path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.1293
diff options
authorSam Bingner <>2019-06-05 22:02:50 -1000
committerSam Bingner <>2019-06-05 22:02:50 -1000
commita255618e22152ca2e5fd361a3d0762e9db20dd80 (patch)
tree5c98f76c0de0785b8d5b58ac622da34f0d024a8f /data/vim/patches/8.1.1293
parent1b1fa61507a809a66f053a8523f883b2b6a2f487 (diff)
Update vim to 8.1.1471
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.1293')
1 files changed, 1036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.1293 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.1293
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d37e6e3f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/vim/patches/8.1.1293
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+Subject: Patch 8.1.1293
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 8.1.1293
+Problem: MSVC files are no longer useful for debugging. Newer Visual
+ Studio versions cannot read them.
+Solution: Delete the files. (Ken Takata, closes #4357)
+Files: Filelist, src/Make_dvc.mak, src/Make_ivc.mak,
+ runtime/doc/debug.txt, src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_mvc.mak
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/Filelist 2019-05-07 21:48:15.625291418 +0200
+--- Filelist 2019-05-07 22:19:21.527914030 +0200
+*** 424,431 ****
+ src/Make_bc5.mak \
+ src/Make_cyg.mak \
+ src/Make_cyg_ming.mak \
+- src/Make_ivc.mak \
+- src/Make_dvc.mak \
+ src/Make_ming.mak \
+ src/Make_mvc.mak \
+ tools/rename.bat \
+--- 424,429 ----
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/src/Make_dvc.mak 2010-05-15 13:04:10.000000000 +0200
+--- src/Make_dvc.mak 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+*** 1,105 ****
+- # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Format Version 4.00
+- # ** DO NOT EDIT **
+- # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == ""
+- CFG=Vim - Win32 IDE for Make_mvc.mak
+- !MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to Vim - Win32 IDE for\
+- Make_mvc.mak.
+- !IF "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 IDE for Make_mvc.mak"
+- !MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
+- !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE on this makefile
+- !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+- !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Make_dvc.mak" CFG="Vim - Win32 IDE for Make_mvc.mak"
+- !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 IDE for Make_mvc.mak" (based on\
+- "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
+- !IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
+- NULL=
+- !ELSE
+- NULL=nul
+- ################################################################################
+- # Begin Project
+- # PROP Target_Last_Scanned "Vim - Win32 IDE for Make_mvc.mak"
+- CPP=cl.exe
+- RSC=rc.exe
+- # PROP Use_MFC 0
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+- # PROP Output_Dir ""
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir ""
+- # PROP Target_Dir ""
+- ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\vimrun.exe"
+- CLEAN :
+- -@erase ".\vimrun.exe"
+- -@erase ".\vimrun.obj"
+- # ADD CPP /nologo /c
+- # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809
+- # ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d "NDEBUG"
+- BSC32=bscmake.exe
+- # ADD BSC32 /nologo
+- BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)/Make_dvc.bsc"
+- BSC32_SBRS=
+- LINK32=link.exe
+- # ADD BASE LINK32 /machine:IX86
+- # ADD LINK32 /nologo /pdb:none /machine:IX86 /out:"vimrun.exe"
+- LINK32_FLAGS=/nologo /pdb:none /machine:IX86 /out:"$(OUTDIR)/vimrun.exe"
+- LINK32_OBJS= \
+- "$(INTDIR)/vimrun.obj"
+- "$(OUTDIR)\vimrun.exe" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
+- $(LINK32) @<<
+- <<
+- CPP_PROJ=/nologo /ML /c
+- .c.obj:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- .cpp.obj:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- .cxx.obj:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- .c.sbr:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- .cpp.sbr:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- .cxx.sbr:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- ################################################################################
+- # Begin Target
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 IDE for Make_mvc.mak"
+- ################################################################################
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\vimrun.c
+- "$(INTDIR)\vimrun.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
+- # End Source File
+- # End Target
+- # End Project
+- ################################################################################
+--- 0 ----
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/src/Make_ivc.mak 2019-04-27 13:03:20.000715982 +0200
+--- src/Make_ivc.mak 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+*** 1,778 ****
+- # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Format Version 4.00
+- # ** DO NOT EDIT **
+- #
+- # Make_ivc.mak Makefile to build vim in both IDE and nmake.
+- # This file can be imported as a workspace into Visual Studio. It must be in
+- # DOS fileformat then!
+- #
+- # It is worth making the file read-only as the VC4 IDE will try to overwrite
+- # it with a HUGELY expanded clone of itself.
+- #
+- # The following points are worth noting:
+- # 1) Comments here are ignored by VC[456].0 IDEs
+- # 2) # ADD LINK32 /pdb:.\Dbg/vimd.pdb is written so rather than
+- # # ADD LINK32 /pdb:".\Dbg/vimd.pdb" to avoid VC4 -> VC5 conversion failure
+- # 3) It is good to delete .pdb file before linking to cope with switch among
+- # VC[456] as IDE clean action does not remove that file and link clashes
+- # with it. The following works in VC5 but not in VC4 which does not support
+- # pre-link actions. The nmake action does such deletions.
+- # Begin Special Build Tool
+- PreLink_Cmds=@if exist .\oleDbg\gvimd.pdb del .\oleDbg\gvimd.pdb
+- # End Special Build Tool
+- # 4) I was unable to make !IFDEF OLE, etc. work in the VC4 IDE.
+- # I was aiming for 4 configurations with sub-configurations selected by
+- # environment variables.
+- # 5) Optimisation is not supported by disabled versions of VC. This results in
+- # messages for Release builds like:
+- # Command line warning D4025 : overriding '/O2' with '/Od'
+- # 6) nmake 1.62 and later support batch compilation. I was unable to use this
+- # in a manner acceptable to earlier IDEs.
+- #
+- # History
+- #
+- # When Who What
+- # 2001-07-06 W.Briscoe Original derived from Make_[go]vc.mak with less noise
+- # 2001-07-08 W.Briscoe Further noise reduction; consistent .map and .pdb logic
+- # Added install.exe rule, etc.; Removed unused libraries.
+- # 2001-08-09 W.Briscoe Restored VC4.0-required trailing space in !MESSAGE afore
+- # Enhanced if_ole.idl rule to use /out argument.
+- # Default rules now relative to . to reduce IDE/nmake difs
+- # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == ""
+- CFG=Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE
+- !MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE.
+- !IF "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"\
+- && "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE"\
+- && "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 Release gvim"\
+- && "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim"\
+- && "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 Release vim"\
+- && "$(CFG)" != "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- !MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
+- !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE on this makefile
+- !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+- !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Make_ivc.mak" CFG="Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 Release gvim" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 Release vim" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !MESSAGE "Vim - Win32 Debug vim" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
+- !ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.
+- !IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"
+- NULL=
+- DEL_TREE = rmdir /s /q
+- !ELSE
+- NULL=nul
+- DEL_TREE = deltree /y
+- # Begin Project
+- # PROP Target_Last_Scanned "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Use_MFC 0
+- RSC=rc.exe
+- CPP=cl.exe
+- LINK32=link.exe
+- CPP_PROJ= /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c
+- # ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c
+- LINK32_FLAGS= oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib version.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib netapi32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib
+- # ADD LINK32 oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib version.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib
+- # SUBTRACT LINK32 /incremental:yes
+- RSC_PROJ= /l 0x409 /d "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN"
+- # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN"
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+- # PROP Output_Dir .\oleRel
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir .\oleRel
+- INTDIR=.\oleRel
+- VIM=gvim
+- EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/if_ole.obj" "$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj"
+- # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/
+- RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /I ".\oleRel" /d "NDEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleRel\vim.res
+- # ADD RSC /I ".\oleRel" /d "NDEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleRel\vim.res
+- LINK32_FLAGS=$(LINK32_FLAGS) /pdb:.\oleRel/gvim.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ libc.lib oleaut32.lib /subsystem:windows /out:.\gvim.exe
+- # ADD LINK32 /pdb:.\oleRel/gvim.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ libc.lib oleaut32.lib /subsystem:windows /out:.\gvim.exe
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE"
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+- # PROP Output_Dir .\oleDbg
