path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.0616
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.0616')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5087 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0616 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.0616
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f9b4b38..000000000
--- a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0616
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5087 +0,0 @@
-Subject: Patch 8.1.0616
-Fcc: outbox
-From: Bram Moolenaar <>
-Mime-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-Patch 8.1.0616
-Problem: NSIS installer is outdated.
-Solution: Use modern syntax, MUI2 and make it work better. Add translations.
- (Ken Takata, closes #3501)
-Files: Filelist, nsis/gvim.nsi, nsis/icons/header.svg,
- nsis/icons/welcome.svg, nsis/icons/header.bmp,
- nsis/icons/un_header.bmp, nsis/icons/uninstall.bmp,
- nsis/icons/welcome.bmp, nsis/lang/danish.nsi, nsis/lang/dutch.nsi,
- nsis/lang/english.nsi, nsis/lang/german.nsi,
- nsis/lang/italian.nsi, nsis/lang/japanese.nsi,
- nsis/lang/simpchinese.nsi, nsis/lang/tradchinese.nsi,
- src/dosinst.c
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/Filelist 2018-12-13 22:17:52.865941558 +0100
---- Filelist 2018-12-21 16:12:35.793045043 +0100
-*** 477,482 ****
---- 477,483 ----
- nsis/gvim_version.nsh \
- nsis/vimrc.ini \
- nsis/README.txt \
-+ nsis/lang/*.nsi \
- uninstal.txt \
- src/VisVim/Commands.cpp \
- src/VisVim/Commands.h \
-*** 517,522 ****
---- 518,524 ----
- src/xpm/x86/lib-vc14/libXpm.lib \
- nsis/icons/*.bmp \
- nsis/icons/*.ico \
-+ nsis/icons/*.svg \
- # source files for Amiga, DOS, etc. (also in the extra archive)
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/gvim.nsi 2018-05-10 21:23:23.000000000 +0200
---- nsis/gvim.nsi 2018-12-21 16:16:38.619382135 +0100
-*** 1,7 ****
- # NSIS file to create a self-installing exe for Vim.
-! # It requires NSIS version 2.0 or later.
- # Last Change: 2014 Nov 5
- # WARNING: if you make changes to this script, look out for $0 to be valid,
- # because uninstall deletes most files in $0.
---- 1,9 ----
- # NSIS file to create a self-installing exe for Vim.
-! # It requires NSIS version 3.0 or later.
- # Last Change: 2014 Nov 5
-+ Unicode true
- # WARNING: if you make changes to this script, look out for $0 to be valid,
- # because uninstall deletes most files in $0.
-*** 31,201 ****
- # Get it at
- !define HAVE_UPX
-! # comment the next line if you do not want to add Native Language Support
- !define HAVE_NLS
- !include gvim_version.nsh # for version number
- # ----------- No configurable settings below this line -----------
-! !include UpgradeDLL.nsh # for VisVim.dll
-! !include LogicLib.nsh
-! !include x64.nsh
-! Name "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}"
- OutFile gvim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}.exe
- CRCCheck force
- SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
- SetDatablockOptimize on
- RequestExecutionLevel highest
-- XPStyle on
-- ComponentText "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer."
-- DirText "Choose a directory to install Vim (should contain 'vim')"
-- Icon icons\vim_16c.ico
-- # NSIS2 uses a different strategy with six different images in a strip...
-- #EnabledBitmap icons\enabled.bmp
-- #DisabledBitmap icons\disabled.bmp
-- UninstallText "This will uninstall Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} from your system."
-- UninstallIcon icons\vim_uninst_16c.ico
-- # On NSIS 2 using the BGGradient causes trouble on Windows 98, in combination
-- # with the BringToFront.
-- # BGGradient 004000 008200 FFFFFF
-- LicenseText "You should read the following before installing:"
-- LicenseData ${VIMRT}\doc\uganda.nsis.txt
- !ifdef HAVE_UPX
- !packhdr temp.dat "upx --best --compress-icons=1 temp.dat"
- !endif
-! # This adds '\vim' to the user choice automagically. The actual value is
-! # obtained below with ReadINIStr.
- InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"
- # Types of installs we can perform:
-! InstType Typical
-! InstType Minimal
-! InstType Full
- SilentInstall normal
-! # These are the pages we use
-! Page license
-! Page components
-! Page custom SetCustom ValidateCustom ": _vimrc setting"
-! Page directory "" "" CheckInstallDir
-! Page instfiles
-! UninstPage uninstConfirm
-! UninstPage instfiles
-! # Reserve files
-! # Needed for showing the _vimrc setting page faster.
-! ReserveFile /plugin InstallOptions.dll
-! ReserveFile vimrc.ini
- ##########################################################
-! # Functions
-! Function .onInit
-! "This will install Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} on your computer.$\n Continue?" \
-! /SD IDYES \
-! IDYES NoAbort
-! Abort ; causes installer to quit.
-! NoAbort:
-! # run the install program to check for already installed versions
-! SetOutPath $TEMP
-! File /oname=install.exe ${VIMSRC}\installw32.exe
-! ExecWait "$TEMP\install.exe -uninstall-check"
-! Delete $TEMP\install.exe
-! # We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.
-! BringToFront
-! # Install will have created a file for us that contains the directory where
-! # we should install. This is $VIM if it's set. This appears to be the only
-! # way to get the value of $VIM here!?
-! ReadINIStr $INSTDIR $TEMP\vimini.ini vimini dir
-! Delete $TEMP\vimini.ini
-! # If ReadINIStr failed or did not find a path: use the default dir.
-! StrCmp $INSTDIR "" 0 IniOK
-! IniOK:
-! # Should check for the value of $VIM and use it. Unfortunately I don't know
-! # how to obtain the value of $VIM
-! # IfFileExists "$VIM" 0 No_Vim
-! # StrCpy $INSTDIR "$VIM"
-! # No_Vim:
-! # User variables:
-! # $0 - holds the directory the executables are installed to
-! # $1 - holds the parameters to be passed to install.exe. Starts with OLE
-! # registration (since a non-OLE gvim will not complain, and we want to
-! # always register an OLE gvim).
-! # $2 - holds the names to create batch files for
-! StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"
-! StrCpy $1 "-register-OLE"
-! StrCpy $2 "gvim evim gview gvimdiff vimtutor"
-! # Extract InstallOptions files
-! # $PLUGINSDIR will automatically be removed when the installer closes
-! InitPluginsDir
-! File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\vimrc.ini "vimrc.ini"
-! FunctionEnd
-- Function .onUserAbort
-- MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Abort install?" IDYES NoCancelAbort
-- Abort ; causes installer to not quit.
-- NoCancelAbort:
-- FunctionEnd
-! # We only accept the directory if it ends in "vim". Using .onVerifyInstDir has
-! # the disadvantage that the browse dialog is difficult to use.
-! Function CheckInstallDir
-! FunctionEnd
-- Function .onInstSuccess
-- WriteUninstaller vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}\uninstall-gui.exe
-- "The installation process has been successful. Happy Vimming! \
-- $\n$\n Do you want to see the README file now?" IDNO NoReadme
-- Exec '$0\gvim.exe -R "$0\README.txt"'
-- NoReadme:
-- FunctionEnd
-! Function .onInstFailed
-! MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Installation failed. Better luck next time."
-! FunctionEnd
-! Function un.onUnInstSuccess
-! "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR} has been (partly) removed from your system"
-! FunctionEnd
-! Function un.GetParent
- Exch $0 ; old $0 is on top of stack
- Push $1
- Push $2
- StrCpy $1 -1
-! loop:
- StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1
-! StrCmp $2 "" exit
-! StrCmp $2 "\" exit
- IntOp $1 $1 - 1
-! Goto loop
-! exit:
-! StrCpy $0 $0 $1
-! Pop $2
-! Pop $1
-! Exch $0 ; put $0 on top of stack, restore $0 to original value
- FunctionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Vim executables and runtime files"
- SectionIn 1 2 3 RO
- # we need also this here if the user changes the instdir
---- 33,320 ----
- # Get it at
- !define HAVE_UPX
-! # Comment the next line if you do not want to add Native Language Support
- !define HAVE_NLS
-+ # Uncomment the next line if you want to include VisVim extension:
-+ #!define HAVE_VIS_VIM
-+ # Comment the following line to create a multilanguage installer:
-+ !define HAVE_MULTI_LANG
-+ # Uncomment the next line if you want to create a 64-bit installer.
-+ #!define WIN64
- !include gvim_version.nsh # for version number
- # ----------- No configurable settings below this line -----------
-! !include "Library.nsh" # For DLL install
-! !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
-! !include "UpgradeDLL.nsh" # for VisVim.dll
-! !endif
-! !include "LogicLib.nsh"
-! !include "MUI2.nsh"
-! !include "nsDialogs.nsh"
-! !include "Sections.nsh"
-! !include "x64.nsh"
-! !define PRODUCT "Vim ${VER_MAJOR}.${VER_MINOR}"
-! !define UNINST_REG_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
-! !ifdef WIN64
-! Name "${PRODUCT} (x64)"
-! !else
-! Name "${PRODUCT}"
-! !endif
- OutFile gvim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}.exe
- CRCCheck force
- SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
-+ SetCompressorDictSize 64
-+ ManifestDPIAware true
- SetDatablockOptimize on
- RequestExecutionLevel highest
- !ifdef HAVE_UPX
- !packhdr temp.dat "upx --best --compress-icons=1 temp.dat"
- !endif
-! !ifdef WIN64
-! !define BIT 64
-! !else
-! !define BIT 32
-! !endif
-! ##########################################################
-! # MUI2 settings
-! !define MUI_ICON "icons\vim_16c.ico"
-! !define MUI_UNICON "icons\vim_uninst_16c.ico"
-! # Show all languages, despite user's codepage:
-! !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\Vim"
-! !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language"
-! !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "icons\welcome.bmp"
-! !define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "icons\uninstall.bmp"
-! !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "icons\header.bmp"
-! !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_UNBITMAP "icons\un_header.bmp"
-! !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$0\gvim.exe"
-! !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT $(str_show_readme)
-! # This adds '\Vim' to the user choice automagically. The actual value is
-! # obtained below with CheckOldVim.
-! !ifdef WIN64
-! InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\Vim"
-! !else
- InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Vim"
-+ !endif
- # Types of installs we can perform:
-! InstType $(str_type_typical)
-! InstType $(str_type_minimal)
-! InstType $(str_type_full)
- SilentInstall normal
-! # General custom functions for MUI2:
-! #!define MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_UNABORT un.VimOnUserAbort
-! # Installer pages
-! !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
-! !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${VIMRT}\doc\uganda.nsis.txt"
-! !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
-! Page custom SetCustom ValidateCustom
-! !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
-! !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
-! !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
-! # Uninstaller pages:
-! !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
-! #!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE un.VimCheckRunning
-! !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES
-! !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
- ##########################################################
-! # Languages Files
-! !include "lang\english.nsi"
-! # Include support for other languages:
-! !include "lang\danish.nsi"
-! !include "lang\dutch.nsi"
-! !include "lang\german.nsi"
-! !include "lang\italian.nsi"
-! !include "lang\japanese.nsi"
-! !include "lang\simpchinese.nsi"
-! !include "lang\tradchinese.nsi"
-! !endif
-! # Global variables
-! Var vim_dialog
-! Var vim_nsd_compat
-! Var vim_nsd_keymap
-! Var vim_nsd_mouse
-! Var vim_compat_stat
-! Var vim_keymap_stat
-! Var vim_mouse_stat
-! # Reserve files
-! ReserveFile ${VIMSRC}\installw32.exe
-! ##########################################################
-! # Functions
-! # Get parent directory
-! # Share this function both on installer and uninstaller
-! !macro GetParent un
-! Function ${un}GetParent
- Exch $0 ; old $0 is on top of stack
- Push $1
- Push $2
- StrCpy $1 -1
-! ${Do}
- StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1
-! ${If} $2 == ""
-! ${OrIf} $2 == "\"
-! ${ExitDo}
-! ${EndIf}
- IntOp $1 $1 - 1
-! ${Loop}
-! StrCpy $0 $0 $1
-! Pop $2
-! Pop $1
-! Exch $0 ; put $0 on top of stack, restore $0 to original value
-! FunctionEnd
-! !macroend
-! !insertmacro GetParent ""
-! !insertmacro GetParent "un."
