // got the focus
+! EVENT_FOCUSLOST, // lost the focus to another app
+! EVENT_FUNCUNDEFINED, // if calling a function which doesn't exist
+! EVENT_GUIENTER, // after starting the GUI
+! EVENT_GUIFAILED, // after starting the GUI failed
+! EVENT_INSERTCHANGE, // when changing Insert/Replace mode
+! EVENT_INSERTCHARPRE, // before inserting a char
+! EVENT_INSERTENTER, // when entering Insert mode
+! EVENT_INSERTLEAVE, // when leaving Insert mode
+! EVENT_MENUPOPUP, // just before popup menu is displayed
+! EVENT_OPTIONSET, // option was set
+! EVENT_QUICKFIXCMDPOST, // after :make, :grep etc.
+! EVENT_QUICKFIXCMDPRE, // before :make, :grep etc.
+! EVENT_QUITPRE, // before :quit
+! EVENT_REMOTEREPLY, // upon string reception from a remote vim
+! EVENT_SESSIONLOADPOST, // after loading a session file
+! EVENT_SHELLCMDPOST, // after ":!cmd"
+! EVENT_SHELLFILTERPOST, // after ":1,2!cmd", ":w !cmd", ":r !cmd".
+! EVENT_SOURCECMD, // sourcing a Vim script using command
+! EVENT_SOURCEPRE, // before sourcing a Vim script
+! EVENT_SPELLFILEMISSING, // spell file missing
+! EVENT_STDINREADPOST, // after reading from stdin
+! EVENT_STDINREADPRE, // before reading from stdin
+! EVENT_SWAPEXISTS, // found existing swap file
+! EVENT_SYNTAX, // syntax selected
+! EVENT_TABCLOSED, // after closing a tab page
+! EVENT_TABENTER, // after entering a tab page
+! EVENT_TABLEAVE, // before leaving a tab page
+! EVENT_TABNEW, // when entering a new tab page
+! EVENT_TERMCHANGED, // after changing 'term'
+! EVENT_TERMINALOPEN, // after a terminal buffer was created
+! EVENT_TERMRESPONSE, // after setting "v:termresponse"
+! EVENT_TEXTCHANGED, // text was modified not in Insert mode
+! EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDI, // text was modified in Insert mode
+! EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDP, // TextChangedI with popup menu visible
+! EVENT_TEXTYANKPOST, // after some text was yanked
+! EVENT_USER, // user defined autocommand
+! EVENT_VIMENTER, // after starting Vim
+! EVENT_VIMLEAVE, // before exiting Vim
+! EVENT_VIMLEAVEPRE, // before exiting Vim and writing .viminfo
+! EVENT_VIMRESIZED, // after Vim window was resized
+! EVENT_WINENTER, // after entering a window
+! EVENT_WINLEAVE, // before leaving a window
+! EVENT_WINNEW, // when entering a new window
+! NUM_EVENTS // MUST be the last one
+ };
+ typedef enum auto_event event_T;
+*** ../vim-8.1.0396/src/diff.c 2018-09-16 14:51:34.003406787 +0200
+--- src/diff.c 2018-09-16 15:29:52.787858129 +0200
+*** 942,947 ****
+--- 942,949 ----
+ curwin->w_valid_cursor.lnum = 0;
+ diff_redraw(TRUE);
++ apply_autocmds(EVENT_DIFFUPDATED, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
+ }
+ /*
+*** ../vim-8.1.0396/src/fileio.c 2018-09-13 15:33:39.605712221 +0200
+--- src/fileio.c 2018-09-16 15:30:10.519679152 +0200
+*** 7761,7766 ****
+--- 7761,7767 ----
+ {"CursorMoved", EVENT_CURSORMOVED},
++ {"DiffUpdated", EVENT_DIFFUPDATED},
+ {"DirChanged", EVENT_DIRCHANGED},
+ {"EncodingChanged", EVENT_ENCODINGCHANGED},
+ {"ExitPre", EVENT_EXITPRE},
+*** ../vim-8.1.0396/src/testdir/test_diffmode.vim 2018-09-15 19:17:07.510653263 +0200
+--- src/testdir/test_diffmode.vim 2018-09-16 15:42:46.704283160 +0200
+*** 4,9 ****
+--- 4,12 ----
+ func Test_diff_fold_sync()
+ enew!
++ let g:update_count = 0
++ au DiffUpdated * let g:update_count += 1
+ let l = range(50)
+ call setline(1, l)
+ diffthis
+*** 29,34 ****
+--- 32,40 ----
+ call win_gotoid(winone)
+ call assert_equal(23, getcurpos()[1])
++ call assert_equal(1, g:update_count)
++ au! DiffUpdated
+ windo diffoff
+ close!
+ set nomodified
+*** ../vim-8.1.0396/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt 2018-05-17 13:40:51.000000000 +0200
+--- runtime/doc/autocmd.txt 2018-09-16 15:46:22.166221491 +0200
+*** 656,667 ****
+ *E881*
+ If the number of lines changes saving for undo
+ may fail and the change will be aborted.
+ *DirChanged*
+ DirChanged The working directory has changed in response
+ to the |:cd| or |:lcd| commands, or as a
+ result of the 'autochdir' option.
+ The pattern can be:
+! "window" to trigger on `:lcd
+ "global" to trigger on `:cd`
+ "auto" to trigger on 'autochdir'.
+ "drop" to trigger on editing a file
+--- 656,672 ----
+ *E881*
+ If the number of lines changes saving for undo
+ may fail and the change will be aborted.
++ *DiffUpdated*
++ DiffUpdated After diffs have been updated. Depending on
++ what kind of diff is being used (internal or
++ external) this can be triggered on every
++ change or when doing |:diffupdate|.
+ *DirChanged*
+ DirChanged The working directory has changed in response
+ to the |:cd| or |:lcd| commands, or as a
+ result of the 'autochdir' option.
+ The pattern can be:
+! "window" to trigger on `:lcd`
+ "global" to trigger on `:cd`
+ "auto" to trigger on 'autochdir'.
+ "drop" to trigger on editing a file
+*** ../vim-8.1.0396/src/version.c 2018-09-16 15:14:15.078419097 +0200
+--- src/version.c 2018-09-16 15:44:10.039484480 +0200
+*** 796,797 ****
+--- 796,799 ----
+ { /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++ 397,
+ /**/
+hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
+67. Your hard drive crashes. You haven't logged in for two hours. You start
+ to twitch. You pick up the phone and manually dial your ISP's access
+ number. You try to hum to communicate with the modem. You succeed.
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
+/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
+\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
+ \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///