path: root/data/vim/patches/8.1.1226
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/vim/patches/8.1.1226')
1 files changed, 4826 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/vim/patches/8.1.1226 b/data/vim/patches/8.1.1226
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c72a00be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/vim/patches/8.1.1226
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+Subject: Patch 8.1.1226
+Fcc: outbox
+From: Bram Moolenaar <>
+Mime-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Patch 8.1.1226
+Problem: {not in Vi} remarks get in the way of useful help text.
+Solution: Make a list of all Vi options, instead of mentioning what Vi does
+ not have. Update the help text for options.
+Files: runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt
+*** ../vim-8.1.1225/runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt 2018-05-17 13:42:04.000000000 +0200
+--- runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt 2019-04-28 15:54:57.973028174 +0200
+*** 19,26 ****
+ 3. Limits |limits|
+ 4. The most interesting additions |vim-additions|
+ 5. Other vim features |other-features|
+! 6. Command-line arguments |cmdline-arguments|
+! 7. POSIX compliance |posix-compliance|
+ ==============================================================================
+ 1. Simulated command *simulated-command*
+--- 19,27 ----
+ 3. Limits |limits|
+ 4. The most interesting additions |vim-additions|
+ 5. Other vim features |other-features|
+! 6. Supported Vi features |vi-features|
+! 7. Command-line arguments |cmdline-arguments|
+! 8. POSIX compliance |posix-compliance|
+ ==============================================================================
+ 1. Simulated command *simulated-command*
+*** 787,793 ****
+ The AUX: device of the Amiga is supported.
+ ==============================================================================
+! 6. Command-line arguments *cmdline-arguments*
+ Different versions of Vi have different command-line arguments. This can be
+ confusing. To help you, this section gives an overview of the differences.
+--- 788,867 ----
+ The AUX: device of the Amiga is supported.
+ ==============================================================================
+! 6. Supported Vi features *vi-features*
+! Vim supports nearly all Vi commands and mostly in the same way. That is when
+! the 'compatible' option is set and 'cpoptions' contains all flags. What the
+! effect is of resetting 'compatible' and removing flags from 'cpoptions' can be
+! found at the help for the specific command.
+! Below is listed what features are present in Vi. Anything else has been added
+! by Vim.
+! The following Ex commands are supported by Vi: ~
+! `:set` but not `:set inv{option}`, `:set option&`, `:set all&`,
+! `:set option+=value`,
+! `:set option^=value`
+! `:set option-=value`
+! `:set option<`
+! The following Normal mode commands are supported by Vi: ~
+! The following options are supported by Vi: ~
+! 'autoindent' 'ai' take indent for new line from previous line
+! 'autowrite' 'aw' automatically write file if changed
+! 'directory' 'dir' list of directory names for the swap file
+! 'edcompatible' 'ed' toggle flags of ":substitute" command
+! 'errorbells' 'eb' ring the bell for error messages
+! 'ignorecase' 'ic' ignore case in search patterns
+! 'lines' number of lines in the display
+! 'lisp' automatic indenting for Lisp
+! 'list' show <Tab> and <EOL>
+! 'magic' changes special characters in search patterns
+! 'modeline' 'ml' recognize 'modelines' at start or end of file
+! {called modelines in some Vi versions}
+! 'number' 'nu' print the line number in front of each line
+! 'paragraphs' 'para' nroff macros that separate paragraphs
+! 'prompt' 'prompt' enable prompt in Ex mode
+! 'readonly' 'ro' disallow writing the buffer {Vim sets 'readonly'
+! when editing a file with `:view`}
+! 'remap' allow mappings to work recursively
+! 'report' threshold for reporting nr. of lines changed
+! 'scroll' 'scr' lines to scroll with CTRL-U and CTRL-D
+! 'sections' 'sect' nroff macros that separate sections
+! 'shell' 'sh' name of shell to use for external commands
+! 'shiftwidth' 'sw' number of spaces to use for (auto)indent step
+! 'showmatch' 'sm' briefly jump to matching bracket if insert one
+! 'showmode' 'smd' message on status line to show current mode
+! 'tabstop' 'ts' number of spaces that <Tab> in file uses
+! 'taglength' 'tl' number of significant characters for a tag
+! 'tags' 'tag' list of file names used by the tag command
+! 'tagstack' 'tgst' push tags onto the tag stack {not in all versions
+! of Vi}
+! 'term' name of the terminal
+! 'terse' shorten some messages
+! 'timeout' 'to' time out on mappings and key codes
+! 'ttytype' 'tty' alias for 'term'
+! 'verbose' 'vbs' give informative messages {only in some Vi
+! versions as a boolean option}
+! 'warn' warn for shell command when buffer was changed
+! 'window' 'wi' nr of lines to scroll for CTRL-F and CTRL-B
+! 'wrapmargin' 'wm' chars from the right where wrapping starts
+! 'wrapscan' 'ws' searches wrap around the end of the file
+! 'writeany' 'wa' write to file with no need for "!" override
+! Also see |missing-options|.
+! ==============================================================================
+! 7. Command-line arguments *cmdline-arguments*
+ Different versions of Vi have different command-line arguments. This can be
+ confusing. To help you, this section gives an overview of the differences.
+*** 967,973 ****
+ @{cmdfile} Vile: use {cmdfile} as startup file.
+ ==============================================================================
+! 7. POSIX compliance *posix* *posix-compliance*
+ In 2005 the POSIX test suite was run to check the compatibility of Vim. Most
+ of the test was executed properly. There are the few things where Vim
+--- 1041,1047 ----
+ @{cmdfile} Vile: use {cmdfile} as startup file.
+ ==============================================================================
+! 8. POSIX compliance *posix* *posix-compliance*
+ In 2005 the POSIX test suite was run to check the compatibility of Vim. Most
+ of the test was executed properly. There are the few things where Vim
+*** 1021,1024 ****
+ - ex test 534 fails because .exrc isn't read in silent mode.
+! vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
+--- 1095,1098 ----
+ - ex test 534 fails because .exrc isn't read in silent mode.
+! vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:
+*** ../vim-8.1.1225/runtime/doc/options.txt 2019-04-28 14:02:25.410687613 +0200
+--- runtime/doc/options.txt 2019-04-28 15:59:07.463883436 +0200
+*** 42,54 ****
+ *:set-!* *:set-inv*
+ :se[t] {option}! or
+! :se[t] inv{option} Toggle option: Invert value. {not in Vi}
+ *:set-default* *:set-&* *:set-&vi* *:set-&vim*
+ :se[t] {option}& Reset option to its default value. May depend on the
+! current value of 'compatible'. {not in Vi}
+! :se[t] {option}&vi Reset option to its Vi default value. {not in Vi}
+! :se[t] {option}&vim Reset option to its Vim default value. {not in Vi}
+ :se[t] all& Set all options to their default value. The values of
+ these options are not changed:
+--- 42,54 ----
+ *:set-!* *:set-inv*
+ :se[t] {option}! or
+! :se[t] inv{option} Toggle option: Invert value.
+ *:set-default* *:set-&* *:set-&vi* *:set-&vim*
+ :se[t] {option}& Reset option to its default value. May depend on the
+! current value of 'compatible'.
+! :se[t] {option}&vi Reset option to its Vi default value.
+! :se[t] {option}&vim Reset option to its Vim default value.
+ :se[t] all& Set all options to their default value. The values of
+ these options are not changed:
+*** 62,68 ****
+ 'ttymouse'
+ 'ttytype'
+ Warning: This may have a lot of side effects.
+- {not in Vi}
+ *:set-args* *E487* *E521*
+ :se[t] {option}={value} or
+--- 62,67 ----
+*** 88,94 ****
+ are removed. When adding a flag that was already
+ present the option value doesn't change.
+ Also see |:set-args| above.
+- {not in Vi}
+ :se[t] {option}^={value} *:set^=*
+ Multiply the {value} to a number option, or prepend
+--- 87,92 ----
+*** 96,102 ****
+ comma separated list, a comma is added, unless the
+ value was empty.
+ Also see |:set-args| above.
+- {not in Vi}
+ :se[t] {option}-={value} *:set-=*
+ Subtract the {value} from a number option, or remove
+--- 94,99 ----
+*** 109,115 ****
+ exactly as they appear in the option. Remove flags
+ one by one to avoid problems.
+ Also see |:set-args| above.
+- {not in Vi}
+ The {option} arguments to ":set" may be repeated. For example: >
+ :set ai nosi sw=3 ts=3
+--- 106,111 ----
+*** 120,129 ****
+ When 'verbose' is non-zero, displaying an option value will also tell where it
+ was last set. Example: >
+ :verbose set shiftwidth cindent?
+! < shiftwidth=4 ~
+! Last set from modeline ~
+! cindent ~
+! Last set from /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/ftplugin/c.vim ~
+ This is only done when specific option values are requested, not for ":verbose
+ set all" or ":verbose set" without an argument.
+ When the option was set by hand there is no "Last set" message.
+--- 116,125 ----
+ When 'verbose' is non-zero, displaying an option value will also tell where it
+ was last set. Example: >
+ :verbose set shiftwidth cindent?
+! < shiftwidth=4 ~
+! Last set from modeline line 1 ~
+! cindent ~
+! Last set from /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/ftplugin/c.vim line 30 ~
+ This is only done when specific option values are requested, not for ":verbose
+ set all" or ":verbose set" without an argument.
+ When the option was set by hand there is no "Last set" message.
+*** 132,138 ****
+ Note that an option may also have been set as a side effect of setting
+ 'compatible'.
+ A few special texts:
+! Last set from modeline ~
+ Option was set in a |modeline|.
+ Last set from --cmd argument ~
+ Option was set with command line argument |--cmd| or +.
+--- 128,134 ----
+ Note that an option may also have been set as a side effect of setting
+ 'compatible'.
+ A few special texts:
+! Last set from modeline line 1 ~
+ Option was set in a |modeline|.
+ Last set from --cmd argument ~
+ Option was set with command line argument |--cmd| or +.
+*** 305,319 ****
+ before the option name.
+ For a global option the global value is
+ shown (but that might change in the future).
+- {not in Vi}
+ :setl[ocal] {option}< Set the local value of {option} to its global value by
+ copying the value.
+- {not in Vi}
+ :se[t] {option}< For |global-local| options: Remove the local value of
+ {option}, so that the global value will be used.
+- {not in Vi}
+ *:setg* *:setglobal*
+ :setg[lobal] ... Like ":set" but set only the global value for a local
+--- 301,312 ----
+*** 323,329 ****
+ local options.
+ Without argument: display global values for all local
+ options which are different from the default.
+- {not in Vi}
+ For buffer-local and window-local options:
+ Command global value local value ~
+--- 316,321 ----
+*** 354,365 ****
+ :setlocal makeprg=perlmake
+ You can switch back to using the global value by making the local value empty: >
+ :setlocal makeprg=
+! This only works for a string option. For a boolean option you need to use the
+! "<" flag, like this: >
+ :setlocal autoread<
+! Note that for non-boolean options using "<" copies the global value to the
+! local value, it doesn't switch back to using the global value (that matters
+! when the global value changes later). You can also use: >
+ :set path<
+ This will make the local value of 'path' empty, so that the global value is
+ used. Thus it does the same as: >
+--- 346,357 ----
+ :setlocal makeprg=perlmake
+ You can switch back to using the global value by making the local value empty: >
+ :setlocal makeprg=
+! This only works for a string option. For a number or boolean option you need
+! to use the "<" flag, like this: >
+ :setlocal autoread<
+! Note that for non-boolean and non-number options using "<" copies the global
+! value to the local value, it doesn't switch back to using the global value
+! (that matters when the global value changes later). You can also use: >
+ :set path<
+ This will make the local value of 'path' empty, so that the global value is
+ used. Thus it does the same as: >
+*** 383,393 ****
+ When the optional FALLBACK argument is present, a
+ later :setfiletype command will override the
+! 'filetype'. This is to used for filetype detections
+! that are just a guess. |did_filetype()| will return
+! false after this command.
+! {not in Vi}
+ *option-window* *optwin*
+ :bro[wse] se[t] *:set-browse* *:browse-set* *:opt* *:options*
+--- 375,383 ----
+ When the optional FALLBACK argument is present, a
+ later :setfiletype command will override the
+! 'filetype'. This is to be used for filetype
+! detections that are just a guess. |did_filetype()|
+! will return false after this command.
+ *option-window* *optwin*
+ :bro[wse] se[t] *:set-browse* *:browse-set* *:opt* *:options*
+*** 444,450 ****
+ not CTRL-? CTRL-?
+! (CTRL-? is 0177 octal, 0x7f hex) {not in Vi}
+ If your delete key terminal code is wrong, but the
+ code for backspace is alright, you can put this in
+--- 434,440 ----
+ not CTRL-? CTRL-?
+! (CTRL-? is 0177 octal, 0x7f hex)
+ If your delete key terminal code is wrong, but the
+ code for backspace is alright, you can put this in
+*** 660,666 ****
+ *'aleph'* *'al'* *aleph* *Aleph*
+ 'aleph' 'al' number (default 128 for MS-DOS, 224 otherwise)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ The ASCII code for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The
+--- 650,655 ----
+*** 673,679 ****
+ *'allowrevins'* *'ari'* *'noallowrevins'* *'noari'*
+ 'allowrevins' 'ari' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ Allow CTRL-_ in Insert and Command-line mode. This is default off, to
+--- 662,667 ----
+*** 685,691 ****
+ *'altkeymap'* *'akm'* *'noaltkeymap'* *'noakm'*
+ 'altkeymap' 'akm' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+farsi|
+ feature}
+ This option was for using Farsi, which has been removed. See
+--- 673,678 ----
+*** 694,702 ****
+ *'ambiwidth'* *'ambw'*
+ 'ambiwidth' 'ambw' string (default: "single")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ Only effective when 'encoding' is "utf-8" or another Unicode encoding.
+ Tells Vim what to do with characters with East Asian Width Class
+ Ambiguous (such as Euro, Registered Sign, Copyright Sign, Greek
+--- 681,686 ----
+*** 733,739 ****
+ *'antialias'* *'anti'* *'noantialias'* *'noanti'*
+ 'antialias' 'anti' boolean (default: off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled
+ on Mac OS X}
+ This option only has an effect in the GUI version of Vim on Mac OS X
+--- 717,722 ----
+*** 746,752 ****
+ *'autochdir'* *'acd'* *'noautochdir'* *'noacd'*
+ 'autochdir' 'acd' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with it, use
+ exists("+autochdir") to check}
+ When on, Vim will change the current working directory whenever you
+--- 729,734 ----
+*** 758,764 ****
+ *'arabic'* *'arab'* *'noarabic'* *'noarab'*
+ 'arabic' 'arab' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+arabic|
+ feature}
+ This option can be set to start editing Arabic text.
+--- 740,745 ----
+*** 782,788 ****
+ *'noarabicshape'* *'noarshape'*
+ 'arabicshape' 'arshape' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+arabic|
+ feature}
+ When on and 'termbidi' is off, the required visual character
+--- 763,768 ----
+*** 822,831 ****
+ *'autoread'* *'ar'* *'noautoread'* *'noar'*
+ 'autoread' 'ar' boolean (default off)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ When a file has been detected to have been changed outside of Vim and
+ it has not been changed inside of Vim, automatically read it again.
+! When the file has been deleted this is not done. |timestamp|
+ If this option has a local value, use this command to switch back to
+ using the global value: >
+ :set autoread<
+--- 802,812 ----
+ *'autoread'* *'ar'* *'noautoread'* *'noar'*
+ 'autoread' 'ar' boolean (default off)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ When a file has been detected to have been changed outside of Vim and
+ it has not been changed inside of Vim, automatically read it again.
+! When the file has been deleted this is not done, so you have the text
+! from before it was deleted. When it appears again then it is read.
+! |timestamp|
+ If this option has a local value, use this command to switch back to
+ using the global value: >
+ :set autoread<
+*** 839,849 ****
+ '{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
+ Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
+ 'autowriteall' for that.
+ *'autowriteall'* *'awa'* *'noautowriteall'* *'noawa'*
+ 'autowriteall' 'awa' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Like 'autowrite', but also used for commands ":edit", ":enew", ":quit",
+ ":qall", ":exit", ":xit", ":recover" and closing the Vim window.
+ Setting this option also implies that Vim behaves like 'autowrite' has
+--- 820,831 ----
+ '{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
+ Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
+ 'autowriteall' for that.
++ Some buffers will not be written, specifically when 'buftype' is
++ "nowrite", "nofile", "terminal" or "prompt".
+ *'autowriteall'* *'awa'* *'noautowriteall'* *'noawa'*
+ 'autowriteall' 'awa' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ Like 'autowrite', but also used for commands ":edit", ":enew", ":quit",
+ ":qall", ":exit", ":xit", ":recover" and closing the Vim window.
+ Setting this option also implies that Vim behaves like 'autowrite' has
+*** 852,858 ****
+ *'background'* *'bg'*
+ 'background' 'bg' string (default "dark" or "light", see below)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When set to "dark", Vim will try to use colors that look good on a
+ dark background. When set to "light", Vim will try to use colors that
+ look good on a light background. Any other value is illegal.
+--- 834,839 ----
+*** 918,924 ****
+ 'backspace' 'bs' string (default "", set to "indent,eol,start"
+ in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Influences the working of <BS>, <Del>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert
+ mode. This is a list of items, separated by commas. Each item allows
+ a way to backspace over something:
+--- 899,904 ----
+*** 942,948 ****
+ *'backup'* *'bk'* *'nobackup'* *'nobk'*
+ 'backup' 'bk' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Make a backup before overwriting a file. Leave it around after the
+ file has been successfully written. If you do not want to keep the
+ backup file, but you do want a backup while the file is being
+--- 922,927 ----
+*** 958,964 ****
+ *'backupcopy'* *'bkc'*
+ 'backupcopy' 'bkc' string (Vi default for Unix: "yes", otherwise: "auto")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ When writing a file and a backup is made, this option tells how it's
+ done. This is a comma separated list of words.
+--- 937,942 ----
+*** 1029,1035 ****
+ for MS-DOS and Win32: ".,$TEMP,c:/tmp,c:/temp"
+ for Unix: ".,~/tmp,~/")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ List of directories for the backup file, separated with commas.
+ - The backup file will be created in the first directory in the list
+ where this is possible. The directory must exist, Vim will not
+--- 1007,1012 ----
+*** 1048,1056 ****
+ - To include a comma in a directory name precede it with a backslash.
