path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-27Make Cydia compatible back to iOS5 - unable to support older with this apt ve...Sam Bingner
2019-05-19Make Cydia compile "out of the box" on Xcode 10.2.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2018-08-13Fix sysroot (broken due to Apple now using https).Jay Freeman (saurik)
2018-08-13libapt-pkg needs to be statically linked on armv6.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2017-02-15Move more of sysroot's sadness into iPhonePrivate.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2016-11-01Avoid system headers to compile using macOS 10.12.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2015-07-04Apparently, also required a copy of du :(.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2015-06-27Drop sysroot dependency on coreutils by owning du.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2015-06-26Borrow Cycript's CYPool to avoid Depends: apr-lib.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2015-06-26Use libicucore's uregex to avoid Depends: libpcre.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2015-06-26Remove dependency on Substrate to have its macros.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2014-06-24Update version dependency for apt7 in Freeman (saurik)
2014-05-16Port build environment to Xcode 5.0.2 (iOS 7 SDK).Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14Add WebEventTouchCancel, using WebEvent.h.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14By default, bypass Packages URL update in Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14Add cached URLs for Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14Indent parsing from Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14Parse URLs from Packages separately from extract.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-14Separate out extract() in Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-10Fix swipe-to-delete animations on source cells.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-07Add some execution failsafes for Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-07Drop dependency on CydiaSubstrate.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-07Stop running at sign of first error.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2011-03-07New mobilesubstrate packages include an absolute symlink.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2010-10-04Fix permissions in dpkg-deb and add du back to package.Jay Freeman (saurik)
2010-10-04Rewrote the build environment from scratch.Jay Freeman (saurik)