path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.0575
diff options
authorSam Bingner <>2019-11-15 18:11:36 -1000
committerSam Bingner <>2019-11-15 18:11:36 -1000
commit978d9cd248490cda55c924e66a407bb793aff400 (patch)
treef14836ff8440840ad821abe8fc86148ec2ea7f5c /data/vim/patches/8.1.0575
parentbbc833a503b148701c64ed5be79f298b7911e340 (diff)
Update to vim_8.1.1948 and stop using patches
I mean... 1948...
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.0575')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0575 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.0575
deleted file mode 100644
index 05314da98..000000000
--- a/data/vim/patches/8.1.0575
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-Subject: Patch 8.1.0575
-Fcc: outbox
-From: Bram Moolenaar <>
-Mime-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-Patch 8.1.0575
-Problem: Termdebug: clearing multi-breakpoint does not work.
-Solution: Delete all X.Y breakpoints. Keep more information about placed
- breakpoints. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes #3641)
-Files: runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim
-*** ../vim-8.1.0574/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim 2018-12-02 13:45:47.088708659 +0100
---- runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim 2018-12-09 15:46:07.909886080 +0100
-*** 74,83 ****
- let s:stopped = 1
- " Take a breakpoint number as used by GDB and turn it into an integer.
-! " The breakpoint may contain a dot: 123.4
-! func s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(nr)
-! let t = split(a:nr, '\.')
-! return t[0] * 1000 + (len(t) == 2 ? t[1] : 0)
- endfunction
- func s:Highlight(init, old, new)
---- 74,83 ----
- let s:stopped = 1
- " Take a breakpoint number as used by GDB and turn it into an integer.
-! " The breakpoint may contain a dot: 123.4 -> 123004
-! " The main breakpoint has a zero subid.
-! func s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(id, subid)
-! return s:break_id + a:id * 1000 + a:subid
- endfunction
- func s:Highlight(init, old, new)
-*** 362,369 ****
---- 362,378 ----
- " Contains breakpoints that have been placed, key is a string with the GDB
- " breakpoint number.
-+ " Each entry is a dict, containing the sub-breakpoints. Key is the subid.
-+ " For a breakpoint that is just a number the subid is zero.
-+ " For a breakpoint "123.4" the id is "123" and subid is "4".
-+ " Example, when breakpoint "44", "123", "123.1" and "123.2" exist:
-+ " {'44': {'0': entry}, '123': {'0': entry, '1': entry, '2': entry}}
- let s:breakpoints = {}
-+ " Contains breakpoints by file/lnum. The key is "fname:lnum".
-+ " Each entry is a list of breakpoint IDs at that position.
-+ let s:breakpoint_locations = {}
- augroup TermDebug
- au BufRead * call s:BufRead()
- au BufUnload * call s:BufUnloaded()
-*** 683,692 ****
- endif
- exe 'sign unplace ' . s:pc_id
-! for key in keys(s:breakpoints)
-! exe 'sign unplace ' . (s:break_id + s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(key))
- endfor
- unlet s:breakpoints
- sign undefine debugPC
- for val in s:BreakpointSigns
---- 692,704 ----
- endif
- exe 'sign unplace ' . s:pc_id
-! for [id, entries] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! for subid in keys(entries)
-! exe 'sign unplace ' . s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(id, subid)
-! endfor
- endfor
- unlet s:breakpoints
-+ unlet s:breakpoint_locations
- sign undefine debugPC
- for val in s:BreakpointSigns
-*** 721,735 ****
- func s:ClearBreakpoint()
- let fname = fnameescape(expand('%:p'))
- let lnum = line('.')
-! for [key, val] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! if val['fname'] == fname && val['lnum'] == lnum
-! call s:SendCommand('-break-delete ' . key)
-! " Assume this always wors, the reply is simply "^done".