+ - A directory name may end in an '/'.
+ - For Unix and Win32, if a directory ends in two path separators "//",
+! the swap file name will be built from the complete path to the file
+! with all path separators changed to percent '%' signs. This will
+! ensure file name uniqueness in the backup directory.
+ On Win32, it is also possible to end with "\\". However, When a
+ separating comma is following, you must use "//", since "\\" will
+ include the comma in the file name. Therefore it is recommended to
+--- 1025,1033 ----
+ - To include a comma in a directory name precede it with a backslash.
+ - A directory name may end in an '/'.
+ - For Unix and Win32, if a directory ends in two path separators "//",
+! the backup file name will be built from the complete path to the
+! file with all path separators changed to percent '%' signs. This
+! will ensure file name uniqueness in the backup directory.
+ On Win32, it is also possible to end with "\\". However, When a
+ separating comma is following, you must use "//", since "\\" will
+ include the comma in the file name. Therefore it is recommended to
+*** 1075,1081 ****
+ *'backupext'* *'bex'* *E589*
+ 'backupext' 'bex' string (default "~", for VMS: "_")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ String which is appended to a file name to make the name of the
+ backup file. The default is quite unusual, because this avoids
+ accidentally overwriting existing files with a backup file. You might
+--- 1052,1057 ----
+*** 1094,1100 ****
+ Unix: "/tmp/*,$TMPDIR/*,$TMP/*,$TEMP/*"
+ Mac: "/private/tmp/*,$TMPDIR/*,$TMP/*,$TEMP/*")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+wildignore|
+ feature}
+ A list of file patterns. When one of the patterns matches with the
+--- 1070,1075 ----
+*** 1121,1127 ****
+ *'balloondelay'* *'bdlay'*
+ 'balloondelay' 'bdlay' number (default: 600)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval|
+ feature}
+ Delay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up. See |balloon-eval|.
+--- 1096,1101 ----
+*** 1129,1135 ****
+ *'ballooneval'* *'beval'* *'noballooneval'* *'nobeval'*
+ 'ballooneval' 'beval' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval|
+ feature}
+ Switch on the |balloon-eval| functionality for the GUI.
+--- 1103,1108 ----
+*** 1138,1144 ****
+ *'nobevalterm'*
+ 'balloonevalterm' 'bevalterm' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the
+ |+balloon_eval_term| feature}
+ Switch on the |balloon-eval| functionality for the terminal.
+--- 1111,1116 ----
+*** 1146,1152 ****
+ *'balloonexpr'* *'bexpr'*
+ 'balloonexpr' 'bexpr' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval|
+ feature}
+ Expression for text to show in evaluation balloon. It is only used
+--- 1118,1123 ----
+*** 1194,1200 ****
+ *'belloff'* *'bo'*
+ 'belloff' 'bo' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Specifies for which events the bell will not be rung. It is a comma
+ separated list of items. For each item that is present, the bell
+ will be silenced. This is most useful to specify specific events in
+--- 1165,1170 ----
+*** 1235,1241 ****
+ *'binary'* *'bin'* *'nobinary'* *'nobin'*
+ 'binary' 'bin' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option should be set before editing a binary file. You can also
+ use the |-b| Vim argument. When this option is switched on a few
+ options will be changed (also when it already was on):
+--- 1205,1210 ----
+*** 1266,1280 ****
+ *'bioskey'* *'biosk'* *'nobioskey'* *'nobiosk'*
+ 'bioskey' 'biosk' boolean (default on)
+ global
+! {not in Vi} {only for MS-DOS}
+ This was for MS-DOS and is no longer supported.
+ *'bomb'* *'nobomb'*
+ 'bomb' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ When writing a file and the following conditions are met, a BOM (Byte
+ Order Mark) is prepended to the file:
+ - this option is on
+--- 1235,1246 ----
+ *'bioskey'* *'biosk'* *'nobioskey'* *'nobiosk'*
+ 'bioskey' 'biosk' boolean (default on)
+ global
+! {only for MS-DOS}
+ This was for MS-DOS and is no longer supported.
+ *'bomb'* *'nobomb'*
+ 'bomb' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ When writing a file and the following conditions are met, a BOM (Byte
+ Order Mark) is prepended to the file:
+ - this option is on
+*** 1294,1300 ****
+ *'breakat'* *'brk'*
+ 'breakat' 'brk' string (default " ^I!@*-+;:,./?")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ This option lets you choose which characters might cause a line
+--- 1260,1265 ----
+*** 1304,1310 ****
+ *'breakindent'* *'bri'* *'nobreakindent'* *'nobri'*
+ 'breakindent' 'bri' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ Every wrapped line will continue visually indented (same amount of
+--- 1269,1274 ----
+*** 1315,1321 ****
+ *'breakindentopt'* *'briopt'*
+ 'breakindentopt' 'briopt' string (default empty)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ Settings for 'breakindent'. It can consist of the following optional
+--- 1279,1284 ----
+*** 1337,1344 ****
+ *'browsedir'* *'bsdir'*
+ 'browsedir' 'bsdir' string (default: "last")
+ global
+! {not in Vi} {only for Motif, Athena, GTK, Mac and
+! Win32 GUI}
+ Which directory to use for the file browser:
+ last Use same directory as with last file browser, where a
+ file was opened or saved.
+--- 1300,1306 ----
+ *'browsedir'* *'bsdir'*
+ 'browsedir' 'bsdir' string (default: "last")
+ global
+! {only for Motif, Athena, GTK, Mac and Win32 GUI}
+ Which directory to use for the file browser:
+ last Use same directory as with last file browser, where a
+ file was opened or saved.
+*** 1349,1355 ****
+ *'bufhidden'* *'bh'*
+ 'bufhidden' 'bh' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option specifies what happens when a buffer is no longer
+ displayed in a window:
+ <empty> follow the global 'hidden' option
+--- 1311,1316 ----
+*** 1373,1379 ****
+ *'buflisted'* *'bl'* *'nobuflisted'* *'nobl'* *E85*
+ 'buflisted' 'bl' boolean (default: on)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When this option is set, the buffer shows up in the buffer list. If
+ it is reset it is not used for ":bnext", "ls", the Buffers menu, etc.
+ This option is reset by Vim for buffers that are only used to remember
+--- 1334,1339 ----
+*** 1383,1389 ****
+ *'buftype'* *'bt'* *E382*
+ 'buftype' 'bt' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ The value of this option specifies the type of a buffer:
+ <empty> normal buffer
+ nofile buffer which is not related to a file and will not be
+--- 1343,1348 ----
+*** 1435,1443 ****
+ *'casemap'* *'cmp'*
+ 'casemap' 'cmp' string (default: "internal,keepascii")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ Specifies details about changing the case of letters. It may contain
+ these words, separated by a comma:
+ internal Use internal case mapping functions, the current
+--- 1394,1399 ----
+*** 1453,1459 ****
+ *'cdpath'* *'cd'* *E344* *E346*
+ 'cdpath' 'cd' string (default: equivalent to $CDPATH or ",,")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+file_in_path| feature}
+ This is a list of directories which will be searched when using the
+--- 1409,1414 ----
+*** 1475,1481 ****
+ *'cedit'*
+ 'cedit' string (Vi default: "", Vim default: CTRL-F)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ The key used in Command-line Mode to open the command-line window.
+--- 1430,1435 ----
+*** 1493,1501 ****
+ *'charconvert'* *'ccv'* *E202* *E214* *E513*
+ 'charconvert' 'ccv' string (default "")
+ global
+! {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+! and |+eval| features}
+! {not in Vi}
+ An expression that is used for character encoding conversion. It is
+ evaluated when a file that is to be read or has been written has a
+ different encoding from what is desired.
+--- 1447,1453 ----
+ *'charconvert'* *'ccv'* *E202* *E214* *E513*
+ 'charconvert' 'ccv' string (default "")
+ global
+! {only available when compiled with the |+eval| feature}
+ An expression that is used for character encoding conversion. It is
+ evaluated when a file that is to be read or has been written has a
+ different encoding from what is desired.
+*** 1538,1544 ****
+ *'cindent'* *'cin'* *'nocindent'* *'nocin'*
+ 'cindent' 'cin' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ Enables automatic C program indenting. See 'cinkeys' to set the keys
+--- 1490,1495 ----
+*** 1557,1563 ****
+ *'cinkeys'* *'cink'*
+ 'cinkeys' 'cink' string (default "0{,0},0),0],:,0#,!^F,o,O,e")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ A list of keys that, when typed in Insert mode, cause reindenting of
+--- 1508,1513 ----
+*** 1569,1575 ****
+ *'cinoptions'* *'cino'*
+ 'cinoptions' 'cino' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ The 'cinoptions' affect the way 'cindent' reindents lines in a C
+--- 1519,1524 ----
+*** 1580,1586 ****
+ *'cinwords'* *'cinw'*
+ 'cinwords' 'cinw' string (default "if,else,while,do,for,switch")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without both the
+ |+cindent| and the |+smartindent| features}
+ These keywords start an extra indent in the next line when
+--- 1529,1534 ----
+*** 1594,1600 ****
+ 'clipboard' 'cb' string (default "autoselect,exclude:cons\|linux"
+ for X-windows, "" otherwise)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only in GUI versions or when the |+xterm_clipboard|
+ feature is included}
+ This option is a list of comma separated names.
+--- 1542,1547 ----
+*** 1629,1638 ****
+ area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of the
+ windowing system's global selection or put the
+ selected text on the clipboard used by the selection
+! register "*. See |guioptions_a| and |quotestar| for
+! details. When the GUI is active, the 'a' flag in
+! 'guioptions' is used, when the GUI is not active, this
+! "autoselect" flag is used.
+ Also applies to the modeless selection.
+ *clipboard-autoselectplus*
+--- 1576,1585 ----
+ area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of the
+ windowing system's global selection or put the
+ selected text on the clipboard used by the selection
+! register "*. See |'go-a'| and |quotestar| for details.
+! When the GUI is active, the 'a' flag in 'guioptions'
+! is used, when the GUI is not active, this "autoselect"
+! flag is used.
+ Also applies to the modeless selection.
+ *clipboard-autoselectplus*
+*** 1653,1659 ****
+ You probably want to add this only temporarily,
+ possibly use BufEnter autocommands.
+ Only supported for GTK version 2 and later.
+- Only available with the |+multi_byte| feature.
+ *clipboard-exclude*
+ exclude:{pattern}
+--- 1600,1605 ----
+*** 1680,1686 ****
+ *'cmdheight'* *'ch'*
+ 'cmdheight' 'ch' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Number of screen lines to use for the command-line. Helps avoiding
+ |hit-enter| prompts.
+ The value of this option is stored with the tab page, so that each tab
+--- 1626,1631 ----
+*** 1689,1695 ****
+ *'cmdwinheight'* *'cwh'*
+ 'cmdwinheight' 'cwh' number (default 7)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ Number of screen lines to use for the command-line window. |cmdwin|
+--- 1634,1639 ----
+*** 1697,1703 ****
+ *'colorcolumn'* *'cc'*
+ 'colorcolumn' 'cc' string (default "")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ 'colorcolumn' is a comma separated list of screen columns that are
+--- 1641,1646 ----
+*** 1716,1722 ****
+ *'columns'* *'co'* *E594*
+ 'columns' 'co' number (default 80 or terminal width)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Number of columns of the screen. Normally this is set by the terminal
+ initialization and does not have to be set by hand. Also see
+ |posix-screen-size|.
+--- 1659,1664 ----
+*** 1735,1741 ****
+ 'comments' 'com' string (default
+ "s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+comments|
+ feature}
+ A comma separated list of strings that can start a comment line. See
+--- 1677,1682 ----
+*** 1745,1751 ****
+ *'commentstring'* *'cms'* *E537*
+ 'commentstring' 'cms' string (default "/*%s*/")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ A template for a comment. The "%s" in the value is replaced with the
+--- 1686,1691 ----
+*** 1756,1762 ****
+ 'compatible' 'cp' boolean (default on, off when a |vimrc| or |gvimrc|
+ file is found, reset in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option has the effect of making Vim either more Vi-compatible, or
+ make Vim behave in a more useful way.
+--- 1696,1701 ----
+*** 1877,1883 ****
+ *'complete'* *'cpt'* *E535*
+ 'complete' 'cpt' string (default: ".,w,b,u,t,i")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option specifies how keyword completion |ins-completion| works
+ when CTRL-P or CTRL-N are used. It is also used for whole-line
+ completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-L|. It indicates the type of completion
+--- 1816,1821 ----
+*** 1921,1927 ****
+ *'completefunc'* *'cfu'*
+ 'completefunc' 'cfu' string (default: empty)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+eval|
+ or |+insert_expand| features}
+ This option specifies a function to be used for Insert mode completion
+--- 1859,1864 ----
+*** 1936,1942 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+insert_expand| feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ A comma separated list of options for Insert mode completion
+ |ins-completion|. The supported values are:
+--- 1873,1878 ----
+*** 1970,1976 ****
+ *'concealcursor'* *'cocu'*
+ 'concealcursor' 'cocu' string (default: "")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+conceal|
+ feature}
+ Sets the modes in which text in the cursor line can also be concealed.
+--- 1906,1911 ----
+*** 1990,1999 ****
+ displayed. E.g., when moving vertically it may change column.
+! 'conceallevel' 'cole' *'conceallevel'* *'cole'*
+! number (default 0)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+conceal|
+ feature}
+ Determine how text with the "conceal" syntax attribute |:syn-conceal|
+--- 1925,1933 ----
+ displayed. E.g., when moving vertically it may change column.
+! *'conceallevel'* *'cole'*
+! 'conceallevel' 'cole' number (default 0)
+ local to window
+ {not available when compiled without the |+conceal|
+ feature}
+ Determine how text with the "conceal" syntax attribute |:syn-conceal|
+*** 2019,2025 ****
+ *'confirm'* *'cf'* *'noconfirm'* *'nocf'*
+ 'confirm' 'cf' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When 'confirm' is on, certain operations that would normally
+ fail because of unsaved changes to a buffer, e.g. ":q" and ":e",
+ instead raise a |dialog| asking if you wish to save the current
+--- 1953,1958 ----
+*** 2032,2044 ****
+ *'conskey'* *'consk'* *'noconskey'* *'noconsk'*
+ 'conskey' 'consk' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi} {only for MS-DOS}
+ This was for MS-DOS and is no longer supported.
+ *'copyindent'* *'ci'* *'nocopyindent'* *'noci'*
+ 'copyindent' 'ci' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Copy the structure of the existing lines indent when autoindenting a
+ new line. Normally the new indent is reconstructed by a series of
+ tabs followed by spaces as required (unless |'expandtab'| is enabled,
+--- 1965,1975 ----
+*** 2054,2060 ****
+ 'cpoptions' 'cpo' string (Vim default: "aABceFs",
+ Vi default: all flags)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ A sequence of single character flags. When a character is present
+ this indicates Vi-compatible behavior. This is used for things where
+ not being Vi-compatible is mostly or sometimes preferred.
+--- 1985,1990 ----
+*** 2088,2097 ****
+ See also |map_bar|.
+ *cpo-B*
+ B A backslash has no special meaning in mappings,
+! abbreviations and the "to" part of the menu commands.
+! Remove this flag to be able to use a backslash like a
+! CTRL-V. For example, the command ":map X \<Esc>"
+! results in X being mapped to:
+ 'B' included: "\^[" (^[ is a real <Esc>)
+ 'B' excluded: "<Esc>" (5 characters)
+ ('<' excluded in both cases)
+--- 2018,2027 ----
+ See also |map_bar|.
+ *cpo-B*
+ B A backslash has no special meaning in mappings,
+! abbreviations, user commands and the "to" part of the
+! menu commands. Remove this flag to be able to use a
+! backslash like a CTRL-V. For example, the command
+! ":map X \<Esc>" results in X being mapped to:
+ 'B' included: "\^[" (^[ is a real <Esc>)
+ 'B' excluded: "<Esc>" (5 characters)
+ ('<' excluded in both cases)
+*** 2264,2270 ****
+ deleted only once. Also when repeating "R" with "."
+ and a count.
+ *cpo-y*
+! y A yank command can be redone with ".".
+ *cpo-Z*
+ Z When using "w!" while the 'readonly' option is set,
+ don't reset 'readonly'.
+--- 2194,2203 ----
+ deleted only once. Also when repeating "R" with "."
+ and a count.
+ *cpo-y*
+! y A yank command can be redone with ".". Think twice if
+! you really want to use this, it may break some
+! plugins, since most people expect "." to only repeat a
+! change.
+ *cpo-Z*
+ Z When using "w!" while the 'readonly' option is set,
+ don't reset 'readonly'.
+*** 2363,2369 ****
+ *'cryptmethod'* *'cm'*
+ 'cryptmethod' 'cm' string (default "blowfish2")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Method used for encryption when the buffer is written to a file:
+ *pkzip*
+ zip PkZip compatible method. A weak kind of encryption.
+--- 2296,2301 ----
+*** 2405,2411 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Determines how many components of the path to show in a list of tags.
+ See |cscopepathcomp|.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+--- 2337,2342 ----
+*** 2415,2421 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Specifies the command to execute cscope. See |cscopeprg|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+--- 2346,2351 ----
+*** 2425,2431 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ or |+quickfix| features}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Specifies whether to use quickfix window to show cscope results.
+ See |cscopequickfix|.
+--- 2355,2360 ----
+*** 2434,2440 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ In the absence of a prefix (-P) for cscope. setting this option enables
+ to use the basename of cscope.out path as the prefix.
+ See |cscoperelative|.
+--- 2363,2368 ----
+*** 2445,2451 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Use cscope for tag commands. See |cscope-options|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+--- 2373,2378 ----
+*** 2454,2460 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Determines the order in which ":cstag" performs a search. See
+ |cscopetagorder|.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+--- 2381,2386 ----
+*** 2465,2478 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Give messages when adding a cscope database. See |cscopeverbose|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'cursorbind'* *'crb'* *'nocursorbind'* *'nocrb'*
+ 'cursorbind' 'crb' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ When this option is set, as the cursor in the current
+ window moves other cursorbound windows (windows that also have
+ this option set) move their cursors to the corresponding line and
+--- 2391,2402 ----
+*** 2485,2491 ****
+ *'cursorcolumn'* *'cuc'* *'nocursorcolumn'* *'nocuc'*
+ 'cursorcolumn' 'cuc' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Highlight the screen column of the cursor with CursorColumn
+--- 2409,2414 ----
+*** 2500,2506 ****
+ *'cursorline'* *'cul'* *'nocursorline'* *'nocul'*
+ 'cursorline' 'cul' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Highlight the screen line of the cursor with CursorLine
+--- 2423,2428 ----
+*** 2513,2519 ****
+ *'debug'*
+ 'debug' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ These values can be used:
+ msg Error messages that would otherwise be omitted will be given
+ anyway.