-! # Check if Vim is already installed.
-! # return: Installed directory. If not found, it will be empty.
-! Function CheckOldVim
-! Push $0
-! Push $R0
-! Push $R1
-! Push $R2
-! ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! SetRegView 64
-! ${EndIf}
-! ClearErrors
-! StrCpy $0 "" # Installed directory
-! StrCpy $R0 0 # Sub-key index
-! StrCpy $R1 "" # Sub-key
-! ${Do}
-! # Eumerate the sub-key:
-! EnumRegKey $R1 HKLM ${UNINST_REG_KEY} $R0
-! # Stop if no more sub-key:
-! ${If} ${Errors}
-! ${OrIf} $R1 == ""
-! ${ExitDo}
-! ${EndIf}
-! # Move to the next sub-key:
-! IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1
-! # Check if the key is Vim uninstall key or not:
-! StrCpy $R2 $R1 4
-! ${If} $R2 S!= "Vim "
-! ${Continue}
-! ${EndIf}
-! # Verifies required sub-keys:
-! ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY}\$R1" "DisplayName"
-! ${If} ${Errors}
-! ${OrIf} $R2 == ""
-! ${Continue}
-! ${EndIf}
-! ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY}\$R1" "UninstallString"
-! ${If} ${Errors}
-! ${OrIf} $R2 == ""
-! ${Continue}
-! ${EndIf}
-! # Found
-! Push $R2
-! call GetParent
-! call GetParent
-! Pop $0 # Vim directory
-! ${ExitDo}
-! ${Loop}
-! ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! SetRegView lastused
-! ${EndIf}
-! Pop $R2
-! Pop $R1
-! Pop $R0
-! Exch $0 # put $0 on top of stack, restore $0 to original value
- FunctionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "$(str_section_old_ver)" id_section_old_ver
-! SectionIn 1 2 3 RO
-! # run the install program to check for already installed versions
-! SetOutPath $TEMP
-! File /oname=install.exe ${VIMSRC}\installw32.exe
-! DetailPrint "$(str_msg_uninstalling)"
-! ${Do}
-! nsExec::Exec "$TEMP\install.exe -uninstall-check"
-! Pop $3
-! call CheckOldVim
-! Pop $3
-! ${If} $3 == ""
-! ${ExitDo}
-! ${Else}
-! # It seems that the old version is still remaining.
-! # TODO: Should we show a warning and run the uninstaller again?
-! ${ExitDo} # Just ignore for now.
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${Loop}
-! Delete $TEMP\install.exe
-! Delete $TEMP\vimini.ini # install.exe creates this, but we don't need it.
-! # We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.
-! BringToFront
-! SectionEnd
-! ##########################################################
-! Section "$(str_section_exe)" id_section_exe
- SectionIn 1 2 3 RO
- # we need also this here if the user changes the instdir
-*** 215,221 ****
- File ${VIMRT}\rgb.txt
- File ${VIMTOOLS}\diff.exe
-! File ${VIMTOOLS}\winpty32.dll
- File ${VIMTOOLS}\winpty-agent.exe
- SetOutPath $0\colors
---- 334,340 ----
- File ${VIMRT}\rgb.txt
- File ${VIMTOOLS}\diff.exe
-! File ${VIMTOOLS}\winpty${BIT}.dll
- File ${VIMTOOLS}\winpty-agent.exe
- SetOutPath $0\colors
-*** 299,418 ****
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Vim console program (vim.exe)"
- SectionIn 1 3
- SetOutPath $0
-! ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \
-! "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
-! IfErrors 0 lbl_winnt
-! # Windows 95/98/ME: not supported
-! Goto lbl_done
-! lbl_winnt:
-! # Windows NT/2000/XP and later
-! File /oname=vim.exe ${VIMSRC}\vimw32.exe
-! lbl_done:
- StrCpy $2 "$2 vim view vimdiff"
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Create .bat files for command line use"
- SectionIn 3
- StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-batfiles $2"
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Create icons on the Desktop"
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-icons"
-! SectionEnd
-! ##########################################################
-! Section "Add Vim to the Start Menu"
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -add-start-menu"
-! SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Add an Edit-with-Vim context menu entry"
- SectionIn 1 3
-- # Be aware of this sequence of events:
-- # - user uninstalls Vim, gvimext.dll can't be removed (it's in use) and
-- # is scheduled to be removed at next reboot.
-- # - user installs Vim in same directory, gvimext.dll still exists.
-- # If we now skip installing gvimext.dll, it will disappear at the next
-- # reboot. Thus when copying gvimext.dll fails always schedule it to be
-- # installed at the next reboot. Can't use UpgradeDLL!
-- # We don't ask the user to reboot, the old dll will keep on working.
- SetOutPath $0
-- ClearErrors
-- SetOverwrite try
- ${If} ${RunningX64}
- # Install 64-bit gvimext.dll into the GvimExt64 directory.
- SetOutPath $0\GvimExt64
- ClearErrors
-! File /oname=gvimext.dll ${VIMSRC}\GvimExt\gvimext64.dll
-! !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext64\libintl-8.dll
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext64\libiconv-2.dll
-! !endif
-! IfErrors 0 GvimExt64Done
-! # Can't copy gvimext.dll, create it under another name and rename it
-! # on next reboot.
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt64
-! File /oname=$3 ${VIMSRC}\GvimExt\gvimext64.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt64\gvimext.dll
-! !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt64
-! File /oname=$3 ${GETTEXT}\gettext64\libintl-8.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt64\libintl-8.dll
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt64
-! File /oname=$3 ${GETTEXT}\gettext64\libiconv-2.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt64\libiconv-2.dll
-! !endif
- ${EndIf}
-- GvimExt64Done:
- # Install 32-bit gvimext.dll into the GvimExt32 directory.
- SetOutPath $0\GvimExt32
- ClearErrors
-! File /oname=gvimext.dll ${VIMSRC}\GvimExt\gvimext.dll
-! !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libintl-8.dll
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libiconv-2.dll
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
-! !endif
-! IfErrors 0 GvimExt32Done
-! # Can't copy gvimext.dll, create it under another name and rename it on
-! # next reboot.
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt32
-! File /oname=$3 ${VIMSRC}\GvimExt\gvimext.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt32\gvimext.dll
-! !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt32
-! File /oname=$3 ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libintl-8.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt32\libintl-8.dll
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt32
-! File /oname=$3 ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libiconv-2.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt32\libiconv-2.dll
-! GetTempFileName $3 $0\GvimExt32
-! File /oname=$3 ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
-! Rename /REBOOTOK $3 $0\GvimExt32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
-! !endif
-! GvimExt32Done:
-! SetOverwrite lastused
- # We don't have a separate entry for the "Open With..." menu, assume
- # the user wants either both or none.
---- 418,480 ----
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "$(str_section_console)" id_section_console
- SectionIn 1 3
- SetOutPath $0
-! File /oname=vim.exe ${VIMSRC}\vimw32.exe
- StrCpy $2 "$2 vim view vimdiff"
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "$(str_section_batch)" id_section_batch
- SectionIn 3
- StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-batfiles $2"
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! SectionGroup $(str_group_icons) id_group_icons
-! Section "$(str_section_desktop)" id_section_desktop
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -install-icons"
-! SectionEnd
-! Section "$(str_section_start_menu)" id_section_startmenu
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -add-start-menu"
-! SectionEnd
-! SectionGroupEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "$(str_section_edit_with)" id_section_editwith
- SectionIn 1 3
- SetOutPath $0
- ${If} ${RunningX64}
- # Install 64-bit gvimext.dll into the GvimExt64 directory.
- SetOutPath $0\GvimExt64
- ClearErrors
-! !define LIBRARY_X64
-! "${VIMSRC}\GvimExt\gvimext64.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\gvimext.dll" "$0"
-! !undef LIBRARY_X64
- ${EndIf}
- # Install 32-bit gvimext.dll into the GvimExt32 directory.
- SetOutPath $0\GvimExt32
- ClearErrors
-! "${VIMSRC}\GvimExt\gvimext.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt32\gvimext.dll" "$0"
- # We don't have a separate entry for the "Open With..." menu, assume
- # the user wants either both or none.
-*** 420,550 ****
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Create a _vimrc if it doesn't exist" sec_vimrc_id
- SectionIn 1 3
- StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-vimrc"
-- SectionEnd
-! ##########################################################
-! Section "Create plugin directories in HOME or VIM"
-! SectionIn 1 3
-- StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories home"
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "Create plugin directories in VIM"
-! SectionIn 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories vim"
-! SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "VisVim Extension for MS Visual Studio"
- SectionIn 3
- SetOutPath $0
- !insertmacro UpgradeDLL "${VIMSRC}\VisVim\VisVim.dll" "$0\VisVim.dll" "$0"
- File ${VIMSRC}\VisVim\README_VisVim.txt
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
- !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! Section "Native Language Support"
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! SetOutPath $0\lang
-! File /r ${VIMRT}\lang\*.*
-! SetOutPath $0\keymap
-! File ${VIMRT}\keymap\README.txt
-! File ${VIMRT}\keymap\*.vim
-! SetOutPath $0
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libintl-8.dll
-! File ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libiconv-2.dll
-! #File /nonfatal ${VIMRT}\libwinpthread-1.dll
-! File /nonfatal ${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
-! SectionEnd
- !endif
- ##########################################################
- Section -call_install_exe
- SetOutPath $0
-! ExecWait "$0\install.exe $1"
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
- Section -post
- BringToFront
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
- Function SetCustom
-! # Display the InstallOptions dialog
- # Check if a _vimrc should be created
-! SectionGetFlags ${sec_vimrc_id} $3
-! IntOp $3 $3 & 1
-! StrCmp $3 "1" +2 0
- Abort
-! InstallOptions::dialog "$PLUGINSDIR\vimrc.ini"
- Pop $3
- FunctionEnd
- Function ValidateCustom
-! ReadINIStr $3 "$PLUGINSDIR\vimrc.ini" "Field 2" "State"
-! StrCmp $3 "1" 0 +3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-remap no"
-! Goto behave
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-remap win"
-! behave:
-! ReadINIStr $3 "$PLUGINSDIR\vimrc.ini" "Field 5" "State"
-! StrCmp $3 "1" 0 +3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-behave unix"
-! Goto done
-! ReadINIStr $3 "$PLUGINSDIR\vimrc.ini" "Field 6" "State"
-! StrCmp $3 "1" 0 +3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-behave mswin"
-! Goto done
-- StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-behave default"
-- done:
-- FunctionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section Uninstall
- # Apparently $INSTDIR is set to the directory where the uninstaller is
- # created. Thus the "vim61" directory is included in it.
- StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
- # If VisVim was installed, unregister the DLL.
-! IfFileExists "$0\VisVim.dll" Has_VisVim No_VisVim
-! Has_VisVim:
-! ExecWait "regsvr32.exe /u /s $0\VisVim.dll"
-! No_VisVim:
- # delete the context menu entry and batch files
-! ExecWait "$0\uninstal.exe -nsis"
- # We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.