-! exe 'sign unplace ' . (s:break_id + s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(key))
-! unlet s:breakpoints[key]
-! break
- endif
-! endfor
- endfunc
- func s:Run(args)
---- 733,759 ----
- func s:ClearBreakpoint()
- let fname = fnameescape(expand('%:p'))
- let lnum = line('.')
-! let bploc = printf('%s:%d', fname, lnum)
-! if has_key(s:breakpoint_locations, bploc)
-! let idx = 0
-! for id in s:breakpoint_locations[bploc]
-! if has_key(s:breakpoints, id)
-! " Assume this always works, the reply is simply "^done".
-! call s:SendCommand('-break-delete ' . id)
-! for subid in keys(s:breakpoints[id])
-! exe 'sign unplace ' . s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(id, subid)
-! endfor
-! unlet s:breakpoints[id]
-! unlet s:breakpoint_locations[bploc][idx]
-! break
-! else
-! let idx += 1
-! endif
-! endfor
-! if empty(s:breakpoint_locations[bploc])
-! unlet s:breakpoint_locations[bploc]
- endif
-! endif
- endfunc
- func s:Run(args)
-*** 873,887 ****
- let s:BreakpointSigns = []
-! func s:CreateBreakpoint(nr)
-! if index(s:BreakpointSigns, a:nr) == -1
-! call add(s:BreakpointSigns, a:nr)
-! exe "sign define debugBreakpoint" . a:nr . " text=" . substitute(a:nr, '\..*', '', '') . " texthl=debugBreakpoint"
- endif
- endfunc
-! func s:SplitMsg(s)
-! return split(a:s, '{\%([a-z-]\+=[^,]\+,*\)\+}\zs')
- endfunction
- " Handle setting a breakpoint
---- 897,912 ----
- let s:BreakpointSigns = []
-! func s:CreateBreakpoint(id, subid)
-! let nr = printf('%d.%d', a:id, a:subid)
-! if index(s:BreakpointSigns, nr) == -1
-! call add(s:BreakpointSigns, nr)
-! exe "sign define debugBreakpoint" . nr . " text=" . substitute(nr, '\..*', '', '') . " texthl=debugBreakpoint"
- endif
- endfunc
-! func! s:SplitMsg(s)
-! return split(a:s, '{.\{-}}\zs')
- endfunction
- " Handle setting a breakpoint
-*** 900,947 ****
- if empty(nr)
- return
- endif
-- call s:CreateBreakpoint(nr)
-! if has_key(s:breakpoints, nr)
-! let entry = s:breakpoints[nr]
- else
- let entry = {}
-! let s:breakpoints[nr] = entry
- endif
- let lnum = substitute(msg, '.*line="\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '')
- let entry['fname'] = fname
- let entry['lnum'] = lnum
- if bufloaded(fname)
-! call s:PlaceSign(nr, entry)
- endif
- endfor
- endfunc
-! func s:PlaceSign(nr, entry)
-! exe 'sign place ' . (s:break_id + s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(a:nr)) . ' line=' . a:entry['lnum'] . ' name=debugBreakpoint' . a:nr . ' file=' . a:entry['fname']
- let a:entry['placed'] = 1
- endfunc
- " Handle deleting a breakpoint
- " Will remove the sign that shows the breakpoint
- func s:HandleBreakpointDelete(msg)
-! let key = substitute(a:msg, '.*id="\([0-9.]*\)\".*', '\1', '')
-! if empty(key)
- return
- endif
-! for [nr, entry] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! if stridx(nr, key) != 0
-! continue
-! endif
-! let entry = s:breakpoints[nr]
-! if has_key(entry, 'placed')
-! exe 'sign unplace ' . (s:break_id + s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(nr))
-! unlet entry['placed']
-! endif
-! unlet s:breakpoints[nr]
-! endfor
- endfunc
- " Handle the debugged program starting to run.
---- 925,987 ----
- if empty(nr)
- return
- endif
-! " If "nr" is 123 it becomes "123.0" and subid is "0".