+--- 2435,2440 ----
+*** 2528,2534 ****
+ *'define'* *'def'*
+ 'define' 'def' string (default "^\s*#\s*define")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Pattern to be used to find a macro definition. It is a search
+ pattern, just like for the "/" command. This option is used for the
+ commands like "[i" and "[d" |include-search|. The 'isident' option is
+--- 2449,2454 ----
+*** 2539,2552 ****
+ The default value is for C programs. For C++ this value would be
+ useful, to include const type declarations: >
+ ^\(#\s*define\|[a-z]*\s*const\s*[a-z]*\)
+ < When using the ":set" command, you need to double the backslashes!
+ *'delcombine'* *'deco'* *'nodelcombine'* *'nodeco'*
+ 'delcombine' 'deco' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ If editing Unicode and this option is set, backspace and Normal mode
+ "x" delete each combining character on its own. When it is off (the
+ default) the character along with its combining characters are
+--- 2459,2478 ----
+ The default value is for C programs. For C++ this value would be
+ useful, to include const type declarations: >
+ ^\(#\s*define\|[a-z]*\s*const\s*[a-z]*\)
++ < You can also use "\ze" just before the name and continue the pattern
++ to check what is following. E.g. for Javascript, if a function is
++ defined with "func_name = function(args)": >
++ ^\s*\ze\i\+\s*=\s*function(
++ < If the function is defined with "func_name : function() {...": >
++ ^\s*\ze\i\+\s*[:]\s*(*function\s*(
+ < When using the ":set" command, you need to double the backslashes!
++ To avoid that use `:let` with a single quote string: >
++ let &l:define = '^\s*\ze\k\+\s*=\s*function('
++ <
+ *'delcombine'* *'deco'* *'nodelcombine'* *'nodeco'*
+ 'delcombine' 'deco' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ If editing Unicode and this option is set, backspace and Normal mode
+ "x" delete each combining character on its own. When it is off (the
+ default) the character along with its combining characters are
+*** 2561,2567 ****
+ *'dictionary'* *'dict'*
+ 'dictionary' 'dict' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ List of file names, separated by commas, that are used to lookup words
+ for keyword completion commands |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-K|. Each file should
+ contain a list of words. This can be one word per line, or several
+--- 2487,2492 ----
+*** 2588,2594 ****
+ *'diff'* *'nodiff'*
+ 'diff' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Join the current window in the group of windows that shows differences
+--- 2513,2518 ----
+*** 2597,2603 ****
+ *'dex'* *'diffexpr'*
+ 'diffexpr' 'dex' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Expression which is evaluated to obtain a diff file (either ed-style
+--- 2521,2526 ----
+*** 2608,2614 ****
+ *'dip'* *'diffopt'*
+ 'diffopt' 'dip' string (default "internal,filler")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Option settings for diff mode. It can consist of the following items.
+--- 2531,2536 ----
+*** 2623,2630 ****
+--- 2545,2564 ----
+ context:{n} Use a context of {n} lines between a change
+ and a fold that contains unchanged lines.
+ When omitted a context of six lines is used.
++ When using zero the context is actually one,
++ since folds require a line in between, also
++ for a deleted line.
+ See |fold-diff|.
++ iblank Ignore changes where lines are all blank. Adds
++ the "-B" flag to the "diff" command if
++ 'diffexpr' is empty. Check the documentation
++ of the "diff" command for what this does
++ exactly.
++ NOTE: the diff windows will get out of sync,
++ because no differences between blank lines are
++ taken into account.
+ icase Ignore changes in case of text. "a" and "A"
+ are considered the same. Adds the "-i" flag
+ to the "diff" command if 'diffexpr' is empty.
+*** 2636,2641 ****
+--- 2570,2587 ----
+ exactly. It should ignore adding trailing
+ white space, but not leading white space.
++ iwhiteall Ignore all white space changes. Adds
++ the "-w" flag to the "diff" command if
++ 'diffexpr' is empty. Check the documentation
++ of the "diff" command for what this does
++ exactly.
++ iwhiteeol Ignore white space changes at end of line.
++ Adds the "-Z" flag to the "diff" command if
++ 'diffexpr' is empty. Check the documentation
++ of the "diff" command for what this does
++ exactly.
+ horizontal Start diff mode with horizontal splits (unless
+ explicitly specified otherwise).
+*** 2656,2666 ****
+ option to see when this happens.
+ indent-heuristic
+! Use the indent heuristic for the internal
+! diff library.
+ algorithm:{text} Use the specified diff algorithm with the
+! internal diff engine. Currently supported
+ algorithms are:
+ myers the default algorithm
+ minimal spend extra time to generate the
+--- 2602,2612 ----
+ option to see when this happens.
+ indent-heuristic
+! Use the indent heuristic for the internal
+! diff library.
+ algorithm:{text} Use the specified diff algorithm with the
+! internal diff engine. Currently supported
+ algorithms are:
+ myers the default algorithm
+ minimal spend extra time to generate the
+*** 2677,2683 ****
+ *'digraph'* *'dg'* *'nodigraph'* *'nodg'*
+ 'digraph' 'dg' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+digraphs|
+ feature}
+ Enable the entering of digraphs in Insert mode with {char1} <BS>
+--- 2623,2628 ----
+*** 2738,2744 ****
+ 'display' 'dy' string (default "", set to "truncate" in
+ |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Change the way text is displayed. This is comma separated list of
+ flags:
+ lastline When included, as much as possible of the last line
+--- 2683,2688 ----
+*** 2756,2762 ****
+ *'eadirection'* *'ead'*
+ 'eadirection' 'ead' string (default "both")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ Tells when the 'equalalways' option applies:
+--- 2700,2705 ----
+*** 2775,2792 ****
+ *'emoji'* *'emo'* *'noemoji'* *'noemo'*
+ 'emoji' 'emo' boolean (default: on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ When on all Unicode emoji characters are considered to be full width.
+ *'encoding'* *'enc'* *E543*
+ 'encoding' 'enc' string (default: "latin1" or value from $LANG)
+ global
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Sets the character encoding used inside Vim. It applies to text in
+ the buffers, registers, Strings in expressions, text stored in the
+ viminfo file, etc. It sets the kind of characters which Vim can work
+--- 2718,2729 ----
+*** 2849,2855 ****
+ *'endofline'* *'eol'* *'noendofline'* *'noeol'*
+ 'endofline' 'eol' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When writing a file and this option is off and the 'binary' option
+ is on, or 'fixeol' option is off, no <EOL> will be written for the
+ last line in the file. This option is automatically set or reset when
+--- 2786,2791 ----
+*** 2865,2871 ****
+ *'equalalways'* *'ea'* *'noequalalways'* *'noea'*
+ 'equalalways' 'ea' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, all the windows are automatically made the same size after
+ splitting or closing a window. This also happens the moment the
+ option is switched on. When off, splitting a window will reduce the
+--- 2801,2806 ----
+*** 2884,2890 ****
+ *'equalprg'* *'ep'*
+ 'equalprg' 'ep' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ External program to use for "=" command. When this option is empty
+ the internal formatting functions are used; either 'lisp', 'cindent'
+ or 'indentexpr'. When Vim was compiled without internal formatting,
+--- 2819,2824 ----
+*** 2908,2914 ****
+ 'errorfile' 'ef' string (Amiga default: "AztecC.Err",
+ others: "errors.err")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ Name of the errorfile for the QuickFix mode (see |:cf|).
+--- 2842,2847 ----
+*** 2923,2929 ****
+ *'errorformat'* *'efm'*
+ 'errorformat' 'efm' string (default is very long)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ Scanf-like description of the format for the lines in the error file
+--- 2856,2861 ----
+*** 2932,2938 ****
+ *'esckeys'* *'ek'* *'noesckeys'* *'noek'*
+ 'esckeys' 'ek' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Function keys that start with an <Esc> are recognized in Insert
+ mode. When this option is off, the cursor and function keys cannot be
+ used in Insert mode if they start with an <Esc>. The advantage of
+--- 2864,2869 ----
+*** 2947,2953 ****
+ *'eventignore'* *'ei'*
+ 'eventignore' 'ei' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ A list of autocommand event names, which are to be ignored.
+ When set to "all" or when "all" is one of the items, all autocommand
+ events are ignored, autocommands will not be executed.
+--- 2878,2883 ----
+*** 2957,2963 ****
+ *'expandtab'* *'et'* *'noexpandtab'* *'noet'*
+ 'expandtab' 'et' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ In Insert mode: Use the appropriate number of spaces to insert a
+ <Tab>. Spaces are used in indents with the '>' and '<' commands and
+ when 'autoindent' is on. To insert a real tab when 'expandtab' is
+--- 2887,2892 ----
+*** 2969,2975 ****
+ *'exrc'* *'ex'* *'noexrc'* *'noex'*
+ 'exrc' 'ex' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Enables the reading of .vimrc, .exrc and .gvimrc in the current
+ directory.
+--- 2898,2903 ----
+*** 2988,2996 ****
+ *'fileencoding'* *'fenc'* *E213*
+ 'fileencoding' 'fenc' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Sets the character encoding for the file of this buffer.
+ When 'fileencoding' is different from 'encoding', conversion will be
+--- 2916,2921 ----
+*** 3045,3053 ****
+ "ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1" when
+ 'encoding' is set to a Unicode value)
+ global
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ This is a list of character encodings considered when starting to edit
+ an existing file. When a file is read, Vim tries to use the first
+ mentioned character encoding. If an error is detected, the next one
+--- 2970,2975 ----
+*** 3104,3110 ****
+ 'fileformat' 'ff' string (MS-Windows default: "dos",
+ Unix, macOS default: "unix")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This gives the <EOL> of the current buffer, which is used for
+ reading/writing the buffer from/to a file:
+ dos <CR> <NL>
+--- 3026,3031 ----
+*** 3130,3136 ****
+ Vi Cygwin: "unix,dos",
+ Vi others: "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This gives the end-of-line (<EOL>) formats that will be tried when
+ starting to edit a new buffer and when reading a file into an existing
+ buffer:
+--- 3051,3056 ----
+*** 3186,3199 ****
+ 'fileignorecase' 'fic' boolean (default on for systems where case in file
+ names is normally ignored)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When set case is ignored when using file names and directories.
+ See 'wildignorecase' for only ignoring case when doing completion.
+ *'filetype'* *'ft'*
+ 'filetype' 'ft' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When this option is set, the FileType autocommand event is triggered.
+ All autocommands that match with the value of this option will be
+ executed. Thus the value of 'filetype' is used in place of the file
+--- 3106,3117 ----
+*** 3219,3225 ****
+ *'fillchars'* *'fcs'*
+ 'fillchars' 'fcs' string (default "vert:|,fold:-")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ and |+folding| features}
+ Characters to fill the statuslines and vertical separators.
+--- 3137,3142 ----
+*** 3254,3260 ****
+ *'fixendofline'* *'fixeol'* *'nofixendofline'* *'nofixeol'*
+ 'fixendofline' 'fixeol' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When writing a file and this option is on, <EOL> at the end of file
+ will be restored if missing. Turn this option off if you want to
+ preserve the situation from the original file.
+--- 3171,3176 ----
+*** 3265,3271 ****
+ *'fkmap'* *'fk'* *'nofkmap'* *'nofk'*
+ 'fkmap' 'fk' boolean (default off) *E198*
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ This option was for using Farsi, which has been removed. See
+--- 3181,3186 ----
+*** 3274,3280 ****
+ *'foldclose'* *'fcl'*
+ 'foldclose' 'fcl' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ When set to "all", a fold is closed when the cursor isn't in it and
+--- 3189,3194 ----
+*** 3284,3290 ****
+ *'foldcolumn'* *'fdc'*
+ 'foldcolumn' 'fdc' number (default 0)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ When non-zero, a column with the specified width is shown at the side
+--- 3198,3203 ----
+*** 3295,3301 ****
+ *'foldenable'* *'fen'* *'nofoldenable'* *'nofen'*
+ 'foldenable' 'fen' boolean (default on)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ When off, all folds are open. This option can be used to quickly
+--- 3208,3213 ----
+*** 3309,3315 ****
+ *'foldexpr'* *'fde'*
+ 'foldexpr' 'fde' string (default: "0")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ or |+eval| features}
+ The expression used for when 'foldmethod' is "expr". It is evaluated
+--- 3221,3226 ----
+*** 3326,3332 ****
+ *'foldignore'* *'fdi'*
+ 'foldignore' 'fdi' string (default: "#")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Used only when 'foldmethod' is "indent". Lines starting with
+--- 3237,3242 ----
+*** 3337,3343 ****
+ *'foldlevel'* *'fdl'*
+ 'foldlevel' 'fdl' number (default: 0)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets the fold level: Folds with a higher level will be closed.
+--- 3247,3252 ----
+*** 3349,3355 ****
+ *'foldlevelstart'* *'fdls'*
+ 'foldlevelstart' 'fdls' number (default: -1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets 'foldlevel' when starting to edit another buffer in a window.
+--- 3258,3263 ----
+*** 3365,3371 ****
+ *'foldmarker'* *'fmr'* *E536*
+ 'foldmarker' 'fmr' string (default: "{{{,}}}")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ The start and end marker used when 'foldmethod' is "marker". There
+--- 3273,3278 ----
+*** 3376,3382 ****
+ *'foldmethod'* *'fdm'*
+ 'foldmethod' 'fdm' string (default: "manual")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ The kind of folding used for the current window. Possible values:
+--- 3283,3288 ----
+*** 3390,3396 ****
+ *'foldminlines'* *'fml'*
+ 'foldminlines' 'fml' number (default: 1)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets the number of screen lines above which a fold can be displayed
+--- 3296,3301 ----
+*** 3404,3410 ****
+ *'foldnestmax'* *'fdn'*
+ 'foldnestmax' 'fdn' number (default: 20)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets the maximum nesting of folds for the "indent" and "syntax"
+--- 3309,3314 ----
+*** 3415,3421 ****
+ 'foldopen' 'fdo' string (default: "block,hor,mark,percent,quickfix,
+ search,tag,undo")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Specifies for which type of commands folds will be opened, if the
+--- 3319,3324 ----
+*** 3452,3458 ****
+ *'foldtext'* *'fdt'*
+ 'foldtext' 'fdt' string (default: "foldtext()")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ An expression which is used to specify the text displayed for a closed
+--- 3355,3360 ----
+*** 3467,3473 ****
+ *'formatexpr'* *'fex'*
+ 'formatexpr' 'fex' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+eval|
+ feature}
+ Expression which is evaluated to format a range of lines for the |gq|
+--- 3369,3374 ----
+*** 3500,3522 ****
+ since changing the buffer text is not allowed.
+ NOTE: This option is set to "" when 'compatible' is set.
+- *'formatoptions'* *'fo'*
+- 'formatoptions' 'fo' string (Vim default: "tcq", Vi default: "vt")
+- local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+- This is a sequence of letters which describes how automatic
+- formatting is to be done. See |fo-table|. When the 'paste' option is
+- on, no formatting is done (like 'formatoptions' is empty). Commas can
+- be inserted for readability.
+- To avoid problems with flags that are added in the future, use the
+- "+=" and "-=" feature of ":set" |add-option-flags|.
+- NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+- set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'formatlistpat'* *'flp'*
+ 'formatlistpat' 'flp' string (default: "^\s*\d\+[\]:.)}\t ]\s*")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ A pattern that is used to recognize a list header. This is used for
+ the "n" flag in 'formatoptions'.
+ The pattern must match exactly the text that will be the indent for
+--- 3401,3409 ----
+*** 3527,3536 ****
+ The default recognizes a number, followed by an optional punctuation
+ character and white space.
+ *'formatprg'* *'fp'*
+ 'formatprg' 'fp' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ The name of an external program that will be used to format the lines
+ selected with the |gq| operator. The program must take the input on
+ stdin and produce the output on stdout. The Unix program "fmt" is
+--- 3414,3434 ----
+ The default recognizes a number, followed by an optional punctuation
+ character and white space.
++ *'formatoptions'* *'fo'*
++ 'formatoptions' 'fo' string (Vim default: "tcq", Vi default: "vt")
++ local to buffer
++ This is a sequence of letters which describes how automatic
++ formatting is to be done. See |fo-table|. When the 'paste' option is
++ on, no formatting is done (like 'formatoptions' is empty). Commas can
++ be inserted for readability.
++ To avoid problems with flags that are added in the future, use the
++ "+=" and "-=" feature of ":set" |add-option-flags|.
++ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
++ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'formatprg'* *'fp'*
+ 'formatprg' 'fp' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ The name of an external program that will be used to format the lines
+ selected with the |gq| operator. The program must take the input on
+ stdin and produce the output on stdout. The Unix program "fmt" is
+*** 3546,3552 ****
+ *'fsync'* *'fs'* *'nofsync'* *'nofs'*
+ 'fsync' 'fs' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, the library function fsync() will be called after writing a
+ file. This will flush a file to disk, ensuring that it is safely
+ written even on filesystems which do metadata-only journaling. This
+--- 3444,3449 ----
+*** 3562,3568 ****
+ *'gdefault'* *'gd'* *'nogdefault'* *'nogd'*
+ 'gdefault' 'gd' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, the ":substitute" flag 'g' is default on. This means that
+ all matches in a line are substituted instead of one. When a 'g' flag
+ is given to a ":substitute" command, this will toggle the substitution
+--- 3459,3464 ----
+*** 3581,3587 ****
+ *'grepformat'* *'gfm'*
+ 'grepformat' 'gfm' string (default "%f:%l:%m,%f:%l%m,%f %l%m")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Format to recognize for the ":grep" command output.
+ This is a scanf-like string that uses the same format as the
+ 'errorformat' option: see |errorformat|.