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir .\oleDbg
+- INTDIR=.\oleDbg
+- VIM=gvimd
+- EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/if_ole.obj" "$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj"
+- CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/
+- # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /D "DYNAMIC_GETTEXT" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/
+- RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /I .\oleDbg /d "_DEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleDbg\vim.res
+- # ADD RSC /I .\oleDbg /d "_DEBUG" /d "FEAT_OLE" /fo.\oleDbg\vim.res
+- LINK32_FLAGS=$(LINK32_FLAGS) libcd.lib oleaut32.lib /subsystem:windows /debug /profile /pdb:.\oleDbg/gvimd.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ /out:.\gvimd.exe
+- # ADD LINK32 libcd.lib oleaut32.lib /subsystem:windows /debug /profile /pdb:.\oleDbg/gvimd.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ /out:.\gvimd.exe
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim"
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+- # PROP Output_Dir .\gRel
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir .\gRel
+- INTDIR=.\gRel
+- VIM=gvim
+- EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj"
+- CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /Fd.\gRel/ /Fo.\gRel/
+- # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /Fd.\gRel/ /Fo.\gRel/
+- RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /d "NDEBUG" /fo.\gRel\vim.res
+- # ADD RSC /d "NDEBUG" /fo.\gRel\vim.res
+- LINK32_FLAGS=$(LINK32_FLAGS) /pdb:.\gRel/gvim.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ libc.lib /subsystem:windows /out:.\gvim.exe
+- # ADD LINK32 /pdb:.\gRel/gvim.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ libc.lib /subsystem:windows /out:.\gvim.exe
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim"
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+- # PROP Output_Dir .\gDbg
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir .\gDbg
+- INTDIR=.\gDbg
+- VIM=gvimd
+- EXTRAS="$(INTDIR)/vim.res" "$(INTDIR)/gui.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_w32.obj" "$(INTDIR)/gui_beval.obj" "$(INTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj"
+- CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /Fd.\gDbg/ /Fo.\gDbg/
+- # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /Fd.\gDbg/ /Fo.\gDbg/
+- RSC_PROJ=$(RSC_PROJ) /d "_DEBUG" /fo.\gDbg\vim.res
+- # ADD RSC /d "_DEBUG" /fo.\gDbg\vim.res
+- LINK32_FLAGS=$(LINK32_FLAGS) libcd.lib /subsystem:windows /debug /profile /pdb:.\gDbg/gvimd.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\gDbg\ /out:.\gvimd.exe
+- # ADD LINK32 libcd.lib /subsystem:windows /debug /profile /pdb:.\gDbg/gvimd.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\gDbg\ /out:.\gvimd.exe
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+- # PROP Output_Dir .\Rel
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir .\Rel
+- INTDIR=.\Rel
+- VIM=vim
+- CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /Fd.\Rel/ /Fo.\Rel/
+- # ADD CPP /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /Fd.\Rel/ /Fo.\Rel/
+- LINK32_FLAGS=$(LINK32_FLAGS) /pdb:.\Rel/vim.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ libc.lib /subsystem:console /out:.\vim.exe
+- # ADD LINK32 /pdb:.\Rel/vim.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\oleDbg\ libc.lib /subsystem:console /out:.\vim.exe
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+- # PROP Output_Dir .\Dbg
+- # PROP Intermediate_Dir .\Dbg
+- INTDIR=.\Dbg
+- VIM=vimd
+- CPP_PROJ=$(CPP_PROJ) /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /Fd.\Dbg/ /Fo.\Dbg/
+- # ADD CPP /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /Fd.\Dbg/ /Fo.\Dbg/
+- LINK32_FLAGS=$(LINK32_FLAGS) libcd.lib /subsystem:console /debug /profile /pdb:.\Dbg/vimd.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\Dbg/ /out:.\vimd.exe
+- # ADD LINK32 libcd.lib /subsystem:console /debug /profile /pdb:.\Dbg/vimd.pdb -debug:full -debugtype:cv,fixup /map:.\Dbg/ /out:.\vimd.exe
+- ALL : .\$(VIM).exe vimrun.exe install.exe uninstal.exe xxd/xxd.exe GvimExt/gvimext.dll
+- LINK32_OBJS= \
+- $(EXTRAS) \
+- "$(INTDIR)/arabic.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/autocmd.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/blowfish.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/buffer.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/charset.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/crypt.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/crypt_zip.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/debugger.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/dict.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/diff.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/digraph.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/edit.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/eval.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/evalfunc.