diff options
12 files changed, 1028 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf6166ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * - Parser for aptitude-style patterns
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Canonical Ltd
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefilter-patterns.h>
+namespace APT
+namespace Internal
+template <class... Args>
+std::string rstrprintf(Args... args)
+ std::string str;
+ strprintf(str, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ return str;
+// Parse a complete pattern, make sure it's the entire input
+std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> PatternTreeParser::parseTop()
+ skipSpace();
+ auto node = parse();
+ skipSpace();
+ if (node->end != sentence.size())
+ {
+ Node node2;
+ node2.start = node->end;
+ node2.end = sentence.size();
+ throw Error{node2, "Expected end of file"};
+ }
+ return node;
+// Parse any pattern
+std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> PatternTreeParser::parse()
+ std::unique_ptr<Node> node;
+ if ((node = parsePattern()) != nullptr)
+ return node;
+ if ((node = parseQuotedWord()) != nullptr)
+ return node;
+ if ((node = parseWord()) != nullptr)
+ return node;
+ Node eNode;
+ eNode.end = eNode.start = state.offset;
+ throw Error{eNode, "Expected pattern, quoted word, or word"};
+// Parse a list pattern (or function call pattern)
+std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> PatternTreeParser::parsePattern()
+ static const APT::StringView CHARS("0123456789"
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "-");
+ if (sentence[state.offset] != '?')
+ return nullptr;
+ auto node = std::make_unique<PatternNode>();
+ node->end = node->start = state.offset;
+ state.offset++;
+ while (CHARS.find(sentence[state.offset]) != APT::StringView::npos)
+ {
+ ++state.offset;
+ }
+ node->term = sentence.substr(node->start, state.offset - node->start);
+ node->end = skipSpace();
+ // We don't have any arguments, return node;
+ if (sentence[state.offset] != '(')
+ return node;
+ node->end = ++state.offset;
+ skipSpace();
+ node->haveArgumentList = true;
+ // Empty argument list, return
+ if (sentence[state.offset] == ')')
+ {
+ node->end = ++state.offset;
+ return node;
+ }
+ node->arguments.push_back(parse());
+ skipSpace();
+ while (sentence[state.offset] == ',')
+ {
+ ++state.offset;
+ skipSpace();
+ // This was a trailing comma - allow it and break the loop
+ if (sentence[state.offset] == ')')
+ break;
+ node->arguments.push_back(parse());
+ skipSpace();
+ }
+ node->end = state.offset;
+ if (sentence[state.offset] != ')')
+ throw Error{node->arguments.empty() ? *node : *node->arguments[node->arguments.size() - 1],
+ rstrprintf("Expected closing parenthesis or comma after last argument, received %c", sentence[state.offset])};
+ node->end = ++state.offset;
+ return node;
+// Parse a quoted word atom
+std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> PatternTreeParser::parseQuotedWord()
+ if (sentence[state.offset] != '"')
+ return nullptr;
+ auto node = std::make_unique<WordNode>();
+ node->start = state.offset;
+ // Eat beginning of string
+ state.offset++;
+ while (sentence[state.offset] != '"' && sentence[state.offset] != '\0')
+ state.offset++;
+ // End of string
+ if (sentence[state.offset] != '"')
+ throw Error{*node, "Could not find end of string"};
+ state.offset++;
+ node->end = state.offset;
+ node->word = sentence.substr(node->start + 1, node->end - node->start - 2);
+ return node;
+// Parse a bare word atom
+std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> PatternTreeParser::parseWord()
+ static const APT::StringView DISALLOWED_START("?~,()\0", 6);
+ static const APT::StringView DISALLOWED(",()\0", 4);
+ if (DISALLOWED_START.find(sentence[state.offset]) != APT::StringView::npos)
+ return nullptr;
+ auto node = std::make_unique<WordNode>();
+ node->start = state.offset;
+ while (DISALLOWED.find(sentence[state.offset]) == APT::StringView::npos)
+ state.offset++;
+ node->end = state.offset;
+ node->word = sentence.substr(node->start, node->end - node->start);
+ return node;
+// Rendering of the tree in JSON for debugging
+std::ostream &PatternTreeParser::PatternNode::render(std::ostream &os)
+ os << "{"
+ << "\"term\": \"" << term.to_string() << "\",\n"
+ << "\"arguments\": [\n";
+ for (auto &node : arguments)
+ node->render(os) << "," << std::endl;
+ os << "null]\n";
