path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.0353
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.0353')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0353 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.0353
deleted file mode 100644
index 842e839c8..000000000
--- a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0353
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-Subject: Patch 8.1.0353
-Fcc: outbox
-From: Bram Moolenaar <>
-Mime-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-Patch 8.1.0353
-Problem: An "after" directory of a package is appended to 'rtp', which
- will be after the user's "after" directory. ()
-Solution: Insert the package "after" directory before any other "after"
- directory in 'rtp'. (closes #3409)
-Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
-*** ../vim-8.1.0352/src/ex_cmds2.c 2018-08-31 23:06:18.735841246 +0200
---- src/ex_cmds2.c 2018-09-08 18:03:22.848808156 +0200
-*** 3691,3704 ****
- add_pack_dir_to_rtp(char_u *fname)
- {
- char_u *p4, *p3, *p2, *p1, *p;
-! char_u *insp;
- int c;
- char_u *new_rtp;
- int keep;
- size_t oldlen;
- size_t addlen;
- char_u *afterdir = NULL;
- size_t afterlen = 0;
- char_u *ffname = NULL;
- size_t fname_len;
- char_u *buf = NULL;
---- 3691,3707 ----
- add_pack_dir_to_rtp(char_u *fname)
- {
- char_u *p4, *p3, *p2, *p1, *p;
-! char_u *entry;
-! char_u *insp = NULL;
- int c;
- char_u *new_rtp;
- int keep;
- size_t oldlen;
- size_t addlen;
-+ size_t new_rtp_len;
- char_u *afterdir = NULL;
- size_t afterlen = 0;
-+ char_u *after_insp = NULL;
- char_u *ffname = NULL;
- size_t fname_len;
- char_u *buf = NULL;
-*** 3725,3778 ****
- if (ffname == NULL)
- return FAIL;
-! /* Find "ffname" in "p_rtp", ignoring '/' vs '\' differences. */
- fname_len = STRLEN(ffname);
-- insp = p_rtp;
- buf = alloc(MAXPATHL);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto theend;
-! while (*insp != NUL)
- {
-! copy_option_part(&insp, buf, MAXPATHL, ",");
-! add_pathsep(buf);
-! rtp_ffname = fix_fname(buf);
-! if (rtp_ffname == NULL)
-! goto theend;
-! match = vim_fnamencmp(rtp_ffname, ffname, fname_len) == 0;
-! vim_free(rtp_ffname);
-! if (match)
- break;
- }
-! if (*insp == NUL)
-! /* not found, append at the end */
- insp = p_rtp + STRLEN(p_rtp);
-- else
-- /* append after the matching directory. */
-- --insp;
-! /* check if rtp/pack/name/start/name/after exists */
- afterdir = concat_fnames(fname, (char_u *)"after", TRUE);
- if (afterdir != NULL && mch_isdir(afterdir))
-! afterlen = STRLEN(afterdir) + 1; /* add one for comma */
- oldlen = STRLEN(p_rtp);
-! addlen = STRLEN(fname) + 1; /* add one for comma */
-! new_rtp = alloc((int)(oldlen + addlen + afterlen + 1));
-! /* add one for NUL */
- if (new_rtp == NULL)
- goto theend;
- keep = (int)(insp - p_rtp);
- mch_memmove(new_rtp, p_rtp, keep);
-! new_rtp[keep] = ',';
-! mch_memmove(new_rtp + keep + 1, fname, addlen);
- if (p_rtp[keep] != NUL)
-! mch_memmove(new_rtp + keep + addlen, p_rtp + keep, oldlen - keep + 1);
-! if (afterlen > 0)
- {
- STRCAT(new_rtp, ",");
- STRCAT(new_rtp, afterdir);
- }
- set_option_value((char_u *)"rtp", 0L, new_rtp, 0);
- vim_free(new_rtp);
- retval = OK;
---- 3728,3826 ----
- if (ffname == NULL)
- return FAIL;
-! // Find "ffname" in "p_rtp", ignoring '/' vs '\' differences.
-! // Also stop at the first "after" directory.
- fname_len = STRLEN(ffname);
- buf = alloc(MAXPATHL);
- if (buf == NULL)
- goto theend;
-! for (entry = p_rtp; *entry != NUL; )
- {
-! char_u *cur_entry = entry;
-! copy_option_part(&entry, buf, MAXPATHL, ",");
-! if (insp == NULL)
-! {
-! add_pathsep(buf);
-! rtp_ffname = fix_fname(buf);
-! if (rtp_ffname == NULL)
-! goto theend;
-! match = vim_fnamencmp(rtp_ffname, ffname, fname_len) == 0;
-! vim_free(rtp_ffname);
-! if (match)
-! // Insert "ffname" after this entry (and comma).
-! insp = entry;
-! }
-! if ((p = (char_u *)strstr((char *)buf, "after")) != NULL
-! && p > buf
-! && vim_ispathsep(p[-1])
-! && (vim_ispathsep(p[5]) || p[5] == NUL || p[5] == ','))
-! {
-! if (insp == NULL)
-! // Did not find "ffname" before the first "after" directory,
-! // insert it before this entry.