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ex_cmds.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ex_cmds2.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ex_docmd.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ex_eval.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ex_getln.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/fileio.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/findfile.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/fold.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/getchar.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/hardcopy.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/hashtab.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/indent.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/insexpand.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/json.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/list.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/main.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/mark.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/mbyte.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/memfile.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/memline.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/menu.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/message.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/misc1.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/misc2.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/move.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/normal.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ops.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/option.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/os_mswin.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/winclip.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/os_win32.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/popupmnu.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/quickfix.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/regexp.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/screen.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/search.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/sha256.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/sign.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/spell.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/spellfile.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/syntax.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/tag.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/term.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/ui.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/undo.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/usercmd.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/userfunc.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/version.obj" \
+- "$(INTDIR)/window.obj"
+- ".\$(VIM).exe" : "$(INTDIR)" $(EXTRAS) $(LINK32_OBJS)
+- @if exist $(INTDIR)\$(VIM).pdb del $(INTDIR)\$(VIM).pdb
+- $(LINK32) $(LINK32_FLAGS) $(LINK32_OBJS)
+- "$(INTDIR)" :
+- if not exist "$(INTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(INTDIR)"
+- CLEAN :
+- -@if exist "$(INTDIR)/$(NULL)" $(DEL_TREE) "$(INTDIR)"
+- -@if exist $(VIM).exe erase $(VIM).exe
+- -@if exist $(VIM).ilk erase $(VIM).ilk
+- -@if exist $(VIM).map erase $(VIM).map
+- -@if exist $(VIM).pdb erase $(VIM).pdb
+- -@if exist DLLDATA.C erase DLLDATA.C
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.bak attrib -r Make_ivc.bak
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.bak erase Make_ivc.bak
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.dsp erase Make_ivc.dsp
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.dsw erase Make_ivc.dsw
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.mdp erase Make_ivc.mdp
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.ncb erase Make_ivc.ncb
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.opt erase Make_ivc.opt
+- -@if exist Make_ivc.plg erase Make_ivc.plg
+- -@if exist dosinst.obj erase dosinst.obj
+- -@if exist install.exe erase install.exe
+- -@if exist uninstal.exe erase uninstal.exe
+- -@if exist uninstal.obj erase uninstal.obj
+- -@if exist vimrun.exe erase vimrun.exe
+- -@if exist vimrun.obj erase vimrun.obj
+- install.exe: dosinst.c
+- $(CPP) /Fe$@ /nologo /W3 -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 dosinst.c kernel32.lib shell32.lib user32.lib ole32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib
+- uninstal.exe: uninstal.c
+- $(CPP) /nologo /W3 -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 uninstal.c shell32.lib advapi32.lib
+- vimrun.exe: vimrun.c
+- $(CPP) /nologo /W3 -DNDEBUG vimrun.c
+- xxd/xxd.exe: xxd/xxd.c
+- cd xxd
+- $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_mvc.mak
+- cd ..
+- GvimExt/gvimext.dll: GvimExt/gvimext.cpp GvimExt/gvimext.rc GvimExt/gvimext.h
+- cd GvimExt
+- $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Makefile
+- cd ..
+- {.}.c{$(INTDIR)/}.obj:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<
+- {.}.cpp{$(INTDIR)/}.obj:
+- $(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) /I $(INTDIR) $<
+- {.}.rc{$(INTDIR)/}.res:
+- $(RSC) $(RSC_PROJ) $<
+- # Begin Target
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE"
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 Release gvim"
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim"
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # Name "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\arabic.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- #
+- SOURCE=.\autocmd.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\blowfish.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\buffer.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\charset.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\crypt.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\crypt_zip.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\debugger.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\dict.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\diff.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\digraph.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\edit.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\eval.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\evalfunc.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ex_cmds.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ex_cmds2.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ex_docmd.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ex_eval.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ex_getln.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\fileio.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- #
+- SOURCE=.\findfile.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\fold.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\getchar.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\hardcopy.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\hashtab.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- #
+- SOURCE=.\indent.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- #
+- SOURCE=.\insexpand.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\gui.c
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\gui_w32.c
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\gui_beval.c
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\os_w32exe.c
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\if_ole.cpp
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"
+- # PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1
+- # Begin Custom Build
+- "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h"
+- cl.exe /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c /Zi /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleRel/ /Fo.\oleRel/ /I ".\oleRel" .\if_ole.cpp
+- @rem This is the default rule with /I "$(IntDir)" added
+- # End Custom Build
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE"
+- # PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1
+- # Begin Custom Build
+- "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h"
+- cl.exe /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /I ".\proto" /D "WIN32" /c /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "FEAT_GUI_MSWIN" /D "FEAT_OLE" /Fd.\oleDbg/ /Fo.\oleDbg/ /I ".\oleDbg" .\if_ole.cpp
+- @rem This is the default rule with /I "$(IntDir)" added
+- # End Custom Build
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\if_ole.idl
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"
+- # PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1
+- # Begin Custom Build
+- "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
+- if exist .\if_ole.h del .\if_ole.h
+- midl /out .\oleRel /iid iid_ole.c /tlb vim.tlb /proxy nul /header if_ole.h .\if_ole.idl
+- # End Custom Build
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE"
+- # PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1
+- # Begin Custom Build
+- "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
+- if exist .\if_ole.h del .\if_ole.h
+- midl /out .\oleDbg /iid iid_ole.c /tlb vim.tlb /proxy nul /header if_ole.h .\if_ole.idl
+- # End Custom Build
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\json.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\list.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\main.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\mark.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\mbyte.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\memfile.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\memline.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\menu.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\message.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\misc1.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\misc2.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\move.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\normal.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ops.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\option.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\os_mswin.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\winclip.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\os_win32.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\popupmnu.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\quickfix.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\regexp.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\screen.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\search.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\sha256.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\sign.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\spell.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\spellfile.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\syntax.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\tag.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\term.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\ui.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\undo.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\usercmd.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\userfunc.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\version.c
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\vim.rc
+- !IF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"
+- "$(INTDIR)\vim.res" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h"
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim OLE"
+- "$(INTDIR)\vim.res" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(INTDIR)\if_ole.h"
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release gvim"
+- "$(INTDIR)\vim.res" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug gvim"
+- "$(INTDIR)\vim.res" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)"
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Release vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Vim - Win32 Debug vim"
+- # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+- # End Source File
+- # Begin Source File
+- SOURCE=.\window.c
+- # End Source File
+- # End Target
+- # End Project
+--- 0 ----
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/runtime/doc/debug.txt 2019-05-05 18:11:46.308590707 +0200
+--- runtime/doc/debug.txt 2019-05-07 22:22:23.675047276 +0200
+*** 78,87 ****
+ If you built the executable yourself with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler,
+ then the PDB was built with the EXE.
+- Alternatively, if you have the source files, you can import Make_ivc.mak into
+- Visual Studio as a workspace. Then select a debug configuration, build and
+- you can do all kinds of debugging (set breakpoints, watch variables, etc.).
+ If you have Visual Studio, use that instead of the VC Toolkit and WinDbg.
+ For other compilers, you should always use the corresponding debugger: TD for
+--- 78,83 ----
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/src/INSTALLpc.txt 2019-04-04 20:31:59.094873282 +0200
+--- src/INSTALLpc.txt 2019-05-07 22:23:32.266713984 +0200
+*** 81,101 ****
+ Perl, Python, etc.