-! " If "nr" is 123.4 it becomes "123.4.0" and subid is "4"; "0" is discarded.
-! let [id, subid; _] = map(split(nr . '.0', '\.'), 'v:val + 0')
-! call s:CreateBreakpoint(id, subid)
-! if has_key(s:breakpoints, id)
-! let entries = s:breakpoints[id]
-! else
-! let entries = {}
-! let s:breakpoints[id] = entries
-! endif
-! if has_key(entries, subid)
-! let entry = entries[subid]
- else
- let entry = {}
-! let entries[subid] = entry
- endif
- let lnum = substitute(msg, '.*line="\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '')
- let entry['fname'] = fname
- let entry['lnum'] = lnum
-+ let bploc = printf('%s:%d', fname, lnum)
-+ if !has_key(s:breakpoint_locations, bploc)
-+ let s:breakpoint_locations[bploc] = []
-+ endif
-+ let s:breakpoint_locations[bploc] += [id]
- if bufloaded(fname)
-! call s:PlaceSign(id, subid, entry)
- endif
- endfor
- endfunc
-! func s:PlaceSign(id, subid, entry)
-! let nr = printf('%d.%d', a:id, a:subid)
-! exe 'sign place ' . s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(a:id, a:subid) . ' line=' . a:entry['lnum'] . ' name=debugBreakpoint' . nr . ' file=' . a:entry['fname']
- let a:entry['placed'] = 1
- endfunc
- " Handle deleting a breakpoint
- " Will remove the sign that shows the breakpoint
- func s:HandleBreakpointDelete(msg)
-! let id = substitute(a:msg, '.*id="\([0-9]*\)\".*', '\1', '') + 0
-! if empty(id)
- return
- endif
-! if has_key(s:breakpoints, id)
-! for [subid, entry] in items(s:breakpoints[id])
-! if has_key(entry, 'placed')
-! exe 'sign unplace ' . s:Breakpoint2SignNumber(id, subid)
-! unlet entry['placed']
-! endif
-! endfor
-! unlet s:breakpoints[id]
-! endif
- endfunc
- " Handle the debugged program starting to run.
-*** 958,977 ****
- " Handle a BufRead autocommand event: place any signs.
- func s:BufRead()
- let fname = expand('<afile>:p')
-! for [nr, entry] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! if entry['fname'] == fname
-! call s:PlaceSign(nr, entry)
-! endif
- endfor
- endfunc
- " Handle a BufUnloaded autocommand event: unplace any signs.
- func s:BufUnloaded()
- let fname = expand('<afile>:p')
-! for [nr, entry] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! if entry['fname'] == fname
-! let entry['placed'] = 0
-! endif
- endfor
- endfunc
---- 998,1021 ----
- " Handle a BufRead autocommand event: place any signs.
- func s:BufRead()
- let fname = expand('<afile>:p')
-! for [id, entries] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! for [subid, entry] in items(entries)
-! if entry['fname'] == fname
-! call s:PlaceSign(id, subid, entry)
-! endif
-! endfor
- endfor
- endfunc
- " Handle a BufUnloaded autocommand event: unplace any signs.
- func s:BufUnloaded()
- let fname = expand('<afile>:p')
-! for [id, entries] in items(s:breakpoints)
-! for [subid, entry] in items(entries)
-! if entry['fname'] == fname
-! let entry['placed'] = 0
-! endif
-! endfor
- endfor
- endfunc
-*** ../vim-8.1.0574/src/version.c 2018-12-09 15:00:47.985798600 +0100
---- src/version.c 2018-12-09 15:51:55.863826210 +0100
-*** 794,795 ****
---- 794,797 ----
- { /* Add new patch number below this line */
-+ /**/
-+ 575,
- /**/
-Are leaders born or made? And if they're made, can we return them under
- (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)
- /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
-/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
-\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
- \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///