- BringToFront
-! # ask the user if the Vim version dir must be removed
-! "Would you like to delete $0?$\n \
-! $\nIt contains the Vim executables and runtime files." IDNO NoRemoveExes
- Delete /REBOOTOK $0\*.dll
-! Delete /REBOOTOK $0\GvimExt32\*.dll
- ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! Delete /REBOOTOK $0\GvimExt64\*.dll
- ${EndIf}
- ClearErrors
- # Remove everything but *.dll files. Avoids that
- # a lot remains when gvimext.dll cannot be deleted.
---- 482,1045 ----
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! Section "$(str_section_vim_rc)" id_section_vimrc
- SectionIn 1 3
- StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-vimrc"
-! ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! SetRegView 64
-! ${EndIf}
-! WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "vim_compat" "$vim_compat_stat"
-! WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "vim_keyremap" "$vim_keymap_stat"
-! WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "vim_mouse" "$vim_mouse_stat"
-! ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! SetRegView lastused
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} $vim_compat_stat == "vi"
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-compat vi"
-! ${ElseIf} $vim_compat_stat == "vim"
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-compat vim"
-! ${ElseIf} $vim_compat_stat == "defaults"
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-compat defaults"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-compat all"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} $vim_keymap_stat == "default"
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-remap no"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-remap win"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} $vim_mouse_stat == "default"
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-behave default"
-! ${ElseIf} $vim_mouse_stat == "windows"
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-behave mswin"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -vimrc-behave unix"
-! ${EndIf}
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-! SectionGroup $(str_group_plugin) id_group_plugin
-! Section "$(str_section_plugin_home)" id_section_pluginhome
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories home"
-! SectionEnd
-! Section "$(str_section_plugin_vim)" id_section_pluginvim
-! SectionIn 3
-! StrCpy $1 "$1 -create-directories vim"
-! SectionEnd
-! SectionGroupEnd
- ##########################################################
-! !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
-! Section "$(str_section_vis_vim)" id_section_visvim
- SectionIn 3
- SetOutPath $0
- !insertmacro UpgradeDLL "${VIMSRC}\VisVim\VisVim.dll" "$0\VisVim.dll" "$0"
- File ${VIMSRC}\VisVim\README_VisVim.txt
- SectionEnd
-+ !endif
- ##########################################################
- !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! Section "$(str_section_nls)" id_section_nls
-! SectionIn 1 3
-! SetOutPath $0\lang
-! File /r ${VIMRT}\lang\*.*
-! SetOutPath $0\keymap
-! File ${VIMRT}\keymap\README.txt
-! File ${VIMRT}\keymap\*.vim
-! SetOutPath $0
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext${BIT}\libintl-8.dll" \
-! "$0\libintl-8.dll" "$0"
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext${BIT}\libiconv-2.dll" \
-! "$0\libiconv-2.dll" "$0"
-! !if /FileExists "${GETTEXT}\gettext${BIT}\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-! # Install libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll only if it is needed.
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext${BIT}\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll" \
-! "$0\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll" "$0"
-! !endif
-! ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${id_section_editwith}
-! ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! # Install DLLs for 64-bit gvimext.dll into the GvimExt64 directory.
-! SetOutPath $0\GvimExt64
-! ClearErrors
-! !define LIBRARY_X64
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext64\libintl-8.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\libintl-8.dll" "$0\GvimExt64"
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext64\libiconv-2.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\libiconv-2.dll" "$0\GvimExt64"
-! !undef LIBRARY_X64
-! ${EndIf}
-! # Install DLLs for 32-bit gvimext.dll into the GvimExt32 directory.
-! SetOutPath $0\GvimExt32
-! ClearErrors
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libintl-8.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt32\libintl-8.dll" "$0\GvimExt32"
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libiconv-2.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt32\libiconv-2.dll" "$0\GvimExt32"
-! !if /FileExists "${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-! # Install libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll only if it is needed.
-! "${GETTEXT}\gettext32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll" \
-! "$0\GvimExt32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll" "$0\GvimExt32"
-! !endif
-! ${EndIf}
-! SectionEnd
- !endif
- ##########################################################
- Section -call_install_exe
- SetOutPath $0
-! DetailPrint "$(str_msg_registering)"
-! nsExec::Exec "$0\install.exe $1"
-! Pop $3
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-+ !macro SaveSectionSelection section_id reg_value
-+ ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${section_id}
-+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" ${reg_value} 1
-+ ${Else}
-+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" ${reg_value} 0
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !macroend
- Section -post
-+ # Get estimated install size
-+ SectionGetSize ${id_section_exe} $3
-+ ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${id_section_console}
-+ SectionGetSize ${id_section_console} $4
-+ IntOp $3 $3 + $4
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${id_section_editwith}
-+ SectionGetSize ${id_section_editwith} $4
-+ IntOp $3 $3 + $4
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
-+ ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${id_section_visvim}
-+ SectionGetSize ${id_section_visvim} $4
-+ IntOp $3 $3 + $4
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !endif
-+ !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-+ ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${id_section_nls}
-+ SectionGetSize ${id_section_nls} $4
-+ IntOp $3 $3 + $4
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !endif
-+ # Register EstimatedSize and AllowSilent.
-+ # Other information will be set by the install.exe (dosinst.c).
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView 64
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "EstimatedSize" $3
-+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "AllowSilent" 1
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView lastused
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ # Store the selections to the registry.
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView 64
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_console} "select_console"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_batch} "select_batch"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_desktop} "select_desktop"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_startmenu} "select_startmenu"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_editwith} "select_editwith"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_vimrc} "select_vimrc"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_pluginhome} "select_pluginhome"
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_pluginvim} "select_pluginvim"
-+ !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_visvim} "select_visvim"
-+ !endif
-+ !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-+ !insertmacro SaveSectionSelection ${id_section_nls} "select_nls"
-+ !endif
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView lastused
-+ ${EndIf}
- BringToFront
- SectionEnd
- ##########################################################
-+ !macro LoadSectionSelection section_id reg_value
-+ ClearErrors
-+ ReadRegDWORD $3 HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" ${reg_value}
-+ ${IfNot} ${Errors}
-+ ${If} $3 = 1
-+ !insertmacro SelectSection ${section_id}
-+ ${Else}
-+ !insertmacro UnselectSection ${section_id}
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !macroend
-+ Function .onInit
-+ # Select a language (or read from the registry).
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
-+ !endif
-+ # Check $VIM
-+ ReadEnvStr $INSTDIR "VIM"
-+ call CheckOldVim
-+ Pop $3
-+ ${If} $3 == ""
-+ # No old versions of Vim found. Unselect and hide the section.
-+ !insertmacro UnselectSection ${id_section_old_ver}
-+ SectionSetInstTypes ${id_section_old_ver} 0
-+ SectionSetText ${id_section_old_ver} ""
-+ ${Else}
-+ ${If} $INSTDIR == ""
-+ StrCpy $INSTDIR $3
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ # If did not find a path: use the default dir.
-+ ${If} $INSTDIR == ""
-+ !ifdef WIN64
-+ !else
-+ !endif
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ # Load the selections from the registry (if any).
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView 64
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_console} "select_console"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_batch} "select_batch"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_desktop} "select_desktop"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_startmenu} "select_startmenu"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_editwith} "select_editwith"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_vimrc} "select_vimrc"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_pluginhome} "select_pluginhome"
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_pluginvim} "select_pluginvim"
-+ !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_visvim} "select_visvim"
-+ !endif
-+ !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelection ${id_section_nls} "select_nls"
-+ !endif
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView lastused
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ # User variables:
-+ # $0 - holds the directory the executables are installed to
-+ # $1 - holds the parameters to be passed to install.exe. Starts with OLE
-+ # registration (since a non-OLE gvim will not complain, and we want to
-+ # always register an OLE gvim).
-+ # $2 - holds the names to create batch files for
-+ StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}"
-+ StrCpy $1 "-register-OLE"
-+ StrCpy $2 "gvim evim gview gvimdiff vimtutor"
-+ FunctionEnd
-+ Function .onInstSuccess
-+ WriteUninstaller vim${VER_MAJOR}${VER_MINOR}\uninstall-gui.exe
-+ FunctionEnd
-+ Function .onInstFailed
-+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(str_msg_install_fail)" /SD IDOK
-+ FunctionEnd
-+ ##########################################################
- Function SetCustom
-! # Display the _vimrc setting dialog using nsDialogs.
- # Check if a _vimrc should be created
-! ${IfNot} ${SectionIsSelected} ${id_section_vimrc}
-! Abort
-! ${EndIf}
-! !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT \
-! $(str_vimrc_page_title) $(str_vimrc_page_subtitle)
-! nsDialogs::Create 1018
-! Pop $vim_dialog
-! ${If} $vim_dialog == error
- Abort
-+ ${EndIf}
-! ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! SetRegView 64
-! ${EndIf}
-! GetFunctionAddress $3 ValidateCustom
-! nsDialogs::OnBack $3
-! # 1st group - Compatibility
-! ${NSD_CreateGroupBox} 0 0 100% 32% $(str_msg_compat_title)
-! Pop $3
-! ${NSD_CreateLabel} 5% 10% 35% 8% $(str_msg_compat_desc)
-! Pop $3
-! ${NSD_CreateDropList} 18% 19% 75% 8% ""
-! Pop $vim_nsd_compat
-! ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_compat $(str_msg_compat_vi)
-! ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_compat $(str_msg_compat_vim)
-! ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_compat $(str_msg_compat_defaults)
-! ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_compat $(str_msg_compat_all)
-! # Default selection
-! ${If} $vim_compat_stat == ""
-! ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "vim_compat"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $3 $vim_compat_stat
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} $3 == "defaults"
-! StrCpy $4 2
-! ${ElseIf} $3 == "vim"
-! StrCpy $4 1
-! ${ElseIf} $3 == "vi"
-! StrCpy $4 0
-! ${Else} # default
-! StrCpy $4 3
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${NSD_CB_SetSelectionIndex} $vim_nsd_compat $4
-! # 2nd group - Key remapping
-! ${NSD_CreateGroupBox} 0 35% 100% 31% $(str_msg_keymap_title)
- Pop $3
-+ ${NSD_CreateLabel} 5% 45% 90% 8% $(str_msg_keymap_desc)
-+ Pop $3
-+ ${NSD_CreateDropList} 38% 54% 55% 8% ""
-+ Pop $vim_nsd_keymap
-+ ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_keymap $(str_msg_keymap_default)
-+ ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_keymap $(str_msg_keymap_windows)
-+ # Default selection
-+ ${If} $vim_keymap_stat == ""
-+ ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "vim_keyremap"
-+ ${Else}
-+ StrCpy $3 $vim_keymap_stat
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} $3 == "windows"
-+ StrCpy $4 1
-+ ${Else} # default
-+ StrCpy $4 0
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${NSD_CB_SetSelectionIndex} $vim_nsd_keymap $4
-+ # 3rd group - Mouse behavior
-+ ${NSD_CreateGroupBox} 0 69% 100% 31% $(str_msg_mouse_title)
-+ Pop $3
-+ ${NSD_CreateLabel} 5% 79% 90% 8% $(str_msg_mouse_desc)
-+ Pop $3
-+ ${NSD_CreateDropList} 23% 87% 70% 8% ""
-+ Pop $vim_nsd_mouse
-+ ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_mouse $(str_msg_mouse_default)
-+ ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_mouse $(str_msg_mouse_windows)
-+ ${NSD_CB_AddString} $vim_nsd_mouse $(str_msg_mouse_unix)
-+ # Default selection
-+ ${If} $vim_mouse_stat == ""
-+ ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${UNINST_REG_KEY_VIM}" "vim_mouse"
-+ ${Else}
-+ StrCpy $3 $vim_mouse_stat
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} $3 == "xterm"
-+ StrCpy $4 2
-+ ${ElseIf} $3 == "windows"
-+ StrCpy $4 1
-+ ${Else} # default
-+ StrCpy $4 0
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${NSD_CB_SetSelectionIndex} $vim_nsd_mouse $4
-+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
-+ SetRegView lastused
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ nsDialogs::Show
- FunctionEnd
- Function ValidateCustom
-! ${NSD_CB_GetSelectionIndex} $vim_nsd_compat $3
-! ${If} $3 = 0
-! StrCpy $vim_compat_stat "vi"
-! ${ElseIf} $3 = 1
-! StrCpy $vim_compat_stat "vim"
-! ${ElseIf} $3 = 2
-! StrCpy $vim_compat_stat "defaults"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $vim_compat_stat "all"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${NSD_CB_GetSelectionIndex} $vim_nsd_keymap $3
-! ${If} $3 = 0
-! StrCpy $vim_keymap_stat "default"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $vim_keymap_stat "windows"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${NSD_CB_GetSelectionIndex} $vim_nsd_mouse $3
-! ${If} $3 = 0
-! StrCpy $vim_mouse_stat "default"
-! ${ElseIf} $3 = 1
-! StrCpy $vim_mouse_stat "windows"
-! ${Else}
-! StrCpy $vim_mouse_stat "xterm"
-! ${EndIf}
-! FunctionEnd
-! ##########################################################
-! # Description for Installer Sections
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_old_ver} $(str_desc_old_ver)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_exe} $(str_desc_exe)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_console} $(str_desc_console)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_batch} $(str_desc_batch)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_group_icons} $(str_desc_icons)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_desktop} $(str_desc_desktop)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_startmenu} $(str_desc_start_menu)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_editwith} $(str_desc_edit_with)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_vimrc} $(str_desc_vim_rc)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_group_plugin} $(str_desc_plugin)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_pluginhome} $(str_desc_plugin_home)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_pluginvim} $(str_desc_plugin_vim)
-! !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_visvim} $(str_desc_vis_vim)
-! !endif
-! !ifdef HAVE_NLS
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_section_nls} $(str_desc_nls)
-! !endif
- ##########################################################
-! # Uninstaller Functions and Sections
-! Function un.onInit
-! # Get the language from the registry.
-! !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE
-! !endif
-! FunctionEnd
-! Section "un.$(str_unsection_register)" id_unsection_register
-! SectionIn RO
- # Apparently $INSTDIR is set to the directory where the uninstaller is
- # created. Thus the "vim61" directory is included in it.
- StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
-+ !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
- # If VisVim was installed, unregister the DLL.
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\VisVim.dll"
-! ExecWait "regsvr32.exe /u /s $0\VisVim.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! !endif
- # delete the context menu entry and batch files
-! DetailPrint "$(str_msg_unregistering)"
-! nsExec::Exec "$0\uninstal.exe -nsis"
-! Pop $3
- # We may have been put to the background when uninstall did something.
- BringToFront
-! # Delete the installer language setting.
-! SectionEnd
-! Section "un.$(str_unsection_exe)" id_unsection_exe
-! StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
-! # Delete gettext and iconv DLLs
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\libiconv-2.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\libiconv-2.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\libintl-8.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\libintl-8.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-+ # Delete other DLLs
- Delete /REBOOTOK $0\*.dll
-! # Delete 64-bit GvimExt
- ${If} ${RunningX64}
-! !define LIBRARY_X64
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt64\gvimext.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\gvimext.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt64\libiconv-2.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\libiconv-2.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt64\libintl-8.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\libintl-8.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt64\libwinpthread-1.dll"
-! !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-! "$0\GvimExt64\libwinpthread-1.dll"
-! ${EndIf}
-! !undef LIBRARY_X64
-! RMDir /r $0\GvimExt64
- ${EndIf}
-+ # Delete 32-bit GvimExt
-+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt32\gvimext.dll"
-+ !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-+ "$0\GvimExt32\gvimext.dll"
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt32\libiconv-2.dll"
-+ !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-+ "$0\GvimExt32\libiconv-2.dll"
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt32\libintl-8.dll"
-+ !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-+ "$0\GvimExt32\libintl-8.dll"
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$0\GvimExt32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-+ !insertmacro UninstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED \
-+ "$0\GvimExt32\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ RMDir /r $0\GvimExt32
- ClearErrors
- # Remove everything but *.dll files. Avoids that
- # a lot remains when gvimext.dll cannot be deleted.
-*** 555,566 ****
---- 1050,1064 ----
- RMDir /r $0\ftplugin
- RMDir /r $0\indent
- RMDir /r $0\macros
-+ RMDir /r $0\pack
- RMDir /r $0\plugin
- RMDir /r $0\spell
- RMDir /r $0\syntax
- RMDir /r $0\tools
- RMDir /r $0\tutor
-+ !ifdef HAVE_VIS_VIM
- RMDir /r $0\VisVim
-+ !endif
- RMDir /r $0\lang
- RMDir /r $0\keymap
- Delete $0\*.exe
-*** 568,613 ****
- Delete $0\*.vim
- Delete $0\*.txt
-! IfErrors ErrorMess NoErrorMess
-! ErrorMess:
-! "Some files in $0 have not been deleted!$\nYou must do it manually."
-! NoErrorMess:
- # No error message if the "vim62" directory can't be removed, the
- # gvimext.dll may still be there.
- RMDir $0
-! NoRemoveExes:
- # get the parent dir of the installation
- Call un.GetParent
- Pop $0
-- StrCpy $1 $0
-! # if a plugin dir was created at installation ask the user to remove it
-! # first look in the root of the installation then in HOME
-! IfFileExists $1\vimfiles AskRemove 0
-! ReadEnvStr $1 "HOME"
-! StrCmp $1 "" NoRemove 0
-! IfFileExists $1\vimfiles 0 NoRemove
-! AskRemove:
-! "Remove all files in your $1\vimfiles directory?$\n \
-! $\nCAREFUL: If you have created something there that you want to keep, click No" IDNO Fin
-! RMDir /r $1\vimfiles
-! NoRemove:
-! # ask the user if the Vim root dir must be removed
-! "Would you like to remove $0?$\n \
-! $\nIt contains your Vim configuration files!" IDNO NoDelete
-! RMDir /r $0 ; skipped if no
-! NoDelete:
-! Fin:
-! Call un.onUnInstSuccess
-! SectionEnd
---- 1066,1143 ----
- Delete $0\*.vim
- Delete $0\*.txt
-! ${If} ${Errors}
-! MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION $(str_msg_rm_exe_fail) /SD IDOK
-! ${EndIf}
- # No error message if the "vim62" directory can't be removed, the
- # gvimext.dll may still be there.
- RMDir $0
-+ SectionEnd
-+ # Remove "vimfiles" directory under the specified directory.
-+ !macro RemoveVimfiles dir
-+ ${If} ${FileExists} ${dir}\vimfiles
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\colors
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\compiler
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\doc
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\ftdetect
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\ftplugin
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\indent
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\keymap
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\plugin
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles\syntax
-+ RMDir ${dir}\vimfiles
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ !macroend
-+ SectionGroup "un.$(str_ungroup_plugin)" id_ungroup_plugin
-+ Section /o "un.$(str_unsection_plugin_home)" id_unsection_plugin_home
-+ # get the home dir
-+ ReadEnvStr $0 "HOME"
-+ ${If} $0 == ""
-+ ReadEnvStr $0 "HOMEDRIVE"
-+ ReadEnvStr $1 "HOMEPATH"
-+ StrCpy $0 "$0$1"
-+ ${If} $0 == ""
-+ ReadEnvStr $0 "USERPROFILE"
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ ${If} $0 != ""
-+ !insertmacro RemoveVimfiles $0
-+ ${EndIf}
-+ SectionEnd
-! Section "un.$(str_unsection_plugin_vim)" id_unsection_plugin_vim
-! # get the parent dir of the installation
-! Push $INSTDIR
-! Call un.GetParent
-! Pop $0
-! # if a plugin dir was created at installation remove it
-! !insertmacro RemoveVimfiles $0
-! SectionEnd
-! SectionGroupEnd
-! Section "un.$(str_unsection_rootdir)" id_unsection_rootdir
- # get the parent dir of the installation
- Call un.GetParent
- Pop $0
-! Delete $0\_vimrc
-! RMDir $0
-! SectionEnd
-! ##########################################################
-! # Description for Uninstaller Sections
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_unsection_register} $(str_desc_unregister)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_unsection_exe} $(str_desc_rm_exe)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_ungroup_plugin} $(str_desc_rm_plugin)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_unsection_plugin_home} $(str_desc_rm_plugin_home)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_unsection_plugin_vim} $(str_desc_rm_plugin_vim)
-! !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${id_unsection_rootdir} $(str_desc_rm_rootdir)
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-\ No newline at end of file
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/danish.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/danish.nsi 2018-12-21 16:17:13.755141092 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,175 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # danish.nsi: Danish language strings for gvim NSIS installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1030
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : scootergrisen
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_DANISH} "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_DANISH} "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_DANISH} "Destinationsmappe (skal slutte med $\"vim$\")"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_DANISH} "Vis README efter installationen er gennemført"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_DANISH} "Typisk"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_DANISH} "Minimal"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_DANISH} "Fuld"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_DANISH} "Afinstaller eksisterende version(er)"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_DANISH} "Afinstaller eksisterende Vim-version(er) fra dit system."
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim GUI og afviklingsfiler"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim GUI-eksekverbare- og afviklingsfiler. Komponenten kræves."
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim-konsolprogram"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_DANISH} "Konsolversion af Vim (vim.exe)."
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret .bat-filer"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret .bat-filer til Vim-varianter i Windows-mappen til brug fra kommandolinjen."
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret ikoner til Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret ikoner til Vim diverse steder for at hjælpe med at gøre adgangen let."
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_DANISH} "PÃ¥ skrivebordet"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret ikoner til gVim-eksekverbare på skrivebordet."
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_DANISH} "I Programmer-mappen i menuen Start"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_DANISH} "Tilføj Vim i Programmer-mappen i menuen Start."
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_DANISH} "I værktøjslinjen Hurtig start"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_DANISH} "Tilføj Vim-genvej i værktøjslinjen Hurtig start."
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_DANISH} "Tilføj Vim-genvejsmenu"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_DANISH} "Tilføj Vim til listen i $\"Åbn med...$\"-genvejsmenuen."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_DANISH} "32-bit-version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_DANISH} "Tilføj Vim til listen i $\"Åbn med...$\"-genvejsmenuen for 32-bit-programmer."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_DANISH} "64-bit-version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_DANISH} "Tilføj Vim til listen i $\"Åbn med...$\"-genvejsmenuen for 64-bit-programmer."
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret standardkonfiguration"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret en standardkonfigurationsfil (_vimrc) hvis der ikke allerede findes en."
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret plugin-mapper"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret plugin-mapper. Plugin-mapper giver mulighed for at udvide Vim ved at slippe en fil i en mappen."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_DANISH} "Private"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret plugin-mapper i HOME-mappen."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "Delte"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "Opret plugin-mapper i Vim-installationsmappe, det bruges af alle på systemet."
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "VisVim-udvidelser"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "VisVim-udvidelser til integrering i Microsoft Visual Studio."
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_DANISH} "Understøttelse af modersmål"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_DANISH} "Installer filer til understøttelse af modersmål."
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_DANISH} "Afregistrer Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_DANISH} "Afregistrer Vim fra systemet."
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern Vim-eksekverbare-/afviklingsfiler"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern alle Vim-eksekverbare- og afviklingsfiler."
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern plugin-mapper"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern plugin-mapperne hvis de er tomme."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_DANISH} "Privat"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern plugin-mapperne fra HOME-mappen."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "Delte"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern plugin-mapperne fra Vim-installationsmappen."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern Vim-rodmappen"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_DANISH} "Fjern Vim-rodmappen. Den indeholder dine Vim-konfigurationsfiler!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_DANISH} "Fandt $vim_old_ver_count Vim-versioner på dit system.$\r$\nInstallationsguiden kan højst håndtere ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER}-versioner.$\r$\nFjern venligst nogle versioner og start igen."