-! insp = cur_entry;
-! after_insp = cur_entry;
- break;
-+ }
- }
-! if (insp == NULL)
-! // Both "fname" and "after" not found, append at the end.
- insp = p_rtp + STRLEN(p_rtp);
-! // check if rtp/pack/name/start/name/after exists
- afterdir = concat_fnames(fname, (char_u *)"after", TRUE);
- if (afterdir != NULL && mch_isdir(afterdir))
-! afterlen = STRLEN(afterdir) + 1; // add one for comma
- oldlen = STRLEN(p_rtp);
-! addlen = STRLEN(fname) + 1; // add one for comma
-! new_rtp = alloc((int)(oldlen + addlen + afterlen + 1)); // add one for NUL
- if (new_rtp == NULL)
- goto theend;
-+ // We now have 'rtp' parts: {keep}{keep_after}{rest}.
-+ // Create new_rtp, first: {keep},{fname}
- keep = (int)(insp - p_rtp);
- mch_memmove(new_rtp, p_rtp, keep);
-! new_rtp_len = keep;
-! if (*insp == NUL)
-! new_rtp[new_rtp_len++] = ','; // add comma before
-! mch_memmove(new_rtp + new_rtp_len, fname, addlen - 1);
-! new_rtp_len += addlen - 1;
-! if (*insp != NUL)
-! new_rtp[new_rtp_len++] = ','; // add comma after
-! if (afterlen > 0 && after_insp != NULL)
-! {
-! int keep_after = (int)(after_insp - p_rtp);
-! // Add to new_rtp: {keep},{fname}{keep_after},{afterdir}
-! mch_memmove(new_rtp + new_rtp_len, p_rtp + keep,
-! keep_after - keep);
-! new_rtp_len += keep_after - keep;
-! mch_memmove(new_rtp + new_rtp_len, afterdir, afterlen - 1);
-! new_rtp_len += afterlen - 1;
-! new_rtp[new_rtp_len++] = ',';
-! keep = keep_after;
-! }
- if (p_rtp[keep] != NUL)
-! // Append rest: {keep},{fname}{keep_after},{afterdir}{rest}
-! mch_memmove(new_rtp + new_rtp_len, p_rtp + keep, oldlen - keep + 1);
-! else
-! new_rtp[new_rtp_len] = NUL;
-! if (afterlen > 0 && after_insp == NULL)
- {
-+ // Append afterdir when "after" was not found:
-+ // {keep},{fname}{rest},{afterdir}
- STRCAT(new_rtp, ",");
- STRCAT(new_rtp, afterdir);
- }
- set_option_value((char_u *)"rtp", 0L, new_rtp, 0);
- vim_free(new_rtp);
- retval = OK;
-*** ../vim-8.1.0352/src/testdir/test_packadd.vim 2018-04-18 21:56:13.000000000 +0200
---- src/testdir/test_packadd.vim 2018-09-08 18:16:43.969062182 +0200
-*** 12,17 ****
---- 12,22 ----
- endfunc
- func Test_packadd()
-+ if !exists('s:plugdir')
-+ echomsg 'when running this test manually, call SetUp() first'
-+ return
-+ endif
- call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin/also', 'p')
- call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/ftdetect', 'p')
- call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/after', 'p')
-*** 19,24 ****
---- 24,37 ----
- let rtp = &rtp
- filetype on
-+ let rtp_entries = split(rtp, ',')
-+ for entry in rtp_entries
-+ if entry =~? '\<after\>'
-+ let first_after_entry = entry
-+ break
-+ endif
-+ endfor
- exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim'
- call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42')
- wq
-*** 38,44 ****
- call assert_equal(17, g:ftdetect_works)
- call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
- call assert_match('/testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)', &rtp)
-! call assert_match('/testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest/after$', &rtp)
- " NOTE: '/.../opt/myte' forwardly matches with '/.../opt/mytest'
- call mkdir(fnamemodify(s:plugdir, ':h') . '/myte', 'p')
---- 51,62 ----
- call assert_equal(17, g:ftdetect_works)
- call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp))
- call assert_match('/testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)', &rtp)
-! let new_after = match(&rtp, '/testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest/after,')
-! let old_after = match(&rtp, ',' . first_after_entry . '\>')
-! call assert_true(new_after > 0, 'rtp is ' . &rtp)
-! call assert_true(old_after > 0, 'rtp is ' . &rtp)
-! call assert_true(new_after < old_after, 'rtp is ' . &rtp)
- " NOTE: '/.../opt/myte' forwardly matches with '/.../opt/mytest'
- call mkdir(fnamemodify(s:plugdir, ':h') . '/myte', 'p')
-*** ../vim-8.1.0352/src/version.c 2018-09-08 15:10:14.405097082 +0200
---- src/version.c 2018-09-08 17:01:12.259798047 +0200
-*** 796,797 ****
---- 796,799 ----
- { /* Add new patch number below this line */
-+ /**/
-+ 353,
- /**/
-How To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity:
-14. Put mosquito netting around your work area. Play a tape of jungle
- sounds all day.
- /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
-/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
-\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
- \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///