+ Make_mvc.mak allows a Vim to be built with various different features and
+! debug support. Debugging with MS Devstudio is provided by Make_dvc.mak.
+! For a description of the use of Make_dvc.mak, look in Make_mvc.mak.
+ For compiling Gvim with IME support on far-east Windows, add IME=yes
+ to the parameters you pass to Make_mvc.mak.
+- To build Vim from within the Visual Studio IDE, open the Make_ivc.mak project.
+- (Note: Make_ivc.mak is not as rich as Make_mvc.mak, which allows for
+- far more configuration.) Make_ivc.mak can also be built with nmake.
+- nmake -f Make_ivc.mak CFG="Vim - Win32 Release gvim"
+- GUI Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x or later
+- nmake -f Make_ivc.mak CFG="Vim - Win32 Release gvim OLE"
+- OLE Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x or later
+ See the specific files for comments and options.
+ These files have been supplied by George V. Reilly, Ben Singer, Ken Scott and
+--- 81,91 ----
+ Perl, Python, etc.
+ Make_mvc.mak allows a Vim to be built with various different features and
+! debug support.
+ For compiling Gvim with IME support on far-east Windows, add IME=yes
+ to the parameters you pass to Make_mvc.mak.
+ See the specific files for comments and options.
+ These files have been supplied by George V. Reilly, Ben Singer, Ken Scott and
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/src/Make_mvc.mak 2019-05-03 22:14:59.452363625 +0200
+--- src/Make_mvc.mak 2019-05-07 22:24:28.786437049 +0200
+*** 143,179 ****
+ #
+ # Example: To build the non-debug, GUI version with Perl interface:
+ # nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes PERL=C:\Perl
+- #
+- # DEBUG with Make_mvc.mak and Make_dvc.mak:
+- # This makefile gives a fineness of control which is not supported in
+- # Visual C++ configuration files. Therefore, debugging requires a bit of
+- # extra work.
+- # Make_dvc.mak is a Visual C++ project to access that support. It may be
+- # badly out of date for the Visual C++ you are using...
+- # To use Make_dvc.mak:
+- # 1) Build Vim with Make_mvc.mak.
+- # Use a "DEBUG=yes" argument to build Vim with debug support.
+- # E.g. the following builds gvimd.exe:
+- # nmake -f Make_mvc.mak debug=yes gui=yes
+- # 2) Use MS Devstudio and set it up to allow that file to be debugged:
+- # i) Pass Make_dvc.mak to the IDE.
+- # Use the "open workspace" menu entry to load Make_dvc.mak.
+- # Alternatively, from the command line:
+- # msdev /nologo Make_dvc.mak
+- # Note: Make_dvc.mak is in VC4.0 format. Later VC versions see
+- # this and offer to convert it to their own format. Accept that.
+- # It creates a file called Make_dvc.dsw which can then be used
+- # for further operations. E.g.
+- # msdev /nologo Make_dvc.dsw
+- # ii) Set the built executable for debugging:
+- # a) Alt+F7/Debug takes you to the Debug dialog.
+- # b) Fill "Executable for debug session". e.g. gvimd.exe
+- # c) Fill "Program arguments". e.g. -R dosinst.c
+- # d) Complete the dialog
+- # 3) You can now debug the executable you built with Make_mvc.mak
+- #
+- # Note: Make_dvc.mak builds vimrun.exe, because it must build something
+- # to be a valid makefile..
+ ### See feature.h for a list of optionals.
+ # If you want to build some optional features without modifying the source,
+--- 143,148 ----
+*** ../vim-8.1.1292/src/version.c 2019-05-07 22:10:47.082118240 +0200
+--- src/version.c 2019-05-07 22:24:34.878407086 +0200
+*** 769,770 ****
+--- 769,772 ----
+ { /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++ 1293,
+ /**/
+A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a
+rug in a dwelling.
+ [real standing law in Pennsylvania, United States of America]
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
+/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
+\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
+ \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///