+--- 3477,3482 ----
+*** 3592,3598 ****
+ Win32: "findstr /n" or "grep -n",
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Program to use for the |:grep| command. This option may contain '%'
+ and '#' characters, which are expanded like when used in a command-
+ line. The placeholder "$*" is allowed to specify where the arguments
+--- 3487,3492 ----
+*** 3623,3629 ****
+ "n-v-c:block,o:hor50,i-ci:hor15,
+ r-cr:hor30,sm:block")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled, and
+ for MS-DOS and Win32 console}
+ This option tells Vim what the cursor should look like in different
+--- 3517,3522 ----
+*** 3702,3708 ****
+ *E235* *E596*
+ 'guifont' 'gfn' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ This is a list of fonts which will be used for the GUI version of Vim.
+ In its simplest form the value is just one font name.
+--- 3595,3600 ----
+*** 3712,3718 ****
+ *E250* *E252* *E234* *E597* *E598*
+ 'guifontset' 'gfs' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled and
+ with the |+xfontset| feature}
+ {not available in the GTK+ GUI}
+--- 3604,3609 ----
+*** 3723,3729 ****
+ *'guifontwide'* *'gfw'* *E231* *E533* *E534*
+ 'guifontwide' 'gfw' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ When not empty, specifies a comma-separated list of fonts to be used
+ for double-width characters. The first font that can be loaded is
+--- 3614,3619 ----
+*** 3732,3738 ****
+ *'guiheadroom'* *'ghr'*
+ 'guiheadroom' 'ghr' number (default 50)
+ global
+! {not in Vi} {only for GTK and X11 GUI}
+ The number of pixels subtracted from the screen height when fitting
+ the GUI window on the screen. Set this before the GUI is started,
+ e.g., in your |gvimrc| file. When zero, the whole screen height will
+--- 3622,3628 ----
+ *'guiheadroom'* *'ghr'*
+ 'guiheadroom' 'ghr' number (default 50)
+ global
+! - {only for GTK and X11 GUI}
+ The number of pixels subtracted from the screen height when fitting
+ the GUI window on the screen. Set this before the GUI is started,
+ e.g., in your |gvimrc| file. When zero, the whole screen height will
+*** 3742,3753 ****
+ screen.
+ *'guioptions'* *'go'*
+! 'guioptions' 'go' string (default "egmrLtT" (MS-Windows, "t" is
+! removed in |defaults.vim|),
+ "aegimrLtT" (GTK, Motif and Athena),
+ )
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ This option only has an effect in the GUI version of Vim. It is a
+ sequence of letters which describes what components and options of the
+--- 3632,3642 ----
+ screen.
+ *'guioptions'* *'go'*
+! 'guioptions' 'go' string (default "egmrLtT" (MS-Windows,
+! "t" is removed in |defaults.vim|),
+ "aegimrLtT" (GTK, Motif and Athena),
+ )
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ This option only has an effect in the GUI version of Vim. It is a
+ sequence of letters which describes what components and options of the
+*** 3763,3769 ****
+ terminal to list the command output.
+ The terminal window will be positioned at the bottom, and grow
+ upwards as needed.
+! *guioptions_a* *'go-a'*
+ 'a' Autoselect: If present, then whenever VISUAL mode is started,
+ or the Visual area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of
+ the windowing system's global selection. This means that the
+--- 3652,3658 ----
+ terminal to list the command output.
+ The terminal window will be positioned at the bottom, and grow
+ upwards as needed.
+! *'go-a'*
+ 'a' Autoselect: If present, then whenever VISUAL mode is started,
+ or the Visual area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of
+ the windowing system's global selection. This means that the
+*** 3874,3880 ****
+ *'guipty'* *'noguipty'*
+ 'guipty' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ Only in the GUI: If on, an attempt is made to open a pseudo-tty for
+ I/O to/from shell commands. See |gui-pty|.
+--- 3763,3768 ----
+*** 3882,3888 ****
+ *'guitablabel'* *'gtl'*
+ 'guitablabel' 'gtl' string (default empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled and
+ with the |+windows| feature}
+ When nonempty describes the text to use in a label of the GUI tab
+--- 3770,3775 ----
+*** 3901,3907 ****
+ *'guitabtooltip'* *'gtt'*
+ 'guitabtooltip' 'gtt' string (default empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled and
+ with the |+windows| feature}
+ When nonempty describes the text to use in a tooltip for the GUI tab
+--- 3788,3793 ----
+*** 3915,3921 ****
+ 'helpfile' 'hf' string (default (MSDOS) "$VIMRUNTIME\doc\help.txt"
+ (others) "$VIMRUNTIME/doc/help.txt")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Name of the main help file. All distributed help files should be
+ placed together in one directory. Additionally, all "doc" directories
+ in 'runtimepath' will be used.
+--- 3801,3806 ----
+*** 3929,3935 ****
+ *'helpheight'* *'hh'*
+ 'helpheight' 'hh' number (default 20)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ Minimal initial height of the help window when it is opened with the
+--- 3814,3819 ----
+*** 3943,3949 ****
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_lang|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Comma separated list of languages. Vim will use the first language
+ for which the desired help can be found. The English help will always
+ be used as a last resort. You can add "en" to prefer English over
+--- 3827,3832 ----
+*** 3960,3966 ****
+ *'hidden'* *'hid'* *'nohidden'* *'nohid'*
+ 'hidden' 'hid' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When off a buffer is unloaded when it is |abandon|ed. When on a
+ buffer becomes hidden when it is |abandon|ed. If the buffer is still
+ displayed in another window, it does not become hidden, of course.
+--- 3843,3848 ----
+*** 3980,3996 ****
+ l:Search,m:MoreMsg,M:ModeMsg,n:LineNr,
+ N:CursorLineNr,r:Question,s:StatusLine,
+ S:StatusLineNC,c:VertSplit,t:Title,
+! v:Visual,w:WarningMsg,W:WildMenu,f:Folded,
+! F:FoldColumn,A:DiffAdd,C:DiffChange,
+! D:DiffDelete,T:DiffText,>:SignColumn,
+ B:SpellBad,P:SpellCap,R:SpellRare,
+! L:SpellLocal,-:Conceal,+:Pmenu,=:PmenuSel,
+ x:PmenuSbar,X:PmenuThumb,*:TabLine,
+ #:TabLineSel,_:TabLineFill,!:CursorColumn,
+ .:CursorLine,o:ColorColumn,q:QuickFixLine,
+ z:StatusLineTerm,Z:StatusLineTermNC")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option can be used to set highlighting mode for various
+ occasions. It is a comma separated list of character pairs. The
+ first character in a pair gives the occasion, the second the mode to
+--- 3862,3878 ----
+ l:Search,m:MoreMsg,M:ModeMsg,n:LineNr,
+ N:CursorLineNr,r:Question,s:StatusLine,
+ S:StatusLineNC,c:VertSplit,t:Title,
+! v:Visual,V:VisualNOS,w:WarningMsg,
+! W:WildMenu,f:Folded,F:FoldColumn,
+! A:DiffAdd,C:DiffChange,D:DiffDelete,
+! T:DiffText,>:SignColumn,-:Conceal,
+ B:SpellBad,P:SpellCap,R:SpellRare,
+! L:SpellLocal,+:Pmenu,=:PmenuSel,
+ x:PmenuSbar,X:PmenuThumb,*:TabLine,
+ #:TabLineSel,_:TabLineFill,!:CursorColumn,
+ .:CursorLine,o:ColorColumn,q:QuickFixLine,
+ z:StatusLineTerm,Z:StatusLineTermNC")
+ global
+ This option can be used to set highlighting mode for various
+ occasions. It is a comma separated list of character pairs. The
+ first character in a pair gives the occasion, the second the mode to
+*** 4029,4044 ****
+ |hl-DiffDelete| D deleted line in diff mode
+ |hl-DiffText| T inserted text in diff mode
+ |hl-SignColumn| > column used for |signs|
+ |hl-SpellBad| B misspelled word |spell|
+ |hl-SpellCap| P word that should start with capital |spell|
+ |hl-SpellRare| R rare word |spell|
+ |hl-SpellLocal| L word from other region |spell|
+! |hl-Conceal| - the placeholders used for concealed characters
+! (see 'conceallevel')
+! |hl-Pmenu| + popup menu normal line
+! |hl-PmenuSel| = popup menu normal line
+! |hl-PmenuSbar| x popup menu scrollbar
+! |hl-PmenuThumb| X popup menu scrollbar thumb
+ The display modes are:
+ r reverse (termcap entry "mr" and "me")
+--- 3911,3926 ----
+ |hl-DiffDelete| D deleted line in diff mode
+ |hl-DiffText| T inserted text in diff mode
+ |hl-SignColumn| > column used for |signs|
++ |hl-Conceal| - the placeholders used for concealed characters
++ (see 'conceallevel')
+ |hl-SpellBad| B misspelled word |spell|
+ |hl-SpellCap| P word that should start with capital |spell|
+ |hl-SpellRare| R rare word |spell|
+ |hl-SpellLocal| L word from other region |spell|
+! |hl-Pmenu| + popup menu normal line
+! |hl-PmenuSel| = popup menu selected line
+! |hl-PmenuSbar| x popup menu scrollbar
+! |hl-PmenuThumb| X popup menu scrollbar thumb
+ The display modes are:
+ r reverse (termcap entry "mr" and "me")
+*** 4064,4070 ****
+ 'history' 'hi' number (Vim default: 50, Vi default: 0,
+ set to 200 in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ A history of ":" commands, and a history of previous search patterns
+ is remembered. This option decides how many entries may be stored in
+ each of these histories (see |cmdline-editing|).
+--- 3946,3951 ----
+*** 4075,4081 ****
+ *'hkmap'* *'hk'* *'nohkmap'* *'nohk'*
+ 'hkmap' 'hk' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, the keyboard is mapped for the Hebrew character set.
+--- 3956,3961 ----
+*** 4086,4092 ****
+ *'hkmapp'* *'hkp'* *'nohkmapp'* *'nohkp'*
+ 'hkmapp' 'hkp' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, phonetic keyboard mapping is used. 'hkmap' must also be on.
+--- 3966,3971 ----
+*** 4097,4103 ****
+ *'hlsearch'* *'hls'* *'nohlsearch'* *'nohls'*
+ 'hlsearch' 'hls' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+extra_search| feature}
+ When there is a previous search pattern, highlight all its matches.
+--- 3976,3981 ----
+*** 4122,4128 ****
+ *'icon'* *'noicon'*
+ 'icon' boolean (default off, on when title can be restored)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When on, the icon text of the window will be set to the value of
+--- 4000,4005 ----
+*** 4141,4147 ****
+ *'iconstring'*
+ 'iconstring' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When this option is not empty, it will be used for the icon text of
+--- 4018,4023 ----
+*** 4168,4176 ****
+ *'imactivatefunc'* *'imaf'*
+ 'imactivatefunc' 'imaf' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ This option specifies a function that will be called to
+ activate or deactivate the Input Method.
+ It is not used in the GUI.
+--- 4044,4049 ----
+*** 4189,4195 ****
+ *'imactivatekey'* *'imak'*
+ 'imactivatekey' 'imak' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with |+xim| and
+ |+GUI_GTK|} *E599*
+ Specifies the key that your Input Method in X-Windows uses for
+--- 4062,4067 ----
+*** 4221,4229 ****
+ *'imcmdline'* *'imc'* *'noimcmdline'* *'noimc'*
+ 'imcmdline' 'imc' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ When set the Input Method is always on when starting to edit a command
+ line, unless entering a search pattern (see 'imsearch' for that).
+ Setting this option is useful when your input method allows entering
+--- 4093,4098 ----
+*** 4233,4241 ****
+ *'imdisable'* *'imd'* *'noimdisable'* *'noimd'*
+ 'imdisable' 'imd' boolean (default off, on for some systems (SGI))
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ When set the Input Method is never used. This is useful to disable
+ the IM when it doesn't work properly.
+ Currently this option is on by default for SGI/IRIX machines. This
+--- 4102,4107 ----
+*** 4244,4250 ****
+ *'iminsert'* *'imi'*
+ 'iminsert' 'imi' number (default 0)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Specifies whether :lmap or an Input Method (IM) is to be used in
+ Insert mode. Valid values:
+ 0 :lmap is off and IM is off
+--- 4110,4115 ----
+*** 4263,4275 ****
+ methods. Use 'imdisable' to disable XIM then.
+ You can set 'imactivatefunc' and 'imstatusfunc' to handle IME/XIM
+! via external command if vim is not compiled with the |+xim|,
+ |+multi_byte_ime| or |global-ime|.
+ *'imsearch'* *'ims'*
+ 'imsearch' 'ims' number (default -1)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Specifies whether :lmap or an Input Method (IM) is to be used when
+ entering a search pattern. Valid values:
+ -1 the value of 'iminsert' is used, makes it look like
+--- 4128,4139 ----
+ methods. Use 'imdisable' to disable XIM then.
+ You can set 'imactivatefunc' and 'imstatusfunc' to handle IME/XIM
+! via external command if Vim is not compiled with the |+xim|,
+ |+multi_byte_ime| or |global-ime|.
+ *'imsearch'* *'ims'*
+ 'imsearch' 'ims' number (default -1)
+ local to buffer
+ Specifies whether :lmap or an Input Method (IM) is to be used when
+ entering a search pattern. Valid values:
+ -1 the value of 'iminsert' is used, makes it look like
+*** 4287,4295 ****
+ *'imstatusfunc'* *'imsf'*
+ 'imstatusfunc' 'imsf' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ This option specifies a function that is called to obtain the status
+ of Input Method. It must return a positive number when IME is active.
+ It is not used in the GUI.
+--- 4151,4156 ----
+*** 4306,4312 ****
+ *'imstyle'* *'imst'*
+ 'imstyle' 'imst' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with |+xim| and
+ |+GUI_GTK|}
+ This option specifies the input style of Input Method:
+--- 4167,4172 ----
+*** 4323,4329 ****
+ *'include'* *'inc'*
+ 'include' 'inc' string (default "^\s*#\s*include")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+find_in_path| feature}
+ Pattern to be used to find an include command. It is a search
+--- 4183,4188 ----
+*** 4341,4347 ****
+ *'includeexpr'* *'inex'*
+ 'includeexpr' 'inex' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+find_in_path| or |+eval| features}
+ Expression to be used to transform the string found with the 'include'
+--- 4200,4205 ----
+*** 4363,4376 ****
+ 'incsearch' 'is' boolean (default off, set in |defaults.vim| if the
+ +reltime feature is supported)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+extra_search| features}
+ While typing a search command, show where the pattern, as it was typed
+ so far, matches. The matched string is highlighted. If the pattern
+ is invalid or not found, nothing is shown. The screen will be updated
+ often, this is only useful on fast terminals.
+! Note that the match will be shown, but the cursor will return to its
+ original position when no match is found and when pressing <Esc>. You
+ still need to finish the search command with <Enter> to move the
+ cursor to the match.
+--- 4221,4244 ----
+ 'incsearch' 'is' boolean (default off, set in |defaults.vim| if the
+ +reltime feature is supported)
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+extra_search| features}
+ While typing a search command, show where the pattern, as it was typed
+ so far, matches. The matched string is highlighted. If the pattern
+ is invalid or not found, nothing is shown. The screen will be updated
+ often, this is only useful on fast terminals.
+! Also applies to the pattern in commands: >
+! :global
+! :lvimgrep
+! :lvimgrepadd
+! :smagic
+! :snomagic
+! :sort
+! :substitute
+! :vglobal
+! :vimgrep
+! :vimgrepadd
+! < Note that the match will be shown, but the cursor will return to its
+ original position when no match is found and when pressing <Esc>. You
+ still need to finish the search command with <Enter> to move the
+ cursor to the match.
+*** 4383,4391 ****
+ The highlighting can be set with the 'i' flag in 'highlight'.
+ When 'hlsearch' is on, all matched strings are highlighted too while
+ typing a search command. See also: 'hlsearch'.
+! If you don't want turn 'hlsearch' on, but want to highlight all matches
+! while searching, you can turn on and off 'hlsearch' with autocmd.
+! Example: >
+ augroup vimrc-incsearch-highlight
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd CmdlineEnter /,\? :set hlsearch
+--- 4251,4259 ----
+ The highlighting can be set with the 'i' flag in 'highlight'.
+ When 'hlsearch' is on, all matched strings are highlighted too while
+ typing a search command. See also: 'hlsearch'.
+! If you don't want to turn 'hlsearch' on, but want to highlight all
+! matches while searching, you can turn on and off 'hlsearch' with
+! autocmd. Example: >
+ augroup vimrc-incsearch-highlight
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd CmdlineEnter /,\? :set hlsearch
+*** 4403,4409 ****
+ *'indentexpr'* *'inde'*
+ 'indentexpr' 'inde' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ or |+eval| features}
+ Expression which is evaluated to obtain the proper indent for a line.
+--- 4271,4276 ----
+*** 4441,4447 ****
+ *'indentkeys'* *'indk'*
+ 'indentkeys' 'indk' string (default "0{,0},0),0],:,0#,!^F,o,O,e")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ A list of keys that, when typed in Insert mode, cause reindenting of
+--- 4308,4313 ----
+*** 4452,4458 ****
+ *'infercase'* *'inf'* *'noinfercase'* *'noinf'*
+ 'infercase' 'inf' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When doing keyword completion in insert mode |ins-completion|, and
+ 'ignorecase' is also on, the case of the match is adjusted depending
+ on the typed text. If the typed text contains a lowercase letter
+--- 4318,4323 ----
+*** 4465,4471 ****
+ *'insertmode'* *'im'* *'noinsertmode'* *'noim'*
+ 'insertmode' 'im' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Makes Vim work in a way that Insert mode is the default mode. Useful
+ if you want to use Vim as a modeless editor. Used for |evim|.
+ These Insert mode commands will be useful:
+--- 4330,4335 ----
+*** 4498,4504 ****
+ for OS/390: "@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,~,="
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,~,=")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The characters specified by this option are included in file names and
+ path names. Filenames are used for commands like "gf", "[i" and in
+ the tags file. It is also used for "\f" in a |pattern|.
+--- 4362,4367 ----
+*** 4550,4561 ****
+ "@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235"
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,_,192-255")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The characters given by this option are included in identifiers.
+ Identifiers are used in recognizing environment variables and after a
+ match of the 'define' option. It is also used for "\i" in a
+ |pattern|. See 'isfname' for a description of the format of this
+! option.
+ Careful: If you change this option, it might break expanding
+ environment variables. E.g., when '/' is included and Vim tries to
+ expand "$HOME/.viminfo". Maybe you should change 'iskeyword' instead.
