path: root/Tweak.xm
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-01-15Fix the stupid alert popup on ALL the iOS versions.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-01-15Attempt to disable the user's wallpaper on iOS 7.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-01-15Do not delete notification settings (parrotgeek1).Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-01-15On iOS 7, fix dialog pop on unlock (parrotgeek1).Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-01-15On iOS 7, fix Exit Safe Mode text (parrotgeek1).Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-01-15iOS 7 alertSheet->alertView (thanks rpetrich!).Jay Freeman (saurik)
2013-09-20Extract iOS Safe Mode from Substrate and use Theos.Jay Freeman (saurik)