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_DANISH} "Ugyldig installationssti: $vim_install_root!$\r$\nDen skal slutte med $\"vim$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_DANISH} "Uoverensstemmelse i binære sti!$\r$\n$\r$\nForventede at den binære sti var $\"$vim_bin_path$\",$\r$\nmen systemet indikerer at den binære sti er $\"$INSTDIR$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim kører stadig på dit system.$\r$\nLuk venligst alle instanser af Vim inden du fortsætter."
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_DANISH} "Forsøger at registrere Vim med OLE. Der er ingen meddelelse til at indikere om det virker eller ej."
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_DANISH} "Forsøger at afregistrere Vim med OLE. Der er ingen meddelelse til at indikere om det virker eller ej."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_DANISH} "Afinstallerer følgende version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_DANISH} "Kunne ikke afinstallere følgende version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_DANISH} "Kan ikke finde registreringsdatabasenøgle for afinstallationsguiden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_DANISH} "Kan ikke finde afinstallationsguiden fra registreringsdatabasen."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_DANISH} "Kan ikke tilgå afinstallationsguide."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_DANISH} "Kunne ikke kopiere afinstallationsguide til midlertidig mappe."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_DANISH} "Kunne ikke køre afinstallationsguide."
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_DANISH} "Installationsguiden vil afbryde."
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_DANISH} "Installationen mislykkedes. Bedre held næste gang."
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_DANISH} "Nogle filer i $0 er ikke blevet slettet!$\r$\nDu skal gøre det manuelt."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_DANISH} "ADVARSEL: Kan ikke fjerne $\"$vim_install_root$\", den er ikke tom!"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_DANISH} "Afinstallerer den gamle version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_DANISH} "Registrerer..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_DANISH} "Afregistrerer..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_DANISH} "Vælg _vimrc-indstillinger"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_DANISH} "Vælg indstillingerne til forbedring, tastatur og mus."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_DANISH} " Vi- / Vim-opførsel "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_DANISH} "&Kompatibilitet og forbedringer"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_DANISH} "Vi-kompatibel"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim med nogle forbedringer (indlæs defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_DANISH} "Vim med alle forbedringer (indlæs vimrc_example.vim) (standard)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_DANISH} " Tilknytninger "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_DANISH} "&Gentilknyt nogle få taster (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F osv.)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_DANISH} "Gentilknyt ikke taster (standard)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_DANISH} "Gentilknyt nogle få taster til Windows"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_DANISH} " Mus "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_DANISH} "&Opførsel af højre og venstre knapper"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_DANISH} "Højre: genvejsmenu, venstre: visuel tilstand (standard)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_DANISH} "Højre: genvejsmenu, venstre: vælg-tilstand (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_DANISH} "Højre: udvider markering, venstre: visuel tilstand (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/dutch.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/dutch.nsi 2018-12-21 16:17:24.363068302 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,281 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # dutch.nsi : Dutch language strings for gvim NSIS installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1043
-+ # Locale Name : nl
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : Peter Odding <>
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Doelmap (moet eindigen op $\"vim$\")"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "README weergeven na installatie"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Gebruikelijk"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Minimaal"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Volledig"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Bestaande versie(s) de-installeren"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Bestaande Vim versie(s) van je systeem verwijderen."
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim GUI"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim GUI uitvoerbare bestanden en runtime bestanden. Dit component is vereist."
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim console programma"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Console versie van Vim (vim.exe)."
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer .bat bestanden"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer .bat bestanden voor Vim varianten in de Windows map voor \
-+ commando regel gebruik."
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer pictogrammen for Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer pictogrammen voor Vim op verschillende locaties voor gemakkelijke toegang."
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Op het bureaublad"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer pictogrammen voor Vim uitvoerbare bestanden op het bureaublad."
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "In de Programma's map in het start menu"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Voeg Vim toe aan de programma's map in het start menu. \
-+ Van toepassing op Windows 95 en later."
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "In de snel starten balk"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Voeg Vim snelkoppeling toe aan de snel starten balk."
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Voeg Vim contextmenu toe"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Voeg Vim toe aan de $\"Openen met...$\" contextmenu lijst."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "32-bit versie"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Voeg Vim toe aan de $\"Openen met...$\" contextmenu lijst \
-+ # voor 32-bit toepassingen."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "64-bit versie"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Voeg Vim toe aan de $\"Openen met...$\" contextmenu lijst \
-+ # voor 64-bit toepassingen."
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer standaard configuratie"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer een standaard configuratie bestand (_vimrc) als er nog geen bestaat."
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer Plugin mappen"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer plugin mappen. Plugin mappen maken het mogelijk om \
-+ Vim uit te breiden door een bestand in een map te plaatsen."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Privé"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Create plugin directories in HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Gedeeld"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Creëer plugin mappen in Vim installatie map, deze worden gebruikt \
-+ voor iedereen op het systeem."
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "VisVim extensie"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "VisVim extensie voor Microsoft Visual Studio integratie."
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Ondersteuning voor andere talen"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Bestanden voor ondersteuning van andere talen dan Engels installeren."
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim afmelden"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Registratie van Vim in het systeem ongedaan maken."
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim uitvoerbare/runtime bestanden verwijderen"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Verwijder alle Vim uitvoerbare bestanden en runtime bestanden."
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remove plugin directories"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories if they are empty."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Privé"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Gedeeld"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from Vim install directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory. It contains your Vim configuration files!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Er zijn $vim_old_ver_count Vim versies op je systeem gevonden.$\r$\n\
-+ # Deze installatie kan omgaan met maximaal ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER} versies.$\r$\n\
-+ # Verwijder a.u.b. wat versies en probeer het dan opnieuw."
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Ongeldig installatiepad: $vim_install_root!$\r$\n\
-+ # Het moet eindelijk op $\"vim$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Binair pad onjuist!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # Het binaire pad zou $\"$vim_bin_path$\" moeten zijn,$\r$\n\
-+ # maar het systeem geeft aan dat het binaire pad $\"$INSTDIR$\" is."
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Vim is nog actief op je systeem.$\r$\n\
-+ # Sluit a.u.b. alle instanties van Vim voordat je verder gaat."
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Bezig met proberen om Vim te registreren met OLE. \
-+ # Er is geen bericht dat aangeeft of deze operatie slaagt."
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Bezig met proberen om Vim te de-registreren met OLE. \
-+ # Er is geen bericht dat aangeeft of deze operatie slaagt."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "De volgende versies worden verwijderd:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "De volgende versies konden niet worden verwijderd:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Kan de uninstaller register sleutel niet vinden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Kan de uninstaller niet vinden via het register."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Kan geen toegang krijgen tot de uninstaller."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Kon de uninstaller niet naar een tijdelijke map kopiëren."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Kon de uninstaller niet uitvoeren."
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "Installatie wordt gestopt."
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Installatie is mislukt."
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Sommige bestanden in $0 zijn niet verwijderd!$\r$\n\
-+ Dit moet je handmatig doen."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ # "WAARSCHUWING: Kan $\"$vim_install_root$\" niet verwijderen omdat het niet leeg is!"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Uninstalling the old version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Registering..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Unregistering..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Choose _vimrc settings"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Choose the settings for enhancement, keyboard and mouse."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ " Vi / Vim behavior "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "&Compatibility and enhancements"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vi compatible"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim with some enhancements (load defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Vim with all enhancements (load vimrc_example.vim) (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ " Mappings "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "&Remap a few keys for Windows (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F, etc)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Do not remap keys (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Remap a few keys"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ " Mouse "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "&Behavior of right and left buttons"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: visual mode (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: select mode (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_DUTCH} \
-+ "Right: extends selection, Left: visual mode (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/english.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/english.nsi 2018-12-21 16:17:34.131001267 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,280 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # english.nsi: English language strings for gvim NSIS installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1033
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : Guopeng Wen, Ken Takata
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Destination Folder (Must end with $\"vim$\")"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Show README after installation finish"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Typical"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Minimal"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Full"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Uninstall Existing Version(s)"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Uninstall existing Vim version(s) from your system."
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vim GUI and runtime files"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vim GUI executables and runtime files. This component is required."
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vim console program"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Console version of Vim (vim.exe)."
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create .bat files"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create .bat files for Vim variants in the Windows directory for \
-+ command line use."
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create icons for Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create icons for Vim at various locations to facilitate easy access."
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "On the Desktop"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create icons for gVim executables on the desktop."
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "In the Start Menu Programs Folder"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Add Vim in the programs folder of the start menu."
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "In the Quick Launch Bar"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Add Vim shortcut in the quick launch bar."
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Add Vim Context Menu"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Add Vim to the $\"Open With...$\" context menu list."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "32-bit Version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Add Vim to the $\"Open With...$\" context menu list \
-+ # for 32-bit applications."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "64-bit Version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Add Vim to the $\"Open With...$\" context menu list \
-+ # for 64-bit applications."
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create Default Config"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create a default config file (_vimrc) if one does not already exist."
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create Plugin Directories"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create plugin directories. Plugin directories allow extending Vim \
-+ by dropping a file into a directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Private"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create plugin directories in HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Shared"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Create plugin directories in Vim install directory, it is used for \
-+ everybody on the system."
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "VisVim Extension"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "VisVim Extension for Microsoft Visual Studio integration."
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Native Language Support"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Install files for native language support."
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Unregister Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Unregister Vim from the system."
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove Vim Executables/Runtime Files"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove all Vim executables and runtime files."
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove plugin directories"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories if they are empty."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Private"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Shared"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from Vim install directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory. It contains your Vim configuration files!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Found $vim_old_ver_count Vim versions on your system.$\r$\n\
-+ # This installer can only handle ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER} versions \
-+ # at most.$\r$\n\
-+ # Please remove some versions and start again."
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Invalid install path: $vim_install_root!$\r$\n\
-+ # It should end with $\"vim$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Binary path mismatch!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # Expect the binary path to be $\"$vim_bin_path$\",$\r$\n\
-+ # but system indicates the binary path is $\"$INSTDIR$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Vim is still running on your system.$\r$\n\
-+ # Please close all instances of Vim before you continue."
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Attempting to register Vim with OLE. \
-+ # There is no message indicates whether this works or not."
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Attempting to unregister Vim with OLE. \
-+ # There is no message indicates whether this works or not."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Uninstalling the following version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Fail to uninstall the following version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Cannot find uninstaller registry key."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Cannot find uninstaller from registry."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Cannot access uninstaller."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Fail to copy uninstaller to temporary directory."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Fail to run uninstaller."
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "Installer will abort."
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Installation failed. Better luck next time."
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Some files in $0 have not been deleted!$\r$\n\
-+ You must do it manually."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ # "WARNING: Cannot remove $\"$vim_install_root$\", it is not empty!"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Uninstalling the old version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Registering..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Unregistering..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Choose _vimrc settings"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Choose the settings for enhancement, keyboard and mouse."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ " Vi / Vim behavior "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "&Compatibility and enhancements"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vi compatible"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vim original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vim with some enhancements (load defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Vim with all enhancements (load vimrc_example.vim) (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ " Mappings "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "&Remap a few keys for Windows (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F, etc)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Do not remap keys (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Remap a few keys"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ " Mouse "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "&Behavior of right and left buttons"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: visual mode (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: select mode (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_ENGLISH} \
-+ "Right: extends selection, Left: visual mode (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/german.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/german.nsi 2018-12-21 16:17:42.970940595 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,280 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # german.nsi : German language strings for gvim NSIS installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1031
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : Christian Brabandt, tux
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Zielverzeichnis auswählen (muss auf $\"vim$\" enden)"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "README-Datei nach der Installation anzeigen"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Typisch"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Minimal"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vollständig"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vorherige Version deinstallieren"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vorherige installierte Versionen auf diesem System deinstallieren."
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim GUI"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim (Anwendung) und Laufzeitdateien (Dieser Teil ist zwingend \
-+ erforderlich)."
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim Konsolenanwendung"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Konsolenversion von Vim."
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ ".bat-Dateien erstellen"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ ".bat-Dateien erstellen, um Vim in der Konsole auszuführen."
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim-Verknüpfungen erstellen"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Verknüpfungen mit Vim für einfachen Aufruf erstellen."
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Auf dem Desktop"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Icons für GVim auf dem Desktop erstellen."
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Im Startmenü"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim im Programmverzeichnis des Startmenüs hinzufügen."
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "In der Schnellstartleiste"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Verknüpfung zu Vim in der Schnellstartleiste ablegen."
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim zum Kontextmenü hinzufügen"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim in das $\"Öffnen mit...$\"-Kontextmenü einfügen."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "32-Bit-Version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Vim in das $\"Öffnen mit...$\"-Kontextmenü \
-+ # für 32-Bit-Anwendungen integrieren."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "64-Bit-Version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Vim in das $\"Öffnen mit...$\"-Kontextmenü \
-+ # für 64-Bit-Anwendungen integrieren."
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Standard-Konfigurationsdatei erstellen"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Eine Standard-Konfigurationsdatei (_vimrc) erstellen, \
-+ falls noch keine existiert."
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Plugin-Verzeichnisse anlegen"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Plugin-Verzeichnisse anlegen. Plugins erlauben es, Vim \
-+ um zusätzliche Funktionen zu erweitern."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Privat"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Erstelle Plugin-Verzeichnis im HOME Benutzerverzeichnis."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Freigegeben"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Plugin-Verzeichnisse im Vim-Installationsverzeichnis erstellen. Diese werden \
-+ für alle Benutzer dieses Systems genutzt."
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "VisVim-Erweiterung"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "VisVim-Erweiterung zur Integration in Microsoft Visual Studio."
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Unterstützung für andere Sprachen"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Dateien zur Unterstützung anderer Sprachen als Englisch installieren."
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim deinstallieren"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim vom System entfernen."
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim-Anwendung und Laufzeitdateien entfernen"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Alle Vim-Anwendungen und Laufzeitdateien von diesem System entfernen."
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entferne Plugin-Verzeichnisse"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entferne Plugin-Verzeichnisse, falls sie leer sind."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Privat"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entfernt die Plugin-Verzeichnisse aus dem HOME Benutzerverzeichnis."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Freigegeben"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entfernt das Plugin-Verzeichnis aus dem Vim-Installationsverzeichnis."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entferne Vim Installationsverzeichnis"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entfernt das Vim Installationsverzeichnis. Es enthält die Vim Konfigurationsdateien!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "$vim_old_ver_count Vim-Versionen auf diesem System gefunden..$\r$\n\
-+ # Dieser Installer kann maximal ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER} Versionen \
-+ # handhaben.$\r$\n\
-+ # Bitte alte Versionen entfernen und noch einmal probieren."
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Nicht gültiges Installationsverzeichnis: $vim_install_root!$\r$\n\
-+ # Der Pfad muss auf $\"vim$\" enden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Pfaddiskrepanz!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # Erwarte Anwendungsverzeichnis $\"$vim_bin_path$\",$\r$\n\
-+ # aber fand Anwendungspfad $\"$INSTDIR$\" vor."
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Laufender Vim-Prozess erkannt.$\r$\n\
-+ # Bitte alle laufenden Vim-Prozesse vor dem Fortfahren beenden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Versuche OLE-Registrierung durchzuführen."
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Versuche OLE-Registrierung zu löschen."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Deinstalliere die folgende Version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Deinstallation der Version fehlgeschlagen:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Deinstallationsschlüssel in der Registrierungsdatenbank nicht gefunden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Kein Uninstaller in der Registrierungsdatenbank gefunden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Kein Zugriff auf den Uninstaller."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Fehler beim Kopieren des Uninstallers in ein temporäres Verzeichnis."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Fehler beim Aufruf des Uninstallers."
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Installation wird abgebrochen."
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Installation fehlerhaft beendet."
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Einige Dateien im Pfad $0 konnten nicht gelöscht werden!$\r$\n\
-+ Diese Dateien müssen manuell gelöscht werden."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ # "Achtung: Kann Verzeichnis $\"$vim_install_root$\" nicht entfernen, \
-+ # weil es nicht leer ist!"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Deinstalliere alte Version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Registriere..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Entferne Registrierung..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Wähle _vimrc Konfigurationsoptionen"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Wähle Einstellungen zur Kompatibilität, Tastatur und Maus."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ " Vi / Vim Verhalten "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "&Kompatibilität und Erweiterungen"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vi-kompatibel"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim Original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim mit einigen Erweiterungen (Lädt defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Vim mit allen Erweiterungen (Lädt vimrc_example.vim) (Standard)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ " Mappings für Windows Standard Tastenkombinationen "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "&Einige Tasten umkonfigurieren (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F, etc)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Keine Tasten umkonfigurieren (Standard)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Einige Tasten umkonfigurieren"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ " Maus "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "&Verhalten der linken und rechten Buttons"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Rechts: Popup Menü, Links: Visueller Modus (Standard)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Rechts: Popup Menü, Links: Auswahl Modus (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_GERMAN} \
-+ "Rechts: Auswahl erweitern, Links: Visueller Modus (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/italian.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/italian.nsi 2018-12-21 16:17:51.158884392 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,290 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # italian.nsi : Italian language strings for gvim NSIS installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1040
-+ # Locale Name : it
-+ # fileencoding : latin1
-+ # Author : Antonio Colombo
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Cartella d'installazione (il nome deve finire con $\"vim$\")"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Visualizza README al termine dell'installazione"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Tipica"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Minima"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Completa"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Disinstalla versione/i esistente/i"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Disinstalla versione/i esistente/i di Vim dal vostro sistema."
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vim GUI (gvim.exe per Windows)"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vim GUI programmi e file di supporto. Questa componente è indispensabile."
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vim console (vim.exe per MS-DOS)"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Versione console di Vim (vim.exe)."
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea file di invocazione (MS-DOS) .bat"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea file di invocazione .bat per varianti di Vim nella directory \
-+ di Windows, da utilizzare da linea di comando (MS-DOS)."
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea icone per Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea icone per Vim in vari posti, per rendere facile l'accesso."
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Sul Desktop"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea icone per programma gvim sul desktop."
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Nella cartella del menù START"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Aggiungi Vim alle cartelle del menù START. \
-+ Disponibile solo da Windows 95 in avanti."
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Nella barra di Avvio Veloce"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Aggiungi un puntatore a Vim nella barra di Avvio Veloce."
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Aggiungi Vim al Menù Contestuale"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Aggiungi Vim alla lista contestuale $\"Apri con...$\"."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Versione a 32-bit"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Aggiungi Vim alla lista contestuale $\"Apri con...$\" \
-+ # per applicazioni a 32-bit."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Versione a 64-bit"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Aggiungi Vim alla lista contestuale $\"Apri con...$\" \
-+ # per applicazioni a 64-bit."
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea Configurazione di default"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea file configurazione di default (_vimrc) se non ne \
-+ esiste già uno."
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea Directory per Plugin"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea Directory per Plugin. Servono per aggiungere funzionalità \
-+ a Vim aggiungendo file a una di queste directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Privato"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Create plugin directories in HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Condiviso"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Crea Directory Plugin nella directory di installazione di Vim \
-+ per uso da parte di tutti gli utenti di questo sistema."
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Estensione VisVim"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Estensione VisVim per integrazione con Microsoft Visual Studio."
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Supporto Multilingue (NLS)"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Installa file per supportare messaggi in diverse lingue."
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Togli Vim dal Registry"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Togli Vim dal Registry di configurazione sistema."
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Cancella programmi/file_ausiliari Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Cancella tutti i programmi/file_ausiliari di Vim."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Cancella file di configurazione di Vim"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Cancella file di configurazione di Vim $vim_install_root\_vimrc. \
-+ Da saltare se avete personalizzato il file di configurazione."
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remove plugin directories"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories if they are empty."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Privato"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Condiviso"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from Vim install directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory. It contains your Vim configuration files!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Trovate $vim_old_ver_count versioni di Vim sul vostro sistema.$\r$\n\
-+ # Questo programma di installazione può gestirne solo \
-+ # ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER}.$\r$\n\
-+ # Disinstallate qualche versione precedente e ricominciate."
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Nome di directory di installazione non valida: $vim_install_root!$\r$\n\
-+ # Dovrebbe terminare con $\"vim$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Incongruenza di installazione!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # Cartella di installazione dev'essere $\"$vim_bin_path$\",$\r$\n\
-+ # ma il sistema segnala invece $\"$INSTDIR$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Vim ancora in esecuzione sul vostro sistema.$\r$\n\
-+ # Chiudete tutte le sessioni attive di Vim per continuare."
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Tentativo di registrazione di Vim con OLE. \
-+ # Non ci sono messaggi che indicano se ha funzionato o no."
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Tentativo di togliere da Registry Vim con OLE. \
-+ # Non ci sono messaggi che indicano se ha funzionato o no."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Disinstallazione delle seguenti versioni:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Disinstallazione non riuscita per la seguente versione:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Non riesco a trovare chiave di disinstallazione nel Registry."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Non riesco a trovare programma disinstallazione nel Registry."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Non riesco a utilizzare programma disinstallazione."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Non riesco a copiare programma disinstallazione a una \
-+ # directory temporanea."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Non riesco a eseguire programma disinstallazione."
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "Il programma di disinstallazione verrà chiuso senza aver fatto nulla."
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Installazione non riuscita. Miglior fortuna alla prossima!"
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Alcuni file in $0 non sono stati cancellati!$\r$\n\
-+ Dovreste cancellarli voi stessi."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ # "AVVISO: Non posso cancellare $\"$vim_install_root$\", non è vuota!"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Uninstalling the old version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Registering..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Unregistering..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Choose _vimrc settings"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Choose the settings for enhancement, keyboard and mouse."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ " Vi / Vim behavior "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "&Compatibility and enhancements"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vi compatible"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vim original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vim with some enhancements (load defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Vim with all enhancements (load vimrc_example.vim) (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ " Mappings "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "&Remap a few keys for Windows (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F, etc)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Do not remap keys (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Remap a few keys"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ " Mouse "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "&Behavior of right and left buttons"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: visual mode (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: select mode (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_ITALIAN} \
-+ "Right: extends selection, Left: visual mode (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/japanese.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/japanese.nsi 2018-12-21 16:18:00.150822667 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,287 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # japanese.nsi: Japanese language strings for gvim NSIS installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1041
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : Ken Takata
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ # Workarounds for NSIS Japanese translation. The messages are too long.
-+ # These should be better to be fixed by the NSIS upstream.
-+ LangString ^SpaceAvailable ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "利用可能なディスク容量:"
-+ LangString ^SpaceRequired ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "必要なディスク容量:"
-+ # Fix another NSIS Japanese translation. The access key was missing.
-+ LangString ^InstallBtn ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "インストール(&I)"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Destination Folder (Must end with $\"vim$\")"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "インストール完了後に README を表示する"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "通常"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "最小"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "全て"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "既存のバージョンをアンインストール"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "すでにインストールされている Vim をシステムから削除します。"
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim GUI とランタイムファイル"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim GUI 実行ファイルとラインタイムファイル。このコンポーネントは必須です。"
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim コンソールプログラム"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "コンソール版の Vim (vim.exe)。"
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ ".bat ファイルを作成"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "コマンドラインから Vim と関連コマンドを実行できるように、.bat ファイルを Windows ディレクトリに作成します。"
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim のアイコンを作成"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim を簡単に実行できるように、いくつかの場所にアイコンを作成します。"
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "デスクトップ上"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "gVim 実行ファイルのアイコンをデスクトップ上に作成します。"
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "スタートメニューのプログラムフォルダー上"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim のアイコンをスタートメニューのプログラムフォルダー上に作成します。"
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "In the Quick Launch Bar"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Add Vim shortcut in the quick launch bar."
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim のコンテキストメニューを追加"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "$\"Vimで編集する$\" をコンテキストメニューに追加します。"
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "32-bit Version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Add Vim to the $\"Open With...$\" context menu list \
-+ # for 32-bit applications."
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "64-bit Version"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Add Vim to the $\"Open With...$\" context menu list \
-+ # for 64-bit applications."
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "既定のコンフィグを作成"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "もし無ければ、既定のコンフィグファイル (_vimrc) を作成します。"
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリを作成"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリを作成します。そこにプラグインファイルを置くことで Vim を拡張することができます。"
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "個人用"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリをホームディレクトリに作成します。"
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "共用"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリを Vim のインストールディレクトリに作成します。システムの全員で共有されます。"
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "VisVim 拡張"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Microsoft Visual Studio 統合用の VisVim 拡張。"
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "多言語サポート"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "多言語サポート用のファイルをインストールします。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim を登録解除"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim をシステムから登録解除します。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim の実行ファイル/ランタイムファイルを削除"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "全ての Vim の実行ファイルとランタイムファイルを削除します。"
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリを削除"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリが空であればそれを削除します。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "個人用"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリをホームディレクトリから削除します。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "共用"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "プラグインディレクトリを Vim のインストールディレクトリから削除します。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim のトップディレクトリを削除"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim のトップディレクトリを削除します。あなたの Vim の設定ファイルも含まれていることに注意してください!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Found $vim_old_ver_count Vim versions on your system.$\r$\n\
-+ # This installer can only handle ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER} versions \
-+ # at most.$\r$\n\
-+ # Please remove some versions and start again."
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Invalid install path: $vim_install_root!$\r$\n\
-+ # It should end with $\"vim$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Binary path mismatch!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # Expect the binary path to be $\"$vim_bin_path$\",$\r$\n\
-+ # but system indicates the binary path is $\"$INSTDIR$\"."
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Vim is still running on your system.$\r$\n\
-+ # Please close all instances of Vim before you continue."
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Attempting to register Vim with OLE. \
-+ # There is no message indicates whether this works or not."
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Attempting to unregister Vim with OLE. \
-+ # There is no message indicates whether this works or not."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Uninstalling the following version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Fail to uninstall the following version:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Cannot find uninstaller registry key."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Cannot find uninstaller from registry."
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Cannot access uninstaller."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Fail to copy uninstaller to temporary directory."
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Fail to run uninstaller."
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "Installer will abort."
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "インストールに失敗しました。次はうまくいくことを祈ります。"
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "$0 内の一部のファイルは削除できませんでした!$\r$\n\
-+ 手動で削除する必要があります。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ # "WARNING: Cannot remove $\"$vim_install_root$\", it is not empty!"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "古いバージョンをアンインストールしています..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "登録中..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "登録解除中..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "_vimrc の設定を選んでください"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "拡張やキーボード、マウスの設定を選んでください。"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ " Vi / Vim の動作 "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "互換性と拡張(&C)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vi 互換"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim 独自"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim 独自と多少の拡張 (defaults.vim を読み込み)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Vim 独自と全ての拡張 (vimrc_example.vim を読み込み) (既定)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ " マッピング "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "Windows用に一部のキーをリマップする(&R) (例: Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F など)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "リマップしない (既定)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "リマップする"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ " マウス "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "右ボタンと左ボタンの動作(&B)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "右:ポップアップメニュー、左:ビジュアルモード (既定)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "右:ポップアップメニュー、左:選択モード (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_JAPANESE} \
-+ "右:選択を拡張、左:ビジュアルモード (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/simpchinese.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/simpchinese.nsi 2018-12-21 16:18:13.326732217 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,277 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # simpchinese.nsi: Simplified Chinese language strings for gvim NSIS
-+ # installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 2052
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : Guopeng Wen
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SimpChinese"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "安装路径 (必须以 vim 结尾)"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装完成后显示 README 文件"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "典型安装"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "最小安装"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "完全安装"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "卸载旧版本"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "卸载系统上旧版本的 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装 Vim 图形界面"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装 Vim 图形界面及脚本。此为必选安装。"
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装 Vim 命令行程序"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装 Vim 命令行程序 (vim.exe)。该程序在命令行窗口中运行。"
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装批处理文件"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "为 Vim 的各种变体创建批处理程序,以便在命令行下运行 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "创建 Vim 图标"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "为 Vim 创建若干图标,以方便使用 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "在桌面上"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "在桌面上为 Vim 创建若干图标,以方便启动 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "在启动菜单的程序菜单下"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "在启动菜单的程序菜单下添加 Vim 组。适用于 Windows 95 及以上版本。"
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "在快速启动启动栏中"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "在快速启动栏中添加 Vim 图标。"
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装快捷菜单"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "将 Vim 添加到“打开方式”快捷菜单中。"
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "32 位版本"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "将 Vim 添加到 32 位程序的“打开方式”快捷菜单中。"
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "64 位版本"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "将 Vim 添加到 64 位程序的“打开方式”快捷菜单中。"
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "创建缺省配置文件"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "在安装目录下生成缺省的 Vim 配置文件(_vimrc)。\
-+ 如果该文件已经存在,则略过此项。"
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "创建插件目录"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "创建(空的)插件目录结构。插件目录用于安装 Vim 扩展插件,\
-+ 只要将文件复制到相关的子目录中即可。"
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "私有插件目录"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Create plugin directories in HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "公共插件目录"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "在 Vim 安装目录下创建(空的)插件目录结构,系统上所有用户都能使用安装在\
-+ 该目录下的扩展插件。"
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装 VisVim 插件"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装用于与微软 Microsoft Visual Studio 进行集成的 VisVim 插件。"
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装多语言支持"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装用于多语言支持的文件。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "删除 Vim 系统配置"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "删除和 Vim 相关的系统配置。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "删除 Vim 执行文件以及脚本"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "删除 Vim 的所有执行文件及脚本。"
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove plugin directories"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories if they are empty."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "私有插件目录"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "公共插件目录"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories from Vim install directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory. It contains your Vim configuration files!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "您的系统上安装了 $vim_old_ver_count 个不同版本的 Vim,$\r$\n\
-+ # 但本安装程序最多只能处理 ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER} 个版本。$\r$\n\
-+ # 请您手工删除一些旧版本以后再运行本安装程序。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "安装路径“$vim_install_root”无效!$\r$\n\
-+ # 该路径必须以 vim 结尾。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "Vim 执行程序安装路径异常!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # 该版本 Vim 的执行程序安装路径应该是“$vim_bin_path”,$\r$\n\
-+ # 而系统却指示该路径为“$INSTDIR”。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "您的系统上仍有 Vim 在运行,$\r$\n\
-+ # 请您在执行后续步骤前退出这些 Vim。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "试图注册 Vim OLE 服务器。请注意无论成功与否都不再显示进一步的信息。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "试图注销 Vim OLE 服务器。请注意无论成功与否都不再显示进一步的信息。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "开始卸载以下版本:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "以下版本卸载失败:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "找不到卸载程序的注册表键。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "在注册表中未找到卸载程序路径。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "找不到卸载程序。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "无法将卸载程序复制到临时目录。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "执行卸载程序失败。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "安装程序将退出。"
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "安装失败。祝您下次好运。"
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "目录“$0”下有部分文件删除失败!$\r$\n\
-+ 您只能手工删除该目录。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ # "警告:无法删除 Vim 安装目录“$vim_install_root”,\
-+ # 该目录下仍有其他文件。"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Uninstalling the old version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Registering..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Unregistering..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Choose _vimrc settings"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Choose the settings for enhancement, keyboard and mouse."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ " Vi / Vim behavior "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "&Compatibility and enhancements"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Vi compatible"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Vim original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Vim with some enhancements (load defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Vim with all enhancements (load vimrc_example.vim) (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ " Mappings "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "&Remap a few keys for Windows (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F, etc)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Do not remap keys (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Remap a few keys"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ " Mouse "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "&Behavior of right and left buttons"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: visual mode (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: select mode (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_SIMPCHINESE} \
-+ "Right: extends selection, Left: visual mode (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/nsis/lang/tradchinese.nsi 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
---- nsis/lang/tradchinese.nsi 2018-12-21 16:18:21.790674102 +0100
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,278 ----
-+ # vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker:
-+ #
-+ # tradchinese.nsi: Traditional Chinese language strings for gvim NSIS
-+ # installer.
-+ #
-+ # Locale ID : 1028
-+ # fileencoding : UTF-8
-+ # Author : Guopeng Wen
-+ !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese"
-+ # Overwrite the default translation.
-+ # These string should be always English. Otherwise dosinst.c fails.
-+ LangString ^SetupCaption ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "$(^Name) Setup"
-+ LangString ^UninstallCaption ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "$(^Name) Uninstall"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # MUI Configuration Strings {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_dest_folder ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "安裝資料夾 (必須以 vim 結尾)"
-+ LangString str_show_readme ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝完成後顯示 README 檔案"
-+ # Install types:
-+ LangString str_type_typical ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "典型安裝"
-+ LangString str_type_minimal ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "最小安裝"
-+ LangString str_type_full ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "完全安裝"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Section Titles & Description {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_section_old_ver ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "移除舊版本"
-+ LangString str_desc_old_ver ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "移除閣下電腦上舊版本的 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_section_exe ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝 Vim 圖形界面程式"
-+ LangString str_desc_exe ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝 Vim 圖形界面程式及腳本。此為必選安裝。"
-+ LangString str_section_console ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝 Vim 命令行程式"
-+ LangString str_desc_console ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝 Vim 命令行程式 (vim.exe)。該程式在控制臺窗口中運行。"
-+ LangString str_section_batch ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝批次檔案"
-+ LangString str_desc_batch ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "為 Vim 的各種變體創建批次檔,以便在命令行下啟動 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_group_icons ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立 Vim 圖示"
-+ LangString str_desc_icons ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立若干 Vim 圖示,以便于使用 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_section_desktop ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "於桌面"
-+ LangString str_desc_desktop ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立若干 Vim 圖示於桌面上,以方便啟動 Vim。"
-+ LangString str_section_start_menu ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "於「開始」功能表的「程式」集"
-+ LangString str_desc_start_menu ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "在「開始」功能表的「程式」集中建立 Vim 啟動組。\
-+ 適用于 Windows 95 及以上版本。"
-+ #LangString str_section_quick_launch ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "於快速啟動列"
-+ #LangString str_desc_quick_launch ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "在快速啟動列中建立 Vim 圖示。"
-+ LangString str_section_edit_with ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝快捷選單"
-+ LangString str_desc_edit_with ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "在「打開方式」快捷選單中添加 Vim 項。"
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with32 ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "32 位元版本"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with32 ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "在 32 位元程式的「打開方式」快捷選單中添加 Vim 項。"
-+ #LangString str_section_edit_with64 ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "64 位元版本"
-+ #LangString str_desc_edit_with64 ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "在 64 位元程式的「打開方式」快捷選單中添加 Vim 項。"
-+ LangString str_section_vim_rc ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立默認設定檔"
-+ LangString str_desc_vim_rc ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "在安裝資料夾下建立默認的 Vim 設定檔(_vimrc)。\
-+ 若該設定檔已經存在,則略過此項。"
-+ LangString str_group_plugin ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立插件資料夾"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立(空的)插件資料夾結構。插件資料夾用于安裝 Vim 的擴展插件,\
-+ 只要將檔案復制到相關的子資料夾中即可。"
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_home ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立插件資料夾"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_home ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Create plugin directories in HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_section_plugin_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "建立共享插件資料夾"
-+ LangString str_desc_plugin_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "在 Vim 安裝資料夾下建立(空的)插件資料夾結構,電腦上所有用戶都能使用安裝\
-+ 在該資料夾里的擴展插件。"
-+ LangString str_section_vis_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝 VisVim 插件"
-+ LangString str_desc_vis_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "VisVim 是用于與微軟 Microsoft Visual Studio 軟體進行整合的插件。"
-+ LangString str_section_nls ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝本地語言支持"
-+ LangString str_desc_nls ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝用于支持本地語言的檔案。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_register ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "移除 Vim 系統設定"
-+ LangString str_desc_unregister ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "移除與 Vim 相關的系統設定。"
-+ LangString str_unsection_exe ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "移除 Vim 程式及腳本"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_exe ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "移除所有的 Vim 程式及腳本。"
-+ LangString str_ungroup_plugin ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove plugin directories"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the plugin directories if they are empty."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_home ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Private"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_home ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the vimfiles directory in HOME directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_plugin_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Shared"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_plugin_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the vimfiles directory in Vim install directory."
-+ LangString str_unsection_rootdir ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory"
-+ LangString str_desc_rm_rootdir ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remove the Vim root directory. It contains your Vim configuration files!"
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Messages {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ #LangString str_msg_too_many_ver ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "閣下的電腦上安裝了 $vim_old_ver_count 個不同版本的 Vim,$\r$\n\
-+ # 但是本安裝程式最多只能處理 ${VIM_MAX_OLD_VER} 個版本。$\r$\n\
-+ # 煩請閣下手工移除一些版本以后再運行本安裝程式。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_invalid_root ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "安裝資料夾「$vim_install_root」無效!$\r$\n\
-+ # 該資料夾必須以「vim」結尾。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_bin_mismatch ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "Vim 執行程式安裝路徑異常!$\r$\n$\r$\n\
-+ # 該版本 Vim 的執行程式安裝路徑應該是「$vim_bin_path」,$\r$\n\
-+ # 而系統卻指示該路徑為「$INSTDIR」。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_vim_running ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "閣下的電腦上尚有正在運行之 Vim,$\r$\n\
-+ # 煩請閣下在執行后續步驟前將其全部退出。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_register_ole ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "試圖注冊 Vim OLE 伺服程式。請注意不論成功與否都不再顯示進一步的信息。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_unreg_ole ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "試圖注銷 Vim OLE 伺服程式。請注意不論成功與否都不再顯示進一步的信息。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_start ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "正移除如下版本:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_fail ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "以下版本移除失敗:"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_key ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "找不到反安裝程式的登錄檔入口。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_reg ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "在登錄檔中未找到反安裝程式路徑。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_no_rm_exe ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "找不到反安裝程式。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_copy_fail ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "無法將法將反安裝程式复制到臨時目錄。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_run_fail ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "執行反安裝程式失敗。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_abort_install ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "安裝程式將退出。"
-+ LangString str_msg_install_fail ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "安裝失敗。預祝下次好運。"
-+ LangString str_msg_rm_exe_fail ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "資料夾「$0」下有部分檔案未能移除!$\r$\n\
-+ 閣下只能手工移除該資料夾。"
-+ #LangString str_msg_rm_root_fail ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ # "警告:無法刪除 Vim 安裝資料夾「$vim_install_root」,\
-+ # 該資料夾下仍有其他檔案。"
-+ LangString str_msg_uninstalling ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Uninstalling the old version..."
-+ LangString str_msg_registering ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Registering..."
-+ LangString str_msg_unregistering ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Unregistering..."
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ # Dialog Box {{{1
-+ ##############################################################################
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_title ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Choose _vimrc settings"
-+ LangString str_vimrc_page_subtitle ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Choose the settings for enhancement, keyboard and mouse."
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_title ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ " Vi / Vim behavior "
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_desc ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "&Compatibility and enhancements"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vi ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Vi compatible"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_vim ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Vim original"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_defaults ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Vim with some enhancements (load defaults.vim)"
-+ LangString str_msg_compat_all ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Vim with all enhancements (load vimrc_example.vim) (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_title ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ " Mappings "
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_desc ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "&Remap a few keys for Windows (Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-F, etc)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_default ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Do not remap keys (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_keymap_windows ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Remap a few keys"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_title ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ " Mouse "
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_desc ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "&Behavior of right and left buttons"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_default ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: visual mode (Default)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_windows ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Right: popup menu, Left: select mode (Windows)"
-+ LangString str_msg_mouse_unix ${LANG_TRADCHINESE} \
-+ "Right: extends selection, Left: visual mode (Unix)"
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/src/dosinst.c 2018-12-14 19:54:35.711994528 +0100
---- src/dosinst.c 2018-12-21 16:12:48.524958008 +0100
-*** 444,455 ****
- title[0] = 0;
- GetWindowText(hwnd, title, 256);
-! if (strstr(title, "Vim ") != NULL && strstr(title, "Uninstall:") != NULL)
- ++num_windows;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Check for already installed Vims.
- * Return non-zero when found one.
- */
---- 444,499 ----
- title[0] = 0;
- GetWindowText(hwnd, title, 256);
-! if (strstr(title, "Vim ") != NULL && strstr(title, " Uninstall") != NULL)
- ++num_windows;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
-+ * Run the uninstaller silently.
-+ */
-+ static int
-+ run_silent_uninstall(char *uninst_exe)
-+ {
-+ char vimrt_dir[BUFSIZE];
-+ char temp_uninst[BUFSIZE];
-+ char temp_dir[MAX_PATH];
-+ char buf[BUFSIZE * 2 + 10];
-+ int i;
-+ DWORD tick;
-+ strcpy(vimrt_dir, uninst_exe);
-+ remove_tail(vimrt_dir);
-+ if (!GetTempPath(sizeof(temp_dir), temp_dir))
-+ return FAIL;
-+ /* Copy the uninstaller to a temporary exe. */
-+ tick = GetTickCount();
-+ for (i = 0; ; i++)
-+ {
-+ sprintf(temp_uninst, "%s\\vimun%04X.exe", temp_dir,
-+ (i + tick) & 0xFFFF);
-+ if (CopyFile(uninst_exe, temp_uninst, TRUE))
-+ break;
-+ if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)
-+ return FAIL;
-+ if (i == 65535)
-+ return FAIL;
-+ }
-+ /* Run the copied uninstaller silently. */
-+ if (strchr(temp_uninst, ' ') != NULL)
-+ sprintf(buf, "\"%s\" /S _?=%s", temp_uninst, vimrt_dir);
-+ else
-+ sprintf(buf, "%s /S _?=%s", temp_uninst, vimrt_dir);
-+ run_command(buf);
-+ DeleteFile(temp_uninst);
-+ return OK;
-+ }
-+ /*
- * Check for already installed Vims.
- * Return non-zero when found one.
- */
-*** 469,474 ****
---- 513,519 ----
- DWORD value_type;
- DWORD orig_num_keys;
- DWORD new_num_keys;
-+ DWORD allow_silent;
- int foundone = 0;
- code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, uninstall_key, 0,
-*** 495,500 ****
---- 540,555 ----
- local_bufsize = BUFSIZE;
-+ allow_silent = 0;
-+ if (skip_question)
-+ {
-+ DWORD varsize = sizeof(DWORD);
-+ RegQueryValueEx(uninstall_key_handle, "AllowSilent", 0,
-+ &value_type, (LPBYTE)&allow_silent,
-+ &varsize);
-+ }
- foundone = 1;
- printf("\n*********************************************************\n");
- printf("Vim Install found what looks like an existing Vim version.\n");
-*** 549,593 ****
- /* Find existing .bat files before deleting them. */
- find_bat_exe(TRUE);
-! /* Execute the uninstall program. Put it in double
-! * quotes if there is an embedded space. */
-! {
-! char buf[BUFSIZE];
-! if (strchr(temp_string_buffer, ' ') != NULL)
-! sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", temp_string_buffer);
-! else
-! strcpy(buf, temp_string_buffer);
-! run_command(buf);
-! }
-! /* Count the number of windows with a title that match
-! * the installer, so that we can check when it's done.
-! * The uninstaller copies itself, executes the copy
-! * and exits, thus we can't wait for the process to
-! * finish. */
-! sleep(1); /* wait for uninstaller to start up */
-! num_windows = 0;
-! EnumWindows(window_cb, 0);
-! if (num_windows == 0)
- {
-! /* Did not find the uninstaller, ask user to press
-! * Enter when done. Just in case. */
-! printf("Press Enter when the uninstaller is finished\n");
-! rewind(stdin);
-! (void)getchar();
- }
-! else
- {
-! printf("Waiting for the uninstaller to finish (press CTRL-C to abort).");
-! do
- {
-! printf(".");
-! fflush(stdout);
-! sleep(1); /* wait for the uninstaller to finish */
-! num_windows = 0;
-! EnumWindows(window_cb, 0);
-! } while (num_windows > 0);
- }
- printf("\nDone!\n");
---- 604,657 ----
- /* Find existing .bat files before deleting them. */
- find_bat_exe(TRUE);
-! if (allow_silent)
- {
-! if (run_silent_uninstall(temp_string_buffer)
-! == FAIL)
-! allow_silent = 0; /* Retry with non silent. */
- }
-! if (!allow_silent)
- {
-! /* Execute the uninstall program. Put it in double
-! * quotes if there is an embedded space. */
-! {
-! char buf[BUFSIZE];
-! if (strchr(temp_string_buffer, ' ') != NULL)
-! sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", temp_string_buffer);
-! else
-! strcpy(buf, temp_string_buffer);
-! run_command(buf);
-! }
-! /* Count the number of windows with a title that match
-! * the installer, so that we can check when it's done.
-! * The uninstaller copies itself, executes the copy
-! * and exits, thus we can't wait for the process to
-! * finish. */
-! sleep(1); /* wait for uninstaller to start up */
-! num_windows = 0;
-! EnumWindows(window_cb, 0);
-! if (num_windows == 0)
-! {
-! /* Did not find the uninstaller, ask user to press
-! * Enter when done. Just in case. */
-! printf("Press Enter when the uninstaller is finished\n");
-! rewind(stdin);
-! (void)getchar();
-! }
-! else
- {
-! printf("Waiting for the uninstaller to finish (press CTRL-C to abort).");
-! do
-! {
-! printf(".");
-! fflush(stdout);
-! sleep(1); /* wait for the uninstaller to finish */
-! num_windows = 0;
-! EnumWindows(window_cb, 0);
-! } while (num_windows > 0);
-! }
- }
- printf("\nDone!\n");
-*** 1609,1615 ****
- }
- printf("Creating an uninstall entry\n");
-! sprintf(display_name, "Vim " VIM_VERSION_SHORT);
- /* For the NSIS installer use the generated uninstaller. */
- if (interactive)
---- 1673,1683 ----
- }
- printf("Creating an uninstall entry\n");
-! sprintf(display_name, "Vim " VIM_VERSION_SHORT
-! #ifdef _WIN64
-! " (x64)"
-! #endif
-! );
- /* For the NSIS installer use the generated uninstaller. */
- if (interactive)
-*** ../vim-8.1.0615/src/version.c 2018-12-21 16:04:16.324437435 +0100
---- src/version.c 2018-12-21 16:20:01.809987067 +0100
-*** 801,802 ****
---- 801,804 ----
- { /* Add new patch number below this line */
-+ /**/
-+ 616,
- /**/
-hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
-33. You name your children Eudora, Mozilla and Dotcom.
- /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
-/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
-\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
- \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///