+--- 4413,4423 ----
+ "@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235"
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,_,192-255")
+ global
+ The characters given by this option are included in identifiers.
+ Identifiers are used in recognizing environment variables and after a
+ match of the 'define' option. It is also used for "\i" in a
+ |pattern|. See 'isfname' for a description of the format of this
+! option. For '@' only characters up to 255 are used.
+ Careful: If you change this option, it might break expanding
+ environment variables. E.g., when '/' is included and Vim tries to
+ expand "$HOME/.viminfo". Maybe you should change 'iskeyword' instead.
+*** 4566,4576 ****
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,_,192-255"
+ Vi default: "@,48-57,_")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Keywords are used in searching and recognizing with many commands:
+ "w", "*", "[i", etc. It is also used for "\k" in a |pattern|. See
+! 'isfname' for a description of the format of this option. For C
+! programs you could use "a-z,A-Z,48-57,_,.,-,>".
+ For a help file it is set to all non-blank printable characters except
+ '*', '"' and '|' (so that CTRL-] on a command finds the help for that
+ command).
+--- 4428,4438 ----
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,_,192-255"
+ Vi default: "@,48-57,_")
+ local to buffer
+ Keywords are used in searching and recognizing with many commands:
+ "w", "*", "[i", etc. It is also used for "\k" in a |pattern|. See
+! 'isfname' for a description of the format of this option. For '@'
+! characters above 255 check the "word" character class.
+! For C programs you could use "a-z,A-Z,48-57,_,.,-,>".
+ For a help file it is set to all non-blank printable characters except
+ '*', '"' and '|' (so that CTRL-] on a command finds the help for that
+ command).
+*** 4584,4590 ****
+ 'isprint' 'isp' string (default for MS-DOS, Win32, OS/2 and Macintosh:
+ "@,~-255"; otherwise: "@,161-255")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The characters given by this option are displayed directly on the
+ screen. It is also used for "\p" in a |pattern|. The characters from
+ space (ASCII 32) to '~' (ASCII 126) are always displayed directly,
+--- 4446,4451 ----
+*** 4615,4621 ****
+ *'joinspaces'* *'js'* *'nojoinspaces'* *'nojs'*
+ 'joinspaces' 'js' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Insert two spaces after a '.', '?' and '!' with a join command.
+ When 'cpoptions' includes the 'j' flag, only do this after a '.'.
+ Otherwise only one space is inserted.
+--- 4476,4481 ----
+*** 4624,4630 ****
+ *'key'*
+ 'key' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+cryptv|
+ feature}
+ The key that is used for encrypting and decrypting the current buffer.
+--- 4484,4489 ----
+*** 4642,4648 ****
+ *'keymap'* *'kmp'* *E544*
+ 'keymap' 'kmp' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+keymap|
+ feature}
+ Name of a keyboard mapping. See |mbyte-keymap|.
+--- 4501,4506 ----
+*** 4654,4660 ****
+ *'keymodel'* *'km'*
+ 'keymodel' 'km' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ List of comma separated words, which enable special things that keys
+ can do. These values can be used:
+ startsel Using a shifted special key starts selection (either
+--- 4512,4517 ----
+*** 4669,4675 ****
+ 'keywordprg' 'kp' string (default "man" or "man -s", DOS: ":help",
+ VMS: "help")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Program to use for the |K| command. Environment variables are
+ expanded |:set_env|. ":help" may be used to access the Vim internal
+ help. (Note that previously setting the global option to the empty
+--- 4526,4531 ----
+*** 4688,4694 ****
+ *'langmap'* *'lmap'* *E357* *E358*
+ 'langmap' 'lmap' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+langmap|
+ feature}
+ This option allows switching your keyboard into a special language
+--- 4544,4549 ----
+*** 4734,4740 ****
+ *'langmenu'* *'lm'*
+ 'langmenu' 'lm' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+menu| and
+ |+multi_lang| features}
+ Language to use for menu translation. Tells which file is loaded
+--- 4589,4594 ----
+*** 4759,4765 ****
+ *'langnoremap'* *'lnr'* *'nolangnoremap'* *'nolnr'*
+ 'langnoremap' 'lnr' boolean (default off, set in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+langmap|
+ feature}
+ This is just like 'langremap' but with the value inverted. It only
+--- 4613,4618 ----
+*** 4769,4775 ****
+ *'langremap'* *'lrm'* *'nolangremap'* *'nolrm'*
+ 'langremap' 'lrm' boolean (default on, reset in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+langmap|
+ feature}
+ When off, setting 'langmap' does not apply to characters resulting from
+--- 4622,4627 ----
+*** 4781,4787 ****
+ *'laststatus'* *'ls'*
+ 'laststatus' 'ls' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The value of this option influences when the last window will have a
+ status line:
+ 0: never
+--- 4633,4638 ----
+*** 4793,4799 ****
+ *'lazyredraw'* *'lz'* *'nolazyredraw'* *'nolz'*
+ 'lazyredraw' 'lz' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When this option is set, the screen will not be redrawn while
+ executing macros, registers and other commands that have not been
+ typed. Also, updating the window title is postponed. To force an
+--- 4644,4649 ----
+*** 4802,4808 ****
+ *'linebreak'* *'lbr'* *'nolinebreak'* *'nolbr'*
+ 'linebreak' 'lbr' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ If on, Vim will wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat' rather
+--- 4652,4657 ----
+*** 4835,4841 ****
+ *'linespace'* *'lsp'*
+ 'linespace' 'lsp' number (default 0, 1 for Win32 GUI)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only in the GUI}
+ Number of pixel lines inserted between characters. Useful if the font
+ uses the full character cell height, making lines touch each other.
+--- 4684,4689 ----
+*** 4864,4870 ****
+ *'lispwords'* *'lw'*
+ 'lispwords' 'lw' string (default is very long)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+lispindent|
+ feature}
+ Comma separated list of words that influence the Lisp indenting.
+--- 4712,4717 ----
+*** 4889,4895 ****
+ *'listchars'* *'lcs'*
+ 'listchars' 'lcs' string (default "eol:$")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Strings to use in 'list' mode and for the |:list| command. It is a
+ comma separated list of string settings.
+ *lcs-eol*
+--- 4736,4741 ----
+*** 4955,4961 ****
+ *'lpl'* *'nolpl'* *'loadplugins'* *'noloadplugins'*
+ 'loadplugins' 'lpl' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on the plugin scripts are loaded when starting up |load-plugins|.
+ This option can be reset in your |vimrc| file to disable the loading
+ of plugins.
+--- 4801,4806 ----
+*** 4965,4971 ****
+ *'luadll'*
+ 'luadll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+lua/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Lua shared library. The default is
+--- 4810,4815 ----
+*** 5004,5010 ****
+ *'makeef'* *'mef'*
+ 'makeef' 'mef' string (default: "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ Name of the errorfile for the |:make| command (see |:make_makeprg|)
+--- 4848,4853 ----
+*** 5022,5030 ****
+ *'makeencoding'* *'menc'*
+ 'makeencoding' 'menc' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Encoding used for reading the output of external commands. When empty,
+ encoding is not converted.
+ This is used for `:make`, `:lmake`, `:grep`, `:lgrep`, `:grepadd`,
+--- 4865,4870 ----
+*** 5041,5047 ****
+ *'makeprg'* *'mp'*
+ 'makeprg' 'mp' string (default "make", VMS: "MMS")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Program to use for the ":make" command. See |:make_makeprg|.
+ This option may contain '%' and '#' characters (see |:_%| and |:_#|),
+ which are expanded to the current and alternate file name. Use |::S|
+--- 4881,4886 ----
+*** 5061,5067 ****
+ *'matchpairs'* *'mps'*
+ 'matchpairs' 'mps' string (default "(:),{:},[:]")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Characters that form pairs. The |%| command jumps from one to the
+ other.
+ Only character pairs are allowed that are different, thus you cannot
+--- 4900,4905 ----
+*** 5081,5087 ****
+ *'matchtime'* *'mat'*
+ 'matchtime' 'mat' number (default 5)
+ global
+! {not in Vi}{in Nvi}
+ Tenths of a second to show the matching paren, when 'showmatch' is
+ set. Note that this is not in milliseconds, like other options that
+ set a time. This is to be compatible with Nvi.
+--- 4919,4925 ----
+ *'matchtime'* *'mat'*
+ 'matchtime' 'mat' number (default 5)
+ global
+! {in Nvi}
+ Tenths of a second to show the matching paren, when 'showmatch' is
+ set. Note that this is not in milliseconds, like other options that
+ set a time. This is to be compatible with Nvi.
+*** 5089,5097 ****
+ *'maxcombine'* *'mco'*
+ 'maxcombine' 'mco' number (default 2)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+ The maximum number of combining characters supported for displaying.
+ Only used when 'encoding' is "utf-8".
+ The default is OK for most languages. Hebrew may require 4.
+--- 4927,4932 ----
+*** 5103,5109 ****
+ *'maxfuncdepth'* *'mfd'*
+ 'maxfuncdepth' 'mfd' number (default 100)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+eval|
+ feature}
+ Maximum depth of function calls for user functions. This normally
+--- 4938,4943 ----
+*** 5117,5123 ****
+ *'maxmapdepth'* *'mmd'* *E223*
+ 'maxmapdepth' 'mmd' number (default 1000)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Maximum number of times a mapping is done without resulting in a
+ character to be used. This normally catches endless mappings, like
+ ":map x y" with ":map y x". It still does not catch ":map g wg",
+--- 4951,4956 ----
+*** 5129,5135 ****
+ dependent) or half the amount of memory
+ available)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Maximum amount of memory (in Kbyte) to use for one buffer. When this
+ limit is reached allocating extra memory for a buffer will cause
+ other memory to be freed.
+--- 4962,4967 ----
+*** 5141,5147 ****
+ *'maxmempattern'* *'mmp'*
+ 'maxmempattern' 'mmp' number (default 1000)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Maximum amount of memory (in Kbyte) to use for pattern matching.
+ The maximum value is about 2000000. Use this to work without a limit.
+ *E363*
+--- 4973,4978 ----
+*** 5150,5163 ****
+ Running into the limit often means that the pattern is very
+ inefficient or too complex. This may already happen with the pattern
+ "\(.\)*" on a very long line. ".*" works much better.
+! Vim may run out of memory before hitting the 'maxmempattern' limit.
+ *'maxmemtot'* *'mmt'*
+ 'maxmemtot' 'mmt' number (default between 2048 and 10240 (system
+ dependent) or half the amount of memory
+ available)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Maximum amount of memory in Kbyte to use for all buffers together.
+ The maximum usable value is about 2000000 (2 Gbyte). Use this to work
+ without a limit.
+--- 4981,4996 ----
+ Running into the limit often means that the pattern is very
+ inefficient or too complex. This may already happen with the pattern
+ "\(.\)*" on a very long line. ".*" works much better.
+! Might also happen on redraw, when syntax rules try to match a complex
+! text structure.
+! Vim may run out of memory before hitting the 'maxmempattern' limit, in
+! which case you get an "Out of memory" error instead.
+ *'maxmemtot'* *'mmt'*
+ 'maxmemtot' 'mmt' number (default between 2048 and 10240 (system
+ dependent) or half the amount of memory
+ available)
+ global
+ Maximum amount of memory in Kbyte to use for all buffers together.
+ The maximum usable value is about 2000000 (2 Gbyte). Use this to work
+ without a limit.
+*** 5172,5178 ****
+ *'menuitems'* *'mis'*
+ 'menuitems' 'mis' number (default 25)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+menu|
+ feature}
+ Maximum number of items to use in a menu. Used for menus that are
+--- 5005,5010 ----
+*** 5182,5188 ****
+ *'mkspellmem'* *'msm'*
+ 'mkspellmem' 'msm' string (default "460000,2000,500")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Parameters for |:mkspell|. This tunes when to start compressing the
+--- 5014,5019 ----
+*** 5225,5231 ****
+ *'modelines'* *'mls'*
+ 'modelines' 'mls' number (default 5)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ If 'modeline' is on 'modelines' gives the number of lines that is
+ checked for set commands. If 'modeline' is off or 'modelines' is zero
+ no lines are checked. See |modeline|.
+--- 5056,5061 ----
+*** 5235,5241 ****
+ *'modifiable'* *'ma'* *'nomodifiable'* *'noma'*
+ 'modifiable' 'ma' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+! {not in Vi} *E21*
+ When off the buffer contents cannot be changed. The 'fileformat' and
+ 'fileencoding' options also can't be changed.
+ Can be reset on startup with the |-M| command line argument.
+--- 5065,5071 ----
+ *'modifiable'* *'ma'* *'nomodifiable'* *'noma'*
+ 'modifiable' 'ma' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+! *E21*
+ When off the buffer contents cannot be changed. The 'fileformat' and
+ 'fileencoding' options also can't be changed.
+ Can be reset on startup with the |-M| command line argument.
+*** 5243,5249 ****
+ *'modified'* *'mod'* *'nomodified'* *'nomod'*
+ 'modified' 'mod' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, the buffer is considered to be modified. This option is set
+ when:
+ 1. A change was made to the text since it was last written. Using the
+--- 5073,5078 ----
+*** 5269,5275 ****
+ *'more'* *'nomore'*
+ 'more' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, listings pause when the whole screen is filled. You will get
+ the |more-prompt|. When this option is off there are no pauses, the
+ listing continues until finished.
+--- 5098,5103 ----
+*** 5280,5286 ****
+ 'mouse' string (default "", "a" for GUI, MS-DOS and Win32,
+ set to "a" in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Enable the use of the mouse. Only works for certain terminals
+ (xterm, MS-DOS, Win32 |win32-mouse|, QNX pterm, *BSD console with
+ sysmouse and Linux console with gpm). For using the mouse in the
+--- 5108,5113 ----
+*** 5293,5299 ****
+ h all previous modes when editing a help file
+ a all previous modes
+ r for |hit-enter| and |more-prompt| prompt
+! Normally you would enable the mouse in all four modes with: >
+ :set mouse=a
+ < When the mouse is not enabled, the GUI will still use the mouse for
+ modeless selection. This doesn't move the text cursor.
+--- 5120,5126 ----
+ h all previous modes when editing a help file
+ a all previous modes
+ r for |hit-enter| and |more-prompt| prompt
+! Normally you would enable the mouse in all five modes with: >
+ :set mouse=a
+ < When the mouse is not enabled, the GUI will still use the mouse for
+ modeless selection. This doesn't move the text cursor.
+*** 5308,5314 ****
+ *'mousefocus'* *'mousef'* *'nomousefocus'* *'nomousef'*
+ 'mousefocus' 'mousef' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only works in the GUI}
+ The window that the mouse pointer is on is automatically activated.
+ When changing the window layout or window focus in another way, the
+--- 5135,5140 ----
+*** 5319,5325 ****
+ *'mousehide'* *'mh'* *'nomousehide'* *'nomh'*
+ 'mousehide' 'mh' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only works in the GUI}
+ When on, the mouse pointer is hidden when characters are typed.
+ The mouse pointer is restored when the mouse is moved.
+--- 5145,5150 ----
+*** 5327,5333 ****
+ *'mousemodel'* *'mousem'*
+ 'mousemodel' 'mousem' string (default "extend", "popup" for MS-DOS and Win32)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Sets the model to use for the mouse. The name mostly specifies what
+ the right mouse button is used for:
+ extend Right mouse button extends a selection. This works
+--- 5152,5157 ----
+*** 5363,5372 ****
+ The 'mousemodel' option is set by the |:behave| command.
+ *'mouseshape'* *'mouses'* *E547*
+! 'mouseshape' 'mouses' string (default "i:beam,r:beam,s:updown,sd:cross,
+! m:no,ml:up-arrow,v:rightup-arrow")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+mouseshape|
+ feature}
+ This option tells Vim what the mouse pointer should look like in
+--- 5187,5196 ----
+ The 'mousemodel' option is set by the |:behave| command.
+ *'mouseshape'* *'mouses'* *E547*
+! 'mouseshape' 'mouses' string (default "i-r:beam,s:updown,sd:udsizing,
+! vs:leftright,vd:lrsizing,m:no,
+! ml:up-arrow,v:rightup-arrow")
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+mouseshape|
+ feature}
+ This option tells Vim what the mouse pointer should look like in
+*** 5431,5437 ****
+ *'mousetime'* *'mouset'*
+ 'mousetime' 'mouset' number (default 500)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Only for GUI, MS-DOS, Win32 and Unix with xterm. Defines the maximum
+ time in msec between two mouse clicks for the second click to be
+ recognized as a multi click.
+--- 5255,5260 ----
+*** 5439,5445 ****
+ *'mzschemedll'*
+ 'mzschemedll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+mzscheme/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the MzScheme shared library. The default is
+--- 5262,5267 ----
+*** 5453,5459 ****
+ *'mzschemegcdll'*
+ 'mzschemegcdll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+mzscheme/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the MzScheme GC shared library. The default is
+--- 5275,5280 ----
+*** 5466,5472 ****
+ *'mzquantum'* *'mzq'*
+ 'mzquantum' 'mzq' number (default 100)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+mzscheme|
+ feature}
+ The number of milliseconds between polls for MzScheme threads.
+--- 5287,5292 ----
+*** 5478,5484 ****
+ 'nrformats' 'nf' string (default "bin,octal,hex",
+ set to "bin,hex" in |defaults.vim|)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This defines what bases Vim will consider for numbers when using the
+ CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands for adding to and subtracting from a number
+ respectively; see |CTRL-A| for more info on these commands.
+--- 5298,5303 ----
+*** 5525,5531 ****
+ *'numberwidth'* *'nuw'*
+ 'numberwidth' 'nuw' number (Vim default: 4 Vi default: 8)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ Minimal number of columns to use for the line number. Only relevant
+--- 5344,5349 ----
+*** 5544,5550 ****
+ *'omnifunc'* *'ofu'*
+ 'omnifunc' 'ofu' string (default: empty)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+eval|
+ or |+insert_expand| features}
+ This option specifies a function to be used for Insert mode omni
+--- 5362,5367 ----
+*** 5560,5566 ****
+ *'opendevice'* *'odev'* *'noopendevice'* *'noodev'*
+ 'opendevice' 'odev' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only for MS-DOS, MS-Windows and OS/2}
+ Enable reading and writing from devices. This may get Vim stuck on a
+ device that can be opened but doesn't actually do the I/O. Therefore
+--- 5377,5382 ----
+*** 5572,5578 ****
+ *'operatorfunc'* *'opfunc'*
+ 'operatorfunc' 'opfunc' string (default: empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option specifies a function to be called by the |g@| operator.
+ See |:map-operator| for more info and an example.
+--- 5388,5393 ----
+*** 5583,5595 ****
+ *'osfiletype'* *'oft'*
+ 'osfiletype' 'oft' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option was supported on RISC OS, which has been removed.
+ *'packpath'* *'pp'*
+ 'packpath' 'pp' string (default: see 'runtimepath')
+- {not in Vi}
+ Directories used to find packages. See |packages|.
+--- 5398,5408 ----
+*** 5602,5608 ****
+ *'paste'* *'nopaste'*
+ 'paste' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Put Vim in Paste mode. This is useful if you want to cut or copy
+ some text from one window and paste it in Vim. This will avoid
+ unexpected effects.
+--- 5415,5420 ----
+*** 5646,5652 ****
+ *'pastetoggle'* *'pt'*
+ 'pastetoggle' 'pt' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When non-empty, specifies the key sequence that toggles the 'paste'
+ option. This is like specifying a mapping: >
+ :map {keys} :set invpaste<CR>
+--- 5458,5463 ----
+*** 5671,5677 ****
+ *'pex'* *'patchexpr'*
+ 'patchexpr' 'pex' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Expression which is evaluated to apply a patch to a file and generate
+--- 5482,5487 ----
+*** 5680,5686 ****
+ *'patchmode'* *'pm'* *E205* *E206*
+ 'patchmode' 'pm' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When non-empty the oldest version of a file is kept. This can be used
+ to keep the original version of a file if you are changing files in a
+ source distribution. Only the first time that a file is written a
+--- 5490,5495 ----
+*** 5703,5709 ****
+ on OS/2: ".,/emx/include,,"
+ other systems: ".,,")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ This is a list of directories which will be searched when using the
+ |gf|, [f, ]f, ^Wf, |:find|, |:sfind|, |:tabfind| and other commands,
+ provided that the file being searched for has a relative path (not
+--- 5512,5517 ----
+*** 5756,5762 ****
+ *'perldll'*
+ 'perldll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+perl/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Perl shared library. The default is
+--- 5564,5569 ----
+*** 5768,5774 ****
+ *'preserveindent'* *'pi'* *'nopreserveindent'* *'nopi'*
+ 'preserveindent' 'pi' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ When changing the indent of the current line, preserve as much of the
+ indent structure as possible. Normally the indent is replaced by a
+ series of tabs followed by spaces as required (unless |'expandtab'| is
+--- 5575,5580 ----
+*** 5786,5792 ****
+ *'previewheight'* *'pvh'*
+ 'previewheight' 'pvh' number (default 12)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows| or
+ |+quickfix| features}
+ Default height for a preview window. Used for |:ptag| and associated
+--- 5592,5597 ----
+*** 5796,5802 ****
+ *'pvw'* *'nopvw'* *E590*
+ 'previewwindow' 'pvw' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows| or
+ |+quickfix| features}
+ Identifies the preview window. Only one window can have this option
+--- 5601,5606 ----
+*** 5806,5812 ****
+ *'printdevice'* *'pdev'*
+ 'printdevice' 'pdev' string (default empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ feature}
+ The name of the printer to be used for |:hardcopy|.
+--- 5610,5615 ----
+*** 5815,5832 ****
+ security reasons.
+ *'printencoding'* *'penc'*
+! 'printencoding' 'penc' String (default empty, except for some systems)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ and |+postscript| features}
+ Sets the character encoding used when printing.
+ See |penc-option|.
+ *'printexpr'* *'pexpr'*
+! 'printexpr' 'pexpr' String (default: see below)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ and |+postscript| features}
+ Expression used to print the PostScript produced with |:hardcopy|.
+--- 5618,5633 ----
+ security reasons.
+ *'printencoding'* *'penc'*
+! 'printencoding' 'penc' string (default empty, except for some systems)
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ and |+postscript| features}
+ Sets the character encoding used when printing.
+ See |penc-option|.
+ *'printexpr'* *'pexpr'*
+! 'printexpr' 'pexpr' string (default: see below)
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ and |+postscript| features}
+ Expression used to print the PostScript produced with |:hardcopy|.
+*** 5837,5843 ****
+ *'printfont'* *'pfn'*
+ 'printfont' 'pfn' string (default "courier")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ feature}
+ The name of the font that will be used for |:hardcopy|.
+--- 5638,5643 ----
+*** 5846,5852 ****
+ *'printheader'* *'pheader'*
+ 'printheader' 'pheader' string (default "%<%f%h%m%=Page %N")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ feature}
+ The format of the header produced in |:hardcopy| output.
+--- 5646,5651 ----
+*** 5855,5879 ****
+ *'printmbcharset'* *'pmbcs'*
+ 'printmbcharset' 'pmbcs' string (default "")
+ global
+! {not in Vi}
+! {only available when compiled with the |+printer|,
+! |+postscript| and |+multi_byte| features}
+ The CJK character set to be used for CJK output from |:hardcopy|.
+ See |pmbcs-option|.
+ *'printmbfont'* *'pmbfn'*
+ 'printmbfont' 'pmbfn' string (default "")
+ global
+! {not in Vi}
+! {only available when compiled with the |+printer|,
+! |+postscript| and |+multi_byte| features}
+ List of font names to be used for CJK output from |:hardcopy|.
+ See |pmbfn-option|.
+ *'printoptions'* *'popt'*
+ 'printoptions' 'popt' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with |+printer| feature}
+ List of items that control the format of the output of |:hardcopy|.
+ See |popt-option|.
+--- 5654,5675 ----
+ *'printmbcharset'* *'pmbcs'*
+ 'printmbcharset' 'pmbcs' string (default "")
+ global
+! {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+! and |+postscript| features}
+ The CJK character set to be used for CJK output from |:hardcopy|.
+ See |pmbcs-option|.
+ *'printmbfont'* *'pmbfn'*
+ 'printmbfont' 'pmbfn' string (default "")
+ global
+! {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+! and |+postscript| features}
+ List of font names to be used for CJK output from |:hardcopy|.
+ See |pmbfn-option|.
+ *'printoptions'* *'popt'*
+ 'printoptions' 'popt' string (default "")
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with |+printer| feature}
+ List of items that control the format of the output of |:hardcopy|.
+ See |popt-option|.
+*** 5888,5894 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+insert_expand| feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Determines the maximum number of items to show in the popup menu for
+ Insert mode completion. When zero as much space as available is used.
+ |ins-completion-menu|.
+--- 5684,5689 ----
+*** 5898,5911 ****
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+insert_expand| feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Determines the minimum width to use for the popup menu for Insert mode
+ completion. |ins-completion-menu|.
+ *'pythondll'*
+ 'pythondll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+python/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Python 2.x shared library. The default is
+--- 5693,5704 ----
+*** 5917,5923 ****
+ *'pythonhome'*
+ 'pythonhome' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+python/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Python 2.x home directory. When 'pythonhome'
+--- 5710,5715 ----
+*** 5931,5937 ****
+ *'pythonthreedll'*
+ 'pythonthreedll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+python3/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Python 3 shared library. The default is
+--- 5723,5728 ----
+*** 5943,5949 ****
+ *'pythonthreehome'*
+ 'pythonthreehome' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+python3/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Python 3 home directory. When
+--- 5734,5739 ----
+*** 5957,5963 ****
+ *'pyxversion'* *'pyx'*
+ 'pyxversion' 'pyx' number (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+python| or
+ the |+python3| feature}
+ Specifies the python version used for pyx* functions and commands
+--- 5747,5752 ----
+*** 5985,5991 ****
+ *'quoteescape'* *'qe'*
+ 'quoteescape' 'qe' string (default "\")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ The characters that are used to escape quotes in a string. Used for
+ objects like a', a" and a` |a'|.
+ When one of the characters in this option is found inside a string,
+--- 5774,5779 ----
+*** 6000,6013 ****
+ in read-only mode ("vim -R") or when the executable is called "view".
+ When using ":w!" the 'readonly' option is reset for the current
+ buffer, unless the 'Z' flag is in 'cpoptions'.
+! {not in Vi:} When using the ":view" command the 'readonly' option is
+! set for the newly edited buffer.
+ See 'modifiable' for disallowing changes to the buffer.
+ *'redrawtime'* *'rdt'*
+ 'redrawtime' 'rdt' number (default 2000)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+reltime|
+ feature}
+ The time in milliseconds for redrawing the display. This applies to
+--- 5788,5800 ----
+ in read-only mode ("vim -R") or when the executable is called "view".
+ When using ":w!" the 'readonly' option is reset for the current
+ buffer, unless the 'Z' flag is in 'cpoptions'.
+! When using the ":view" command the 'readonly' option is set for the
+! newly edited buffer.
+ See 'modifiable' for disallowing changes to the buffer.
+ *'redrawtime'* *'rdt'*
+ 'redrawtime' 'rdt' number (default 2000)
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+reltime|
+ feature}
+ The time in milliseconds for redrawing the display. This applies to
+*** 6023,6029 ****
+ *'regexpengine'* *'re'*
+ 'regexpengine' 're' number (default 0)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This selects the default regexp engine. |two-engines|
+ The possible values are:
+ 0 automatic selection
+--- 5810,5815 ----
+*** 6040,6046 ****
+ *'relativenumber'* *'rnu'* *'norelativenumber'* *'nornu'*
+ 'relativenumber' 'rnu' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ Show the line number relative to the line with the cursor in front of
+ each line. Relative line numbers help you use the |count| you can
+ precede some vertical motion commands (e.g. j k + -) with, without
+--- 5826,5831 ----
+*** 6072,6078 ****
+ *'renderoptions'* *'rop'*
+ 'renderoptions' 'rop' string (default: empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI and DIRECTX on
+ MS-Windows}
+ Select a text renderer and set its options. The options depend on the
+--- 5857,5862 ----
+*** 6179,6185 ****
+ *'restorescreen'* *'rs'* *'norestorescreen'* *'nors'*
+ 'restorescreen' 'rs' boolean (default on)
+ global
+! {not in Vi} {only in Windows 95/NT console version}
+ When set, the screen contents is restored when exiting Vim. This also
+ happens when executing external commands.
+--- 5963,5969 ----
+ *'restorescreen'* *'rs'* *'norestorescreen'* *'nors'*
+ 'restorescreen' 'rs' boolean (default on)
+ global
+! {only in Windows 95/NT console version}
+ When set, the screen contents is restored when exiting Vim. This also
+ happens when executing external commands.
+*** 6193,6199 ****
+ *'revins'* *'ri'* *'norevins'* *'nori'*
+ 'revins' 'ri' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ Inserting characters in Insert mode will work backwards. See "typing
+--- 5977,5982 ----
+*** 6206,6212 ****
+ *'rightleft'* *'rl'* *'norightleft'* *'norl'*
+ 'rightleft' 'rl' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, display orientation becomes right-to-left, i.e., characters
+--- 5989,5994 ----
+*** 6222,6228 ****
+ *'rightleftcmd'* *'rlc'*
+ 'rightleftcmd' 'rlc' string (default "search")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ Each word in this option enables the command line editing to work in
+--- 6004,6009 ----
+*** 6236,6242 ****
+ *'rubydll'*
+ 'rubydll' string (default: depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+ruby/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Ruby shared library. The default is
+--- 6017,6022 ----
+*** 6248,6254 ****
+ *'ruler'* *'ru'* *'noruler'* *'noru'*
+ 'ruler' 'ru' boolean (default off, set in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+cmdline_info| feature}
+ Show the line and column number of the cursor position, separated by a
+--- 6028,6033 ----
+*** 6278,6284 ****
+ *'rulerformat'* *'ruf'*
+ 'rulerformat' 'ruf' string (default empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+statusline|
+ feature}
+ When this option is not empty, it determines the content of the ruler
+--- 6057,6062 ----
+*** 6318,6324 ****
+ $VIM/vimfiles/after,
+ sys$login:vimfiles/after")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This is a list of directories which will be searched for runtime
+ files:
+ filetype.vim filetypes by file name |new-filetype|
+--- 6096,6101 ----
+*** 6393,6399 ****
+ *'scrollbind'* *'scb'* *'noscrollbind'* *'noscb'*
+ 'scrollbind' 'scb' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ See also |scroll-binding|. When this option is set, the current
+ window scrolls as other scrollbind windows (windows that also have
+ this option set) scroll. This option is useful for viewing the
+--- 6170,6175 ----
+*** 6407,6413 ****
+ *'scrolljump'* *'sj'*
+ 'scrolljump' 'sj' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Minimal number of lines to scroll when the cursor gets off the
+ screen (e.g., with "j"). Not used for scroll commands (e.g., CTRL-E,
+ CTRL-D). Useful if your terminal scrolls very slowly.
+--- 6183,6188 ----
+*** 6419,6425 ****
+ *'scrolloff'* *'so'*
+ 'scrolloff' 'so' number (default 0, set to 5 in |defaults.vim|)
+ global or local to window |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor.
+ This will make some context visible around where you are working. If
+ you set it to a very large value (999) the cursor line will always be
+--- 6194,6199 ----
+*** 6435,6441 ****
+ *'scrollopt'* *'sbo'*
+ 'scrollopt' 'sbo' string (default "ver,jump")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This is a comma-separated list of words that specifies how
+ 'scrollbind' windows should behave. 'sbo' stands for ScrollBind
+ Options.
+--- 6209,6214 ----
+*** 6474,6480 ****
+ *'secure'* *'nosecure'* *E523*
+ 'secure' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, ":autocmd", shell and write commands are not allowed in
+ ".vimrc" and ".exrc" in the current directory and map commands are
+ displayed. Switch it off only if you know that you will not run into
+--- 6247,6252 ----
+*** 6488,6494 ****
+ *'selection'* *'sel'*
+ 'selection' 'sel' string (default "inclusive")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option defines the behavior of the selection. It is only used
+ in Visual and Select mode.
+ Possible values:
+--- 6260,6265 ----
+*** 6512,6518 ****
+ *'selectmode'* *'slm'*
+ 'selectmode' 'slm' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This is a comma separated list of words, which specifies when to start
+ Select mode instead of Visual mode, when a selection is started.
+ Possible values:
+--- 6283,6288 ----
+*** 6526,6532 ****
+ 'sessionoptions' 'ssop' string (default: "blank,buffers,curdir,folds,
+ help,options,tabpages,winsize,terminal")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+mksession|
+ feature}
+ Changes the effect of the |:mksession| command. It is a comma
+--- 6296,6301 ----
+*** 6556,6562 ****
+ tabpages all tab pages; without this only the current tab page
+ is restored, so that you can make a session for each
+ tab page separately
+! terminal include terminal windows where the command can be restored
+ unix with Unix end-of-line format (single <NL>), even when
+ on Windows or DOS
+ winpos position of the whole Vim window
+--- 6325,6332 ----
+ tabpages all tab pages; without this only the current tab page
+ is restored, so that you can make a session for each
+ tab page separately
+! terminal include terminal windows where the command can be
+! restored
+ unix with Unix end-of-line format (single <NL>), even when
+ on Windows or DOS
+ winpos position of the whole Vim window
+*** 6592,6598 ****
+ Example with escaped space (Vim will do this when initializing the
+ option from $SHELL): >
+ :set shell=/bin/with\\\ space/sh
+! < The resulting value of 'shell' is "/bin/with\ space/sh", two
+ backslashes are consumed by `:set`.
+ Under MS-Windows, when the executable ends in ".com" it must be
+--- 6362,6368 ----
+ Example with escaped space (Vim will do this when initializing the
+ option from $SHELL): >
+ :set shell=/bin/with\\\ space/sh
+! < The resulting value of 'shell' is "/bin/with\ space/sh", two
+ backslashes are consumed by `:set`.
+ Under MS-Windows, when the executable ends in ".com" it must be
+*** 6610,6616 ****
+ MS-DOS and Win32, when 'shell' does not
+ contain "sh" somewhere: "/c")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Flag passed to the shell to execute "!" and ":!" commands; e.g.,
+ "bash.exe -c ls" or " /c dir". For the MS-DOS-like
+ systems, the default is set according to the value of 'shell', to
+--- 6380,6385 ----
+*** 6625,6631 ****
+ *'shellpipe'* *'sp'*
+ 'shellpipe' 'sp' string (default ">", "| tee", "|& tee" or "2>&1| tee")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ String to be used to put the output of the ":make" command in the
+--- 6394,6399 ----
+*** 6661,6667 ****
+ 'shellquote' 'shq' string (default: ""; MS-DOS and Win32, when 'shell'
+ contains "sh" somewhere: "\"")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Quoting character(s), put around the command passed to the shell, for
+ the "!" and ":!" commands. The redirection is kept outside of the
+ quoting. See 'shellxquote' to include the redirection. It's
+--- 6429,6434 ----
+*** 6677,6683 ****
+ *'shellredir'* *'srr'*
+ 'shellredir' 'srr' string (default ">", ">&" or ">%s 2>&1")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ String to be used to put the output of a filter command in a temporary
+ file. See also |:!|. See |option-backslash| about including spaces
+ and backslashes.
+--- 6444,6449 ----
+*** 6703,6709 ****
+ *'shellslash'* *'ssl'* *'noshellslash'* *'nossl'*
+ 'shellslash' 'ssl' boolean (default off)
+ global
+! {not in Vi} {only for MSDOS, MS-Windows and OS/2}
+ When set, a forward slash is used when expanding file names. This is
+ useful when a Unix-like shell is used instead of or
+ cmd.exe. Backward slashes can still be typed, but they are changed to
+--- 6469,6475 ----
+ *'shellslash'* *'ssl'* *'noshellslash'* *'nossl'*
+ 'shellslash' 'ssl' boolean (default off)
+ global
+! {only for MSDOS, MS-Windows and OS/2}
+ When set, a forward slash is used when expanding file names. This is
+ useful when a Unix-like shell is used instead of or
+ cmd.exe. Backward slashes can still be typed, but they are changed to
+*** 6718,6724 ****
+ *'shelltemp'* *'stmp'* *'noshelltemp'* *'nostmp'*
+ 'shelltemp' 'stmp' boolean (Vi default off, Vim default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, use temp files for shell commands. When off use a pipe.
+ When using a pipe is not possible temp files are used anyway.