+ os << "}\n";
+ return os;
+std::ostream &PatternTreeParser::WordNode::render(std::ostream &os)
+ os << '"' << word.to_string() << '"';
+ return os;
+std::nullptr_t PatternTreeParser::Node::error(std::string message)
+ throw Error{*this, message};
+bool PatternTreeParser::PatternNode::matches(APT::StringView name, int min, int max)
+ if (name != term)
+ return false;
+ if (max != 0 && !haveArgumentList)
+ error(rstrprintf("%s expects an argument list", term.to_string().c_str()));
+ if (max == 0 && haveArgumentList)
+ error(rstrprintf("%s does not expect an argument list", term.to_string().c_str()));
+ if (min >= 0 && min == max && (arguments.size() != size_t(min)))
+ error(rstrprintf("%s expects %d arguments, but received %d arguments", term.to_string().c_str(), min, arguments.size()));
+ if (min >= 0 && arguments.size() < size_t(min))
+ error(rstrprintf("%s expects at least %d arguments, but received %d arguments", term.to_string().c_str(), min, arguments.size()));
+ if (max >= 0 && arguments.size() > size_t(max))
+ error(rstrprintf("%s expects at most %d arguments, but received %d arguments", term.to_string().c_str(), max, arguments.size()));
+ return true;
+std::unique_ptr<APT::CacheFilter::Matcher> PatternParser::aPattern(std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> &nodeP)
+ assert(nodeP != nullptr);
+ auto node = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(nodeP.get());
+ if (node == nullptr)
+ nodeP->error("Expected a pattern");
+ if (node->matches("?architecture", 1, 1))
+ return std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::PackageArchitectureMatchesSpecification>(aWord(node->arguments[0]));
+ if (node->matches("?automatic", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsAutomatic>(file);
+ if (node->matches("?broken", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsBroken>(file);
+ if (node->matches("?config-files", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsConfigFiles>();
+ if (node->matches("?essential", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsEssential>();
+ if (node->matches("?exact-name", 1, 1))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageHasExactName>(aWord(node->arguments[0]));
+ if (node->matches("?false", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::FalseMatcher>();
+ if (node->matches("?garbage", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsGarbage>(file);
+ if (node->matches("?installed", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsInstalled>(file);
+ if (node->matches("?name", 1, 1))
+ return std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx>(aWord(node->arguments[0]));
+ if (node->matches("?not", 1, 1))
+ return std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::NOTMatcher>(aPattern(node->arguments[0]).release());
+ if (node->matches("?obsolete", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsObsolete>();
+ if (node->matches("?true", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::TrueMatcher>();
+ if (node->matches("?upgradable", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsUpgradable>(file);
+ if (node->matches("?virtual", 0, 0))
+ return std::make_unique<Patterns::PackageIsVirtual>();
+ if (node->matches("?x-name-fnmatch", 1, 1))
+ return std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesFnmatch>(aWord(node->arguments[0]));
+ // Variable argument patterns
+ if (node->matches("?and", 0, -1))
+ {
+ auto pattern = std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::ANDMatcher>();
+ for (auto &arg : node->arguments)
+ pattern->AND(aPattern(arg).release());
+ return pattern;
+ }
+ if (node->matches("?or", 0, -1))
+ {
+ auto pattern = std::make_unique<APT::CacheFilter::ORMatcher>();
+ for (auto &arg : node->arguments)
+ pattern->OR(aPattern(arg).release());
+ return pattern;
+ }
+ node->error(rstrprintf("Unrecognized pattern '%s'", node->term.to_string().c_str()));
+ return nullptr;
+std::string PatternParser::aWord(std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> &nodeP)
+ assert(nodeP != nullptr);
+ auto node = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::WordNode *>(nodeP.get());
+ if (node == nullptr)
+ nodeP->error("Expected a word");
+ return node->word.to_string();
+} // namespace Internal
+// The bridge into the public world
+std::unique_ptr<APT::CacheFilter::Matcher> APT::CacheFilter::ParsePattern(APT::StringView pattern, pