path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.1007
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.1007')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.1007 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.1007
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..706b30457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/vim/patches/8.1.1007
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+Subject: Patch 8.1.1007
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 8.1.1007
+Problem: Using closure may consume a lot of memory.
+Solution: unreference items that are no longer needed. Add a test. (Ozaki
+ Kiichi, closes #3961)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/test_memory_usage.vim,
+ src/userfunc.c
+*** ../vim-8.1.1006/src/testdir/Make_all.mak 2019-03-02 06:41:34.345330494 +0100
+--- src/testdir/Make_all.mak 2019-03-14 13:22:28.717839506 +0100
+*** 63,70 ****
+ # Individual tests, including the ones part of test_alot.
+ # Please keep sorted up to test_alot.
+- test_arglist \
+ test_arabic \
+ test_assert \
+ test_assign \
+ test_autochdir \
+--- 63,70 ----
+ # Individual tests, including the ones part of test_alot.
+ # Please keep sorted up to test_alot.
+ test_arabic \
++ test_arglist \
+ test_assert \
+ test_assign \
+ test_autochdir \
+*** 108,118 ****
+ test_ex_equal \
+ test_ex_undo \
+ test_ex_z \
+- test_exit \
+ test_exec_while_if \
+ test_execute_func \
+ test_exists \
+ test_exists_autocmd \
+ test_expand \
+ test_expand_dllpath \
+ test_expand_func \
+--- 108,118 ----
+ test_ex_equal \
+ test_ex_undo \
+ test_ex_z \
+ test_exec_while_if \
+ test_execute_func \
+ test_exists \
+ test_exists_autocmd \
++ test_exit \
+ test_expand \
+ test_expand_dllpath \
+ test_expand_func \
+*** 179,184 ****
+--- 179,185 ----
+ test_match \
+ test_matchadd_conceal \
+ test_matchadd_conceal_utf8 \
++ test_memory_usage \
+ test_menu \
+ test_messages \
+ test_mksession \
+*** 355,360 ****
+--- 356,362 ----
+ test_maparg.res \
+ test_marks.res \
+ test_matchadd_conceal.res \
++ test_memory_usage.res \
+ test_mksession.res \
+ test_nested_function.res \
+ test_netbeans.res \
+*** ../vim-8.1.1006/src/testdir/test_memory_usage.vim 2019-03-14 13:42:48.909493098 +0100
+--- src/testdir/test_memory_usage.vim 2019-03-14 13:26:00.264275955 +0100
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,144 ----
++ " Tests for memory usage.
++ if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running') || $ASAN_OPTIONS !=# ''
++ " Skip tests on Travis CI ASAN build because it's difficult to estimate
++ " memory usage.
++ finish
++ endif
++ source shared.vim
++ func s:pick_nr(str) abort
++ return substitute(a:str, '[^0-9]', '', 'g') * 1
++ endfunc
++ if has('win32')
++ if !executable('wmic')
++ finish
++ endif
++ func s:memory_usage(pid) abort
++ let cmd = printf('wmic process where processid=%d get WorkingSetSize', a:pid)
++ return s:pick_nr(system(cmd)) / 1024
++ endfunc
++ elseif has('unix')
++ if !executable('ps')
++ finish
++ endif
++ func s:memory_usage(pid) abort
++ return s:pick_nr(system('ps -o rss= -p ' . a:pid))
++ endfunc
++ else
++ finish
++ endif
++ " Wait for memory usage to level off.
++ func s:monitor_memory_usage(pid) abort
++ let proc = {}
++ let = a:pid
++ let proc.hist = []
++ let proc.min = 0
++ let proc.max = 0
++ func proc.op() abort
++ " Check the last 200ms.
++ let val = s:memory_usage(
++ if self.min > val
++ let self.min = val
++ elseif self.max < val
++ let self.max = val
++ endif
++ call add(self.hist, val)
++ if len(self.hist) < 20
++ return 0
++ endif
++ let sample = remove(self.hist, 0)
++ return len(uniq([sample] + self.hist)) == 1
++ endfunc
++ call WaitFor({-> proc.op()}, 10000)
++ return {'last': get(proc.hist, -1), 'min': proc.min, 'max': proc.max}
++ endfunc
++ let s:term_vim = {}
++ func s:term_vim.start(...) abort
++ let self.buf = term_start([GetVimProg()] + a:000)
++ let self.job = term_getjob(self.buf)
++ call WaitFor({-> job_status(self.job) ==# 'run'})
++ let = job_info(self.job).process
++ endfunc
++ func s:term_vim.stop() abort
++ call term_sendkeys(self.buf, ":qall!\<CR>")
++ call WaitFor({-> job_status(self.job) ==# 'dead'})
++ exe self.buf . 'bwipe!'
++ endfunc
++ func s:vim_new() abort
++ return copy(s:term_vim)
++ endfunc
++ func Test_memory_func_capture_vargs()
++ " Case: if a local variable captures a:000, funccall object will be free
++ " just after it finishes.
++ let testfile = 'Xtest.vim'
++ call writefile([
++ \ 'func s:f(...)',
++ \ ' let x = a:000',
++ \ 'endfunc',
++ \ 'for _ in range(10000)',
++ \ ' call s:f(0)',
++ \ 'endfor',
++ \ ], testfile)
++ let vim = s:vim_new()
++ call vim.start('--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', testfile)
++ let before = s:monitor_memory_usage(
++ call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\<CR>")
++ call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1})
++ let after = s:monitor_memory_usage(
++ " Estimate the limit of max usage as 2x initial usage.
++ call assert_inrange(before, 2 * before, after.max)
++ " In this case, garbase collecting is not needed.
++ call assert_equal(after.last, after.max)
++ call vim.stop()
++ call delete(testfile)
++ endfunc
++ func Test_memory_func_capture_lvars()
++ " Case: if a local variable captures l: dict, funccall object will not be
++ " free until garbage collector runs, but after that memory usage doesn't
++ " increase so much even when rerun Xtest.vim since system memory caches.
++ let testfile = 'Xtest.vim'
++ call writefile([
++ \ 'func s:f()',
++ \ ' let x = l:',
++ \ 'endfunc',
++ \ 'for _ in range(10000)',
++ \ ' call s:f()',
++ \ 'endfor',
++ \ ], testfile)
++ let vim = s:vim_new()
++ call vim.start('--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', testfile)
++ let before = s:monitor_memory_usage(
++ call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\<CR>")
++ call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1})
++ let after = s:monitor_memory_usage(
++ " Rerun Xtest.vim.
++ for _ in range(3)
++ call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\<CR>")
++ call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1})
++ let last = s:monitor_memory_usage(
++ endfor
++ call assert_inrange(before, after.max + (after.last - before), last)
++ call vim.stop()
++ call delete(testfile)
++ endfunc
+*** ../vim-8.1.1006/src/userfunc.c 2019-02-14 13:43:33.779220100 +0100
+--- src/userfunc.c 2019-03-14 13:35:20.756552196 +0100
+*** 39,50 ****
+ /* Used by get_func_tv() */
+ static garray_T funcargs = GA_EMPTY;
+! /* pointer to funccal for currently active function */
+! funccall_T *current_funccal = NULL;
+! /* Pointer to list of previously used funccal, still around because some
+! * item in it is still being used. */
+! funccall_T *previous_funccal = NULL;
+ static char *e_funcexts = N_("E122: Function %s already exists, add ! to replace it");
+ static char *e_funcdict = N_("E717: Dictionary entry already exists");
+--- 39,50 ----
+ /* Used by get_func_tv() */
+ static garray_T funcargs = GA_EMPTY;
+! // pointer to funccal for currently active function
+! static funccall_T *current_funccal = NULL;
+! // Pointer to list of previously used funccal, still around because some
+! // item in it is still being used.
+! static funccall_T *previous_funccal = NULL;
+ static char *e_funcexts = N_("E122: Function %s already exists, add ! to replace it");
+ static char *e_funcdict = N_("E717: Dictionary entry already exists");
+*** 586,628 ****
+ }
+ /*
+! * Free "fc" and what it contains.
+ */
+! static void
+! free_funccal(
+! funccall_T *fc,
+! int free_val) /* a: vars were allocated */
+ {
+! listitem_T *li;
+! int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < fc->fc_funcs.ga_len; ++i)
+ {
+! ufunc_T *fp = ((ufunc_T **)(fc->fc_funcs.ga_data))[i];
+! /* When garbage collecting a funccall_T may be freed before the
+! * function that references it, clear its uf_scoped field.
+! * The function may have been redefined and point to another
+! * funccall_T, don't clear it then. */
+ if (fp != NULL && fp->uf_scoped == fc)
+ fp->uf_scoped = NULL;
+ }
+ ga_clear(&fc->fc_funcs);
+! /* The a: variables typevals may not have been allocated, only free the
+! * allocated variables. */
+! vars_clear_ext(&fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab, free_val);
+! /* free all l: variables */
+ vars_clear(&fc->l_vars.dv_hashtab);
+! /* Free the a:000 variables if they were allocated. */
+! if (free_val)
+! for (li = fc->l_varlist.lv_first; li != NULL; li = li->li_next)
+! clear_tv(&li->li_tv);
+! func_ptr_unref(fc->func);
+! vim_free(fc);
+ }
+ /*
+--- 586,636 ----
+ }
+ /*
+! * Free "fc".
+ */
+! static void
+! free_funccal(funccall_T *fc)
+ {
+! int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < fc->fc_funcs.ga_len; ++i)
+ {
+! ufunc_T *fp = ((ufunc_T **)(fc->fc_funcs.ga_data))[i];
+! // When garbage collecting a funccall_T may be freed before the
+! // function that references it, clear its uf_scoped field.
+! // The function may have been redefined and point to another
+! // funccall_T, don't clear it then.
+ if (fp != NULL && fp->uf_scoped == fc)
+ fp->uf_scoped = NULL;
+ }
+ ga_clear(&fc->fc_funcs);
+! func_ptr_unref(fc->func);
+! vim_free(fc);
+! }
+! /*
+! * Free "fc" and what it contains.
+! * Can be called only when "fc" is kept beyond the period of it called,
+! * i.e. after cleanup_function_call(fc).
+! */
+! static void
+! free_funccal_contents(funccall_T *fc)
+! {
+! listitem_T *li;
+! // Free all l: variables.
+ vars_clear(&fc->l_vars.dv_hashtab);
+! // Free all a: variables.
+! vars_clear(&fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab);
+! // Free the a:000 variables.
+! for (li = fc->l_varlist.lv_first; li != NULL; li = li->li_next)
+! clear_tv(&li->li_tv);
+! free_funccal(fc);
+ }
+ /*
+*** 632,682 ****
+ static void
+ cleanup_function_call(funccall_T *fc)
+ {
+ current_funccal = fc->caller;
+! /* If the a:000 list and the l: and a: dicts are not referenced and there
+! * is no closure using it, we can free the funccall_T and what's in it. */
+! if (fc->l_varlist.lv_refcount == DO_NOT_FREE_CNT
+! && fc->l_vars.dv_refcount == DO_NOT_FREE_CNT
+! && fc->l_avars.dv_refcount == DO_NOT_FREE_CNT
+! && fc->fc_refcount <= 0)
+! {
+! free_funccal(fc, FALSE);
+! }
+ else
+ {
+! hashitem_T *hi;
+! listitem_T *li;
+! int todo;
+! dictitem_T *v;
+! static int made_copy = 0;
+! /* "fc" is still in use. This can happen when returning "a:000",
+! * assigning "l:" to a global variable or defining a closure.
+! * Link "fc" in the list for garbage collection later. */
+! fc->caller = previous_funccal;
+! previous_funccal = fc;
+! /* Make a copy of the a: variables, since we didn't do that above. */
+ todo = (int)fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab.ht_used;
+ for (hi = fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
+ {
+ if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
+ {
+ --todo;
+! v = HI2DI(hi);
+! copy_tv(&v->di_tv, &v->di_tv);
+ }
+ }
+! /* Make a copy of the a:000 items, since we didn't do that above. */
+ for (li = fc->l_varlist.lv_first; li != NULL; li = li->li_next)
+ copy_tv(&li->li_tv, &li->li_tv);
+! if (++made_copy == 10000)
+ {
+! // We have made a lot of copies. This can happen when
+! // repetitively calling a function that creates a reference to
+ // itself somehow. Call the garbage collector soon to avoid using
+ // too much memory.
+ made_copy = 0;
+--- 640,714 ----
+ static void
+ cleanup_function_call(funccall_T *fc)
+ {
++ int may_free_fc = fc->fc_refcount <= 0;
++ int free_fc = TRUE;
+ current_funccal = fc->caller;
+! // Free all l: variables if not referred.
+! if (may_free_fc && fc->l_vars.dv_refcount == DO_NOT_FREE_CNT)
+! vars_clear(&fc->l_vars.dv_hashtab);
+! else
+! free_fc = FALSE;
+! // If the a:000 list and the l: and a: dicts are not referenced and
+! // there is no closure using it, we can free the funccall_T and what's
+! // in it.
+! if (may_free_fc && fc->l_avars.dv_refcount == DO_NOT_FREE_CNT)
+! vars_clear_ext(&fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab, FALSE);
+ else
+ {
+! int todo;
+! hashitem_T *hi;
+! dictitem_T *di;
+! free_fc = FALSE;
+! // Make a copy of the a: variables, since we didn't do that above.
+ todo = (int)fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab.ht_used;
+ for (hi = fc->l_avars.dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
+ {
+ if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
+ {
+ --todo;
+! di = HI2DI(hi);
+! copy_tv(&di->di_tv, &di->di_tv);
+ }
+ }
++ }
++ if (may_free_fc && fc->l_varlist.lv_refcount == DO_NOT_FREE_CNT)
++ fc->l_varlist.lv_first = NULL;
++ else
++ {
++ listitem_T *li;
+! free_fc = FALSE;
+! // Make a copy of the a:000 items, since we didn't do that above.
+ for (li = fc->l_varlist.lv_first; li != NULL; li = li->li_next)
+ copy_tv(&li->li_tv, &li->li_tv);
++ }
++ if (free_fc)
++ free_funccal(fc);
++ else
++ {
++ static int made_copy = 0;
+! // "fc" is still in use. This can happen when returning "a:000",
+! // assigning "l:" to a global variable or defining a closure.
+! // Link "fc" in the list for garbage collection later.
+! fc->caller = previous_funccal;
+! previous_funccal = fc;
+! if (want_garbage_collect)
+! // If garbage collector is ready, clear count.
+! made_copy = 0;
+! else if (++made_copy >= (int)((4096 * 1024) / sizeof(*fc)))
+ {
+! // We have made a lot of copies, worth 4 Mbyte. This can happen
+! // when repetitively calling a function that creates a reference to
+ // itself somehow. Call the garbage collector soon to avoid using
+ // too much memory.
+ made_copy = 0;
+*** 731,737 ****
+ line_breakcheck(); /* check for CTRL-C hit */
+! fc = (funccall_T *)alloc(sizeof(funccall_T));
+ if (fc == NULL)
+ return;
+ fc->caller = current_funccal;
+--- 763,769 ----
+ line_breakcheck(); /* check for CTRL-C hit */
+! fc = (funccall_T *)alloc_clear(sizeof(funccall_T));
+ if (fc == NULL)
+ return;
+ fc->caller = current_funccal;
+*** 832,847 ****
+ {
+ v = &fc->fixvar[fixvar_idx++].var;
+ v->di_flags = DI_FLAGS_RO | DI_FLAGS_FIX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+! v = (dictitem_T *)alloc((unsigned)(sizeof(dictitem_T)
+! + STRLEN(name)));
+ if (v == NULL)
+ break;
+ }
+- STRCPY(v->di_key, name);
+ /* Note: the values are copied directly to avoid alloc/free.
+ * "argvars" must have VAR_FIXED for v_lock. */
+--- 864,878 ----
+ {
+ v = &fc->fixvar[fixvar_idx++].var;
+ v->di_flags = DI_FLAGS_RO | DI_FLAGS_FIX;
++ STRCPY(v->di_key, name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+! v = dictitem_alloc(name);
+ if (v == NULL)
+ break;
+! v->di_flags |= DI_FLAGS_RO | DI_FLAGS_FIX;
+ }
+ /* Note: the values are copied directly to avoid alloc/free.
+ * "argvars" must have VAR_FIXED for v_lock. */
+*** 860,868 ****
+ if (ai >= 0 && ai < MAX_FUNC_ARGS)
+ {
+! list_append(&fc->l_varlist, &fc->l_listitems[ai]);
+! fc->l_listitems[ai].li_tv = argvars[i];
+! fc->l_listitems[ai].li_tv.v_lock = VAR_FIXED;
+ }
+ }
+--- 891,901 ----
+ if (ai >= 0 && ai < MAX_FUNC_ARGS)
+ {
+! listitem_T *li = &fc->l_listitems[ai];
+! li->li_tv = argvars[i];
+! li->li_tv.v_lock = VAR_FIXED;
+! list_append(&fc->l_varlist, li);
+ }
+ }
+*** 1088,1094 ****
+ if (fc == *pfc)
+ {
+ *pfc = fc->caller;
+! free_funccal(fc, TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+--- 1121,1127 ----
+ if (fc == *pfc)
+ {
+ *pfc = fc->caller;
+! free_funccal_contents(fc);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+*** 3646,3652 ****
+ {
+ fc = *pfc;
+ *pfc = fc->caller;
+! free_funccal(fc, TRUE);
+ did_free = TRUE;
+ did_free_funccal = TRUE;
+ }
+--- 3679,3685 ----
+ {
+ fc = *pfc;
+ *pfc = fc->caller;
+! free_funccal_contents(fc);
+ did_free = TRUE;
+ did_free_funccal = TRUE;
+ }
+*** ../vim-8.1.1006/src/version.c 2019-03-13 06:49:20.492351919 +0100
+--- src/version.c 2019-03-14 13:27:08.671770246 +0100
+*** 781,782 ****
+--- 781,784 ----
+ { /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++ 1007,
+ /**/
+"I don’t know how to make a screenshot" - Richard Stallman, July 2002
+(when asked to send a screenshot of his desktop for
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
+/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
+\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
+ \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///