+ Currently a pipe is only supported on Unix and MS-Windows 2K and
+--- 6484,6489 ----
+*** 6739,6745 ****
+ *'shelltype'* *'st'*
+ 'shelltype' 'st' number (default 0)
+ global
+! {not in Vi} {only for the Amiga}
+ On the Amiga this option influences the way how the commands work
+ which use a shell.
+ 0 and 1: always use the shell
+--- 6504,6510 ----
+ *'shelltype'* *'st'*
+ 'shelltype' 'st' number (default 0)
+ global
+! {only for the Amiga}
+ On the Amiga this option influences the way how the commands work
+ which use a shell.
+ 0 and 1: always use the shell
+*** 6754,6760 ****
+ 'shellxescape' 'sxe' string (default: "";
+ for MS-DOS and MS-Windows: "\"&|<>()@^")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When 'shellxquote' is set to "(" then the characters listed in this
+ option will be escaped with a '^' character. This makes it possible
+ to execute most external commands with cmd.exe.
+--- 6519,6524 ----
+*** 6766,6772 ****
+ somewhere: "\""
+ for Unix, when using system(): "\"")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Quoting character(s), put around the command passed to the shell, for
+ the "!" and ":!" commands. Includes the redirection. See
+ 'shellquote' to exclude the redirection. It's probably not useful
+--- 6530,6535 ----
+*** 6786,6792 ****
+ *'shiftround'* *'sr'* *'noshiftround'* *'nosr'*
+ 'shiftround' 'sr' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Round indent to multiple of 'shiftwidth'. Applies to > and <
+ commands. CTRL-T and CTRL-D in Insert mode always round the indent to
+ a multiple of 'shiftwidth' (this is Vi compatible).
+--- 6549,6554 ----
+*** 6804,6810 ****
+ 'shortmess' 'shm' string (Vim default "filnxtToO", Vi default: "",
+ POSIX default: "A")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option helps to avoid all the |hit-enter| prompts caused by file
+ messages, for example with CTRL-G, and to avoid some other messages.
+ It is a list of flags:
+--- 6566,6571 ----
+*** 6859,6865 ****
+ *'shortname'* *'sn'* *'noshortname'* *'nosn'*
+ 'shortname' 'sn' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi, not in MS-DOS versions}
+ Filenames are assumed to be 8 characters plus one extension of 3
+ characters. Multiple dots in file names are not allowed. When this
+ option is on, dots in file names are replaced with underscores when
+--- 6620,6625 ----
+*** 6872,6878 ****
+ *'showbreak'* *'sbr'* *E595*
+ 'showbreak' 'sbr' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ String to put at the start of lines that have been wrapped. Useful
+--- 6632,6637 ----
+*** 6894,6900 ****
+ 'showcmd' 'sc' boolean (Vim default: on, off for Unix,
+ Vi default: off, set in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+cmdline_info| feature}
+ Show (partial) command in the last line of the screen. Set this
+--- 6653,6658 ----
+*** 6912,6918 ****
+ *'showfulltag'* *'sft'* *'noshowfulltag'* *'nosft'*
+ 'showfulltag' 'sft' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When completing a word in insert mode (see |ins-completion|) from the
+ tags file, show both the tag name and a tidied-up form of the search
+ pattern (if there is one) as possible matches. Thus, if you have
+--- 6670,6675 ----
+*** 6958,6964 ****
+ *'showtabline'* *'stal'*
+ 'showtabline' 'stal' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ The value of this option specifies when the line with tab page labels
+--- 6715,6720 ----
+*** 6973,6979 ****
+ *'sidescroll'* *'ss'*
+ 'sidescroll' 'ss' number (default 0)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally. Used only when
+ the 'wrap' option is off and the cursor is moved off of the screen.
+ When it is zero the cursor will be put in the middle of the screen.
+--- 6729,6734 ----
+*** 6984,6990 ****
+ *'sidescrolloff'* *'siso'*
+ 'sidescrolloff' 'siso' number (default 0)
+ global or local to window |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ The minimal number of screen columns to keep to the left and to the
+ right of the cursor if 'nowrap' is set. Setting this option to a
+ value greater than 0 while having |'sidescroll'| also at a non-zero
+--- 6739,6744 ----
+*** 7009,7015 ****
+ *'signcolumn'* *'scl'*
+ 'signcolumn' 'scl' string (default "auto")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+signs|
+ feature}
+ Whether or not to draw the signcolumn. Valid values are:
+--- 6763,6768 ----
+*** 7021,7027 ****
+ *'smartcase'* *'scs'* *'nosmartcase'* *'noscs'*
+ 'smartcase' 'scs' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Override the 'ignorecase' option if the search pattern contains upper
+ case characters. Only used when the search pattern is typed and
+ 'ignorecase' option is on. Used for the commands "/", "?", "n", "N",
+--- 6774,6779 ----
+*** 7033,7039 ****
+ *'smartindent'* *'si'* *'nosmartindent'* *'nosi'*
+ 'smartindent' 'si' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+smartindent| feature}
+ Do smart autoindenting when starting a new line. Works for C-like
+--- 6785,6790 ----
+*** 7062,7068 ****
+ *'smarttab'* *'sta'* *'nosmarttab'* *'nosta'*
+ 'smarttab' 'sta' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, a <Tab> in front of a line inserts blanks according to
+ 'shiftwidth'. 'tabstop' or 'softtabstop' is used in other places. A
+ <BS> will delete a 'shiftwidth' worth of space at the start of the
+--- 6813,6818 ----
+*** 7080,7086 ****
+ *'softtabstop'* *'sts'*
+ 'softtabstop' 'sts' number (default 0)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Number of spaces that a <Tab> counts for while performing editing
+ operations, like inserting a <Tab> or using <BS>. It "feels" like
+ <Tab>s are being inserted, while in fact a mix of spaces and <Tab>s is
+--- 6830,6835 ----
+*** 7104,7110 ****
+ *'spell'* *'nospell'*
+ 'spell' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ When on spell checking will be done. See |spell|.
+--- 6853,6858 ----
+*** 7113,7119 ****
+ *'spellcapcheck'* *'spc'*
+ 'spellcapcheck' 'spc' string (default "[.?!]\_[\])'" \t]\+")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Pattern to locate the end of a sentence. The following word will be
+--- 6861,6866 ----
+*** 7129,7135 ****
+ *'spellfile'* *'spf'*
+ 'spellfile' 'spf' string (default empty)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Name of the word list file where words are added for the |zg| and |zw|
+--- 6876,6881 ----
+*** 7156,7162 ****
+ *'spelllang'* *'spl'*
+ 'spelllang' 'spl' string (default "en")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ A comma separated list of word list names. When the 'spell' option is
+--- 6902,6907 ----
+*** 7164,7170 ****
+ set spelllang=en_us,nl,medical
+ < This means US English, Dutch and medical words are recognized. Words
+ that are not recognized will be highlighted.
+! The word list name must not include a comma or dot. Using a dash is
+ recommended to separate the two letter language name from a
+ specification. Thus "en-rare" is used for rare English words.
+ A region name must come last and have the form "_xx", where "xx" is
+--- 6909,6916 ----
+ set spelllang=en_us,nl,medical
+ < This means US English, Dutch and medical words are recognized. Words
+ that are not recognized will be highlighted.
+! The word list name must consist of alphanumeric characters, a dash or
+! an underscore. It should not include a comma or dot. Using a dash is
+ recommended to separate the two letter language name from a
+ specification. Thus "en-rare" is used for rare English words.
+ A region name must come last and have the form "_xx", where "xx" is
+*** 7193,7206 ****
+ After this option has been set successfully, Vim will source the files
+ "spell/LANG.vim" in 'runtimepath'. "LANG" is the value of 'spelllang'
+! up to the first character that is not an ASCII letter and not a dash.
+! Also see |set-spc-auto|.
+ *'spellsuggest'* *'sps'*
+ 'spellsuggest' 'sps' string (default "best")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Methods used for spelling suggestions. Both for the |z=| command and
+--- 6939,6951 ----
+ After this option has been set successfully, Vim will source the files
+ "spell/LANG.vim" in 'runtimepath'. "LANG" is the value of 'spelllang'
+! up to the first character that is not an ASCII letter or number and
+! not a dash. Also see |set-spc-auto|.
+ *'spellsuggest'* *'sps'*
+ 'spellsuggest' 'sps' string (default "best")
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Methods used for spelling suggestions. Both for the |z=| command and
+*** 7266,7272 ****
+ *'splitbelow'* *'sb'* *'nosplitbelow'* *'nosb'*
+ 'splitbelow' 'sb' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ When on, splitting a window will put the new window below the current
+--- 7011,7016 ----
+*** 7275,7281 ****
+ *'splitright'* *'spr'* *'nosplitright'* *'nospr'*
+ 'splitright' 'spr' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ When on, splitting a window will put the new window right of the
+--- 7019,7024 ----
+*** 7284,7290 ****
+ *'startofline'* *'sol'* *'nostartofline'* *'nosol'*
+ 'startofline' 'sol' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When "on" the commands listed below move the cursor to the first
+ non-blank of the line. When off the cursor is kept in the same column
+ (if possible). This applies to the commands: CTRL-D, CTRL-U, CTRL-B,
+--- 7027,7032 ----
+*** 7299,7305 ****
+ *'statusline'* *'stl'* *E540* *E542*
+ 'statusline' 'stl' string (default empty)
+ global or local to window |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+statusline|
+ feature}
+ When nonempty, this option determines the content of the status line.
+--- 7041,7046 ----
+*** 7422,7428 ****
+ line is displayed. The current buffer and current window will be set
+ temporarily to that of the window (and buffer) whose statusline is
+ currently being drawn. The expression will evaluate in this context.
+! The variable "actual_curbuf" is set to the 'bufnr()' number of the
+ real current buffer.
+ The 'statusline' option will be evaluated in the |sandbox| if set from
+--- 7163,7169 ----
+ line is displayed. The current buffer and current window will be set
+ temporarily to that of the window (and buffer) whose statusline is
+ currently being drawn. The expression will evaluate in this context.
+! The variable "g:actual_curbuf" is set to the `bufnr()` number of the
+ real current buffer.
+ The 'statusline' option will be evaluated in the |sandbox| if set from
+*** 7466,7472 ****
+ *'suffixes'* *'su'*
+ 'suffixes' 'su' string (default ".bak,~,.o,.h,.info,.swp,.obj")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Files with these suffixes get a lower priority when multiple files
+ match a wildcard. See |suffixes|. Commas can be used to separate the
+ suffixes. Spaces after the comma are ignored. A dot is also seen as
+--- 7207,7212 ----
+*** 7481,7487 ****
+ *'suffixesadd'* *'sua'*
+ 'suffixesadd' 'sua' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+file_in_path| feature}
+ Comma separated list of suffixes, which are used when searching for a
+--- 7221,7226 ----
+*** 7491,7497 ****
+ *'swapfile'* *'swf'* *'noswapfile'* *'noswf'*
+ 'swapfile' 'swf' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Use a swapfile for the buffer. This option can be reset when a
+ swapfile is not wanted for a specific buffer. For example, with
+ confidential information that even root must not be able to access.
+--- 7230,7235 ----
+*** 7514,7520 ****
+ *'swapsync'* *'sws'*
+ 'swapsync' 'sws' string (default "fsync")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When this option is not empty a swap file is synced to disk after
+ writing to it. This takes some time, especially on busy unix systems.
+ When this option is empty parts of the swap file may be in memory and
+--- 7252,7257 ----
+*** 7529,7535 ****
+ *'switchbuf'* *'swb'*
+ 'switchbuf' 'swb' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option controls the behavior when switching between buffers.
+ Possible values (comma separated list):
+ useopen If included, jump to the first open window that
+--- 7266,7271 ----
+*** 7543,7549 ****
+ pages.
+ split If included, split the current window before loading
+ a buffer for a |quickfix| command that display errors.
+! Otherwise: do not split, use current window.
+ vsplit Just like "split" but split vertically.
+ newtab Like "split", but open a new tab page. Overrules
+ "split" when both are present.
+--- 7279,7287 ----
+ pages.
+ split If included, split the current window before loading
+ a buffer for a |quickfix| command that display errors.
+! Otherwise: do not split, use current window (when used
+! in the quickfix window: the previously used window or
+! split if there is no other window).
+ vsplit Just like "split" but split vertically.
+ newtab Like "split", but open a new tab page. Overrules
+ "split" when both are present.
+*** 7551,7557 ****
+ *'synmaxcol'* *'smc'*
+ 'synmaxcol' 'smc' number (default 3000)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ Maximum column in which to search for syntax items. In long lines the
+--- 7289,7294 ----
+*** 7564,7570 ****
+ *'syntax'* *'syn'*
+ 'syntax' 'syn' string (default empty)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ When this option is set, the syntax with this name is loaded, unless
+--- 7301,7306 ----
+*** 7594,7600 ****
+ *'tabline'* *'tal'*
+ 'tabline' 'tal' string (default empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ When nonempty, this option determines the content of the tab pages
+--- 7330,7335 ----
+*** 7621,7627 ****
+ *'tabpagemax'* *'tpm'*
+ 'tabpagemax' 'tpm' number (default 10)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ Maximum number of tab pages to be opened by the |-p| command line
+--- 7356,7361 ----
+*** 7662,7668 ****
+ *'tagbsearch'* *'tbs'* *'notagbsearch'* *'notbs'*
+ 'tagbsearch' 'tbs' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When searching for a tag (e.g., for the |:ta| command), Vim can either
+ use a binary search or a linear search in a tags file. Binary
+ searching makes searching for a tag a LOT faster, but a linear search
+--- 7396,7401 ----
+*** 7715,7721 ****
+ *'tagcase'* *'tc'*
+ 'tagcase' 'tc' string (default "followic")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option specifies how case is handled when searching the tags
+ file:
+ followic Follow the 'ignorecase' option
+--- 7448,7453 ----
+*** 7734,7740 ****
+ *'tagrelative'* *'tr'* *'notagrelative'* *'notr'*
+ 'tagrelative' 'tr' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ If on and using a tags file in another directory, file names in that
+ tags file are relative to the directory where the tags file is.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+--- 7466,7471 ----
+*** 7771,7777 ****
+ *'tagstack'* *'tgst'* *'notagstack'* *'notgst'*
+ 'tagstack' 'tgst' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in all versions of Vi}
+ When on, the |tagstack| is used normally. When off, a ":tag" or
+ ":tselect" command with an argument will not push the tag onto the
+ tagstack. A following ":tag" without an argument, a ":pop" command or
+--- 7502,7507 ----
+*** 7783,7789 ****
+ *'tcldll'*
+ 'tcldll' string (default depends on the build)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+tcl/dyn|
+ feature}
+ Specifies the name of the Tcl shared library. The default is
+--- 7513,7518 ----
+*** 7815,7821 ****
+ *'notermbidi'* *'notbidi'*
+ 'termbidi' 'tbidi' boolean (default off, on for "mlterm")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+arabic|
+ feature}
+ The terminal is in charge of Bi-directionality of text (as specified
+--- 7544,7549 ----
+*** 7832,7840 ****
+ 'termencoding' 'tenc' string (default ""; with GTK+ GUI: "utf-8"; with
+ Macintosh GUI: "macroman")
+ global
+- {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+- feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ Encoding used for the terminal. This specifies what character
+ encoding the keyboard produces and the display will understand. For
+ the GUI it only applies to the keyboard ('encoding' is used for the
+--- 7560,7565 ----
+*** 7863,7869 ****
+ *'termguicolors'* *'tgc'* *E954*
+ 'termguicolors' 'tgc' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+termguicolors| feature}
+ When on, uses |highlight-guifg| and |highlight-guibg| attributes in
+--- 7588,7593 ----
+*** 7881,7900 ****
+ Note that the "cterm" attributes are still used, not the "gui" ones.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+- *'termwinscroll'* *'twsl'*
+- 'termwinscroll' 'twsl' number (default 10000)
+- local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+- {not available when compiled without the
+- |+terminal| feature}
+- Number of scrollback lines to keep. When going over this limit the
+- first 10% of the scrollback lines are deleted. This is just to reduce
+- the memory usage. See |Terminal-Normal|.
+ *'termwinkey'* *'twk'*
+ 'termwinkey' 'twk' string (default "")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ The key that starts a CTRL-W command in a terminal window. Other keys
+ are sent to the job running in the window.
+ The <> notation can be used, e.g.: >
+--- 7605,7613 ----
+*** 7904,7913 ****
+ line. If 'termwinkey' is set to CTRL-L then CTRL-L : gets you to the
+ command line.
+ *'termwinsize'* *'tws'*
+ 'termwinsize' 'tws' string (default "")
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ Size of the |terminal| window. Format: {rows}x{columns} or
+ {rows}*{columns}.
+ - When empty the terminal gets the size from the window.
+--- 7617,7634 ----
+ line. If 'termwinkey' is set to CTRL-L then CTRL-L : gets you to the
+ command line.
++ *'termwinscroll'* *'twsl'*
++ 'termwinscroll' 'twsl' number (default 10000)
++ local to buffer
++ {not available when compiled without the
++ |+terminal| feature}
++ Number of scrollback lines to keep. When going over this limit the
++ first 10% of the scrollback lines are deleted. This is just to reduce
++ the memory usage. See |Terminal-Normal|.
+ *'termwinsize'* *'tws'*
+ 'termwinsize' 'tws' string (default "")
+ local to window
+ Size of the |terminal| window. Format: {rows}x{columns} or
+ {rows}*{columns}.
+ - When empty the terminal gets the size from the window.
+*** 7932,7938 ****
+ *'termwintype'* *'twt'*
+ 'termwintype' 'twt' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |terminal|
+ feature on MS-Windows}
+ Specify the virtual console (pty) used when opening the terminal
+--- 7653,7658 ----
+*** 7960,7966 ****
+ *'textauto'* *'ta'* *'notextauto'* *'nota'*
+ 'textauto' 'ta' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option is obsolete. Use 'fileformats'.
+ For backwards compatibility, when 'textauto' is set, 'fileformats' is
+ set to the default value for the current system. When 'textauto' is
+--- 7680,7685 ----
+*** 7972,7978 ****
+ 'textmode' 'tx' boolean (MS-DOS, Win32 and OS/2: default on,
+ others: default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option is obsolete. Use 'fileformat'.
+ For backwards compatibility, when 'textmode' is set, 'fileformat' is
+ set to "dos". When 'textmode' is reset, 'fileformat' is set to
+--- 7691,7696 ----
+*** 7981,7987 ****
+ *'textwidth'* *'tw'*
+ 'textwidth' 'tw' number (default 0)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ Maximum width of text that is being inserted. A longer line will be
+ broken after white space to get this width. A zero value disables
+ this.
+--- 7699,7704 ----
+*** 7995,8009 ****
+ *'thesaurus'* *'tsr'*
+ 'thesaurus' 'tsr' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ List of file names, separated by commas, that are used to lookup words
+! for thesaurus completion commands |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-T|. Each line in
+! the file should contain words with similar meaning, separated by
+! non-keyword characters (white space is preferred). Maximum line
+! length is 510 bytes.
+! To obtain a file to be used here, check out this ftp site:
+! [Sorry this link doesn't work anymore, do you know the right one?]
+! First get the README file.
+ To include a comma in a file name precede it with a backslash. Spaces
+ after a comma are ignored, otherwise spaces are included in the file
+ name. See |option-backslash| about using backslashes.
+--- 7712,7730 ----
+ *'thesaurus'* *'tsr'*
+ 'thesaurus' 'tsr' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ List of file names, separated by commas, that are used to lookup words
+! for thesaurus completion commands |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-T|.
+! Each line in the file should contain words with similar meaning,
+! separated by non-keyword characters (white space is preferred).
+! Maximum line length is 510 bytes.
+! An English word list was added to this github issue:
+! Unpack, put the thesaurus.txt file somewhere, e.g.
+! ~/.vim/thesaurus/english.txt, and the 'thesaurus' option to this file
+! name.
+ To include a comma in a file name precede it with a backslash. Spaces
+ after a comma are ignored, otherwise spaces are included in the file
+ name. See |option-backslash| about using backslashes.
+*** 8015,8021 ****
+ *'tildeop'* *'top'* *'notildeop'* *'notop'*
+ 'tildeop' 'top' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on: The tilde command "~" behaves like an operator.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+--- 7736,7741 ----
+*** 8025,8031 ****
+ *'ttimeout'* *'nottimeout'*
+ 'ttimeout' boolean (default off, set in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ These two options together determine the behavior when part of a
+ mapped key sequence or keyboard code has been received:
+--- 7745,7750 ----
+*** 8060,8066 ****
+ *'ttimeoutlen'* *'ttm'*
+ 'ttimeoutlen' 'ttm' number (default -1, set to 100 in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The time in milliseconds that is waited for a key code or mapped key
+ sequence to complete. Also used for CTRL-\ CTRL-N and CTRL-\ CTRL-G
+ when part of a command has been typed.
+--- 7779,7784 ----
+*** 8081,8087 ****
+ *'title'* *'notitle'*
+ 'title' boolean (default off, on when title can be restored)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When on, the title of the window will be set to the value of
+--- 7799,7804 ----
+*** 8117,8123 ****
+ *'titlelen'*
+ 'titlelen' number (default 85)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ Gives the percentage of 'columns' to use for the length of the window
+--- 7834,7839 ----
+*** 8133,8139 ****
+ *'titleold'*
+ 'titleold' string (default "Thanks for flying Vim")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+title|
+ feature}
+ This option will be used for the window title when exiting Vim if the
+--- 7849,7854 ----
+*** 8144,8150 ****
+ *'titlestring'*
+ 'titlestring' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When this option is not empty, it will be used for the title of the
+--- 7859,7864 ----
+*** 8200,8206 ****
+ *'toolbariconsize'* *'tbis'*
+ 'toolbariconsize' 'tbis' string (default "small")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only in the GTK+ GUI}
+ Controls the size of toolbar icons. The possible values are:
+ tiny Use tiny icons.
+--- 7914,7919 ----
+*** 8219,8225 ****
+ *'ttybuiltin'* *'tbi'* *'nottybuiltin'* *'notbi'*
+ 'ttybuiltin' 'tbi' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When on, the builtin termcaps are searched before the external ones.
+ When off the builtin termcaps are searched after the external ones.
+ When this option is changed, you should set the 'term' option next for
+--- 7932,7937 ----
+*** 8236,8242 ****
+ iris-ansi; also on when running Vim in
+ a DOS console)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Indicates a fast terminal connection. More characters will be sent to
+ the screen for redrawing, instead of using insert/delete line
+ commands. Improves smoothness of redrawing when there are multiple
+--- 7948,7953 ----
+*** 8248,8254 ****
+ *'ttymouse'* *'ttym'*
+ 'ttymouse' 'ttym' string (default depends on 'term')
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only in Unix and VMS, doesn't work in the GUI; not
+ available when compiled without |+mouse|}
+ Name of the terminal type for which mouse codes are to be recognized.
+--- 7959,7964 ----
+*** 8308,8315 ****
+ |t_RV| is set to the escape sequence to request the xterm version
+ number, more intelligent detection process runs.
+ The "xterm2" value will be set if the xterm version is reported to be
+! from 95 to 276. The "sgr" value will be set if the xterm version is
+! 277 or higher and when Vim detects Mac or iTerm2.
+ If you do not want 'ttymouse' to be set to "xterm2" or "sgr"
+ automatically, set t_RV to an empty string: >
+ :set t_RV=
+--- 8018,8026 ----
+ |t_RV| is set to the escape sequence to request the xterm version
+ number, more intelligent detection process runs.
+ The "xterm2" value will be set if the xterm version is reported to be
+! from 95 to 276. The "sgr" value will be set if Vim detects Mac
+!, iTerm2 or mintty, and when the xterm version is 277 or
+! higher.
+ If you do not want 'ttymouse' to be set to "xterm2" or "sgr"
+ automatically, set t_RV to an empty string: >
+ :set t_RV=
+*** 8330,8336 ****
+ *'undodir'* *'udir'*
+ 'undodir' 'udir' string (default ".")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only when compiled with the |+persistent_undo| feature}
+ List of directory names for undo files, separated with commas.
+ See |'backupdir'| for details of the format.
+--- 8041,8046 ----
+*** 8348,8354 ****
+ *'undofile'* *'noundofile'* *'udf'* *'noudf'*
+ 'undofile' 'udf' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only when compiled with the |+persistent_undo| feature}
+ When on, Vim automatically saves undo history to an undo file when
+ writing a buffer to a file, and restores undo history from the same
+--- 8058,8063 ----
+*** 8364,8370 ****
+ 'undolevels' 'ul' number (default 100, 1000 for Unix, VMS,
+ Win32 and OS/2)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+- {not in Vi}
+ Maximum number of changes that can be undone. Since undo information
+ is kept in memory, higher numbers will cause more memory to be used
+ (nevertheless, a single change can use an unlimited amount of memory).
+--- 8073,8078 ----
+*** 8386,8392 ****
+ *'undoreload'* *'ur'*
+ 'undoreload' 'ur' number (default 10000)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Save the whole buffer for undo when reloading it. This applies to the
+ ":e!" command and reloading for when the buffer changed outside of
+ Vim. |FileChangedShell|
+--- 8094,8099 ----
+*** 8402,8408 ****
+ *'updatecount'* *'uc'*
+ 'updatecount' 'uc' number (default: 200)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ After typing this many characters the swap file will be written to
+ disk. When zero, no swap file will be created at all (see chapter on
+ recovery |crash-recovery|). 'updatecount' is set to zero by starting
+--- 8109,8114 ----
+*** 8419,8425 ****
+ *'updatetime'* *'ut'*
+ 'updatetime' 'ut' number (default 4000)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ If this many milliseconds nothing is typed the swap file will be
+ written to disk (see |crash-recovery|). Also used for the
+ |CursorHold| autocommand event.
+--- 8125,8130 ----
+*** 8429,8435 ****
+ local to buffer
+ {only available when compiled with the |+vartabs|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ A list of the number of spaces that a <Tab> counts for while editing,
+ such as inserting a <Tab> or using <BS>. It "feels" like variable-
+ width <Tab>s are being inserted, while in fact a mixture of spaces
+--- 8134,8139 ----
+*** 8437,8447 ****
+ final value applying to all subsequent tabs.
+ For example, when editing assembly language files where statements
+! start in the 8th column and comments in the 40th, it may be useful
+ to use the following: >
+ :set varsofttabstop=8,32,8
+! < This will set soft tabstops at the 8th and 40th columns, and at every
+! 8th column thereafter.
+ Note that the value of |'softtabstop'| will be ignored while
+ 'varsofttabstop' is set.
+--- 8141,8151 ----
+ final value applying to all subsequent tabs.
+ For example, when editing assembly language files where statements
+! start in the 9th column and comments in the 41st, it may be useful
+ to use the following: >
+ :set varsofttabstop=8,32,8
+! < This will set soft tabstops with 8 and 8 + 32 spaces, and 8 more
+! for every column thereafter.
+ Note that the value of |'softtabstop'| will be ignored while
+ 'varsofttabstop' is set.
+*** 8451,8457 ****
+ local to buffer
+ {only available when compiled with the |+vartabs|
+ feature}
+- {not in Vi}
+ A list of the number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for,
+ separated by commas. Each value corresponds to one tab, with the
+ final value applying to all subsequent tabs. For example: >
+--- 8155,8160 ----
+*** 8465,8472 ****
+ *'verbose'* *'vbs'*
+ 'verbose' 'vbs' number (default 0)
+ global
+- {not in Vi, although some versions have a boolean
+- verbose option}
+ When bigger than zero, Vim will give messages about what it is doing.
+ Currently, these messages are given:
+ >= 1 When the viminfo file is read or written.
+--- 8168,8173 ----
+*** 8488,8494 ****
+ *'verbosefile'* *'vfile'*
+ 'verbosefile' 'vfile' string (default empty)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When not empty all messages are written in a file with this name.
+ When the file exists messages are appended.
+ Writing to the file ends when Vim exits or when 'verbosefile' is made
+--- 8189,8194 ----
+*** 8505,8511 ****
+ for VMS: "sys$login:vimfiles/view"
+ for RiscOS: "Choices:vimfiles/view")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+mksession|
+ feature}
+ Name of the directory where to store files for |:mkview|.
+--- 8205,8210 ----
+*** 8515,8521 ****
+ *'viewoptions'* *'vop'*
+ 'viewoptions' 'vop' string (default: "folds,options,cursor,curdir")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+mksession|
+ feature}
+ Changes the effect of the |:mkview| command. It is a comma separated
+--- 8214,8219 ----
+*** 8543,8549 ****
+ for Amiga: '100,<50,s10,h,rdf0:,rdf1:,rdf2:
+ for others: '100,<50,s10,h)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+viminfo|
+ feature}
+ When non-empty, the viminfo file is read upon startup and written
+--- 8241,8246 ----
+*** 8660,8666 ****
+ *'viminfofile'* *'vif'*
+ 'viminfofile' 'vif' string (default: "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+viminfo|
+ feature}
+ When non-empty, overrides the file name used for viminfo.
+--- 8357,8362 ----
+*** 8671,8677 ****
+ *'virtualedit'* *'ve'*
+ 'virtualedit' 've' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+virtualedit| feature}
+ A comma separated list of these words:
+--- 8367,8372 ----
+*** 8700,8706 ****
+ *'visualbell'* *'vb'* *'novisualbell'* *'novb'* *beep*
+ 'visualbell' 'vb' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Use a visual bell instead of beeping. The terminal code to display the
+ visual bell is given with 't_vb'. When no beep or flash is wanted,
+ use: >
+--- 8395,8400 ----
+*** 8734,8740 ****
+ *'weirdinvert'* *'wiv'* *'noweirdinvert'* *'nowiv'*
+ 'weirdinvert' 'wiv' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option has the same effect as the 't_xs' terminal option.
+ It is provided for backwards compatibility with version 4.x.
+ Setting 'weirdinvert' has the effect of making 't_xs' non-empty, and
+--- 8428,8433 ----
+*** 8743,8749 ****
+ *'whichwrap'* *'ww'*
+ 'whichwrap' 'ww' string (Vim default: "b,s", Vi default: "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Allow specified keys that move the cursor left/right to move to the
+ previous/next line when the cursor is on the first/last character in
+ the line. Concatenate characters to allow this for these keys:
+--- 8436,8441 ----
+*** 8776,8782 ****
+ *'wildchar'* *'wc'*
+ 'wildchar' 'wc' number (Vim default: <Tab>, Vi default: CTRL-E)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Character you have to type to start wildcard expansion in the
+ command-line, as specified with 'wildmode'.
+ More info here: |cmdline-completion|.
+--- 8468,8473 ----
+*** 8790,8796 ****
+ *'wildcharm'* *'wcm'*
+ 'wildcharm' 'wcm' number (default: none (0))
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ 'wildcharm' works exactly like 'wildchar', except that it is
+ recognized when used inside a macro. You can find "spare" command-line
+ keys suitable for this option by looking at |ex-edit-index|. Normally
+--- 8481,8486 ----
+*** 8803,8809 ****
+ *'wildignore'* *'wig'*
+ 'wildignore' 'wig' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+wildignore|
+ feature}
+ A list of file patterns. A file that matches with one of these
+--- 8493,8498 ----
+*** 8822,8828 ****
+ *'wildignorecase'* *'wic'* *'nowildignorecase'* *'nowic'*
+ 'wildignorecase' 'wic' boolean (default off)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ When set case is ignored when completing file names and directories.
+ Has no effect when 'fileignorecase' is set.
+ Does not apply when the shell is used to expand wildcards, which
+--- 8511,8516 ----
+*** 8832,8838 ****
+ *'wildmenu'* *'wmnu'* *'nowildmenu'* *'nowmnu'*
+ 'wildmenu' 'wmnu' boolean (default off, set in |defaults.vim|)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available if compiled without the |+wildmenu|
+ feature}
+ When 'wildmenu' is on, command-line completion operates in an enhanced
+--- 8520,8525 ----
+*** 8873,8879 ****
+ *'wildmode'* *'wim'*
+ 'wildmode' 'wim' string (Vim default: "full")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Completion mode that is used for the character specified with
+ 'wildchar'. It is a comma separated list of up to four parts. Each
+ part specifies what to do for each consecutive use of 'wildchar'. The
+--- 8560,8565 ----
+*** 8911,8917 ****
+ *'wildoptions'* *'wop'*
+ 'wildoptions' 'wop' string (default "")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+wildignore|
+ feature}
+ A list of words that change how command line completion is done.
+--- 8597,8602 ----
+*** 8926,8932 ****
+ *'winaltkeys'* *'wak'*
+ 'winaltkeys' 'wak' string (default "menu")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only used in Win32, Motif, GTK and Photon GUI}
+ Some GUI versions allow the access to menu entries by using the ALT
+ key in combination with a character that appears underlined in the
+--- 8611,8616 ----
+*** 8962,8968 ****
+ *'winheight'* *'wh'* *E591*
+ 'winheight' 'wh' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ Minimal number of lines for the current window. This is not a hard
+--- 8646,8651 ----
+*** 8985,8991 ****
+ *'winfixheight'* *'wfh'* *'nowinfixheight'* *'nowfh'*
+ 'winfixheight' 'wfh' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ Keep the window height when windows are opened or closed and
+--- 8668,8673 ----
+*** 8996,9002 ****
+ *'winfixwidth'* *'wfw'* *'nowinfixwidth'* *'nowfw'*
+ 'winfixwidth' 'wfw' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ Keep the window width when windows are opened or closed and
+--- 8678,8683 ----
+*** 9006,9012 ****
+ *'winminheight'* *'wmh'*
+ 'winminheight' 'wmh' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ feature}
+ The minimal height of a window, when it's not the current window.
+--- 8687,8692 ----
+*** 9022,9028 ****
+ *'winminwidth'* *'wmw'*
+ 'winminwidth' 'wmw' number (default 1)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ The minimal width of a window, when it's not the current window.
+--- 8702,8707 ----
+*** 9039,9045 ****
+ *'winptydll'*
+ 'winptydll' string (default "winpty32.dll" or "winpty64.dll")
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |terminal|
+ feature on MS-Windows}
+ Specifies the name of the winpty shared library, used for the
+--- 8718,8723 ----
+*** 9053,9059 ****
+ *'winwidth'* *'wiw'* *E592*
+ 'winwidth' 'wiw' number (default 20)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ Minimal number of columns for the current window. This is not a hard
+--- 8731,8736 ----
+*** 9069,9075 ****
+ *'wrap'* *'nowrap'*
+ 'wrap' boolean (default on)
+ local to window
+- {not in Vi}
+ This option changes how text is displayed. It doesn't change the text
+ in the buffer, see 'textwidth' for that.
+ When on, lines longer than the width of the window will wrap and
+--- 8746,8751 ----
+*** 9109,9115 ****
+ *'write'* *'nowrite'*
+ 'write' boolean (default on)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Allows writing files. When not set, writing a file is not allowed.
+ Can be used for a view-only mode, where modifications to the text are
+ still allowed. Can be reset with the |-m| or |-M| command line
+--- 8785,8790 ----
+*** 9125,9131 ****
+ 'writebackup' 'wb' boolean (default on with |+writebackup| feature, off
+ otherwise)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ Make a backup before overwriting a file. The backup is removed after
+ the file was successfully written, unless the 'backup' option is
+ also on.
+--- 8800,8805 ----
+*** 9142,9150 ****
+ *'writedelay'* *'wd'*
+ 'writedelay' 'wd' number (default 0)
+ global
+- {not in Vi}
+ The number of milliseconds to wait for each character sent to the
+ screen. When non-zero, characters are sent to the terminal one by
+ one. For MS-DOS pcterm this does not work. For debugging purposes.
+! vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
+--- 8816,8823 ----
+ *'writedelay'* *'wd'*
+ 'writedelay' 'wd' number (default 0)
+ global
+ The number of milliseconds to wait for each character sent to the
+ screen. When non-zero, characters are sent to the terminal one by
+ one. For MS-DOS pcterm this does not work. For debugging purposes.
+! vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:
+*** ../vim-8.1.1225/src/version.c 2019-04-28 14:59:55.845503790 +0200
+--- src/version.c 2019-04-28 15:55:46.832806798 +0200
+*** 769,770 ****
+--- 769,772 ----
+ { /* Add new patch number below this line */
++ /**/
++ 1226,
+ /**/
+WOMAN: Well, 'ow did you become king then?
+ARTHUR: The Lady of the Lake, [angels sing] her arm clad in the purest
+ shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water
+ signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry
+ Excalibur. [singing stops] That is why I am your king!
+ The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)
+ /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
+/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
+\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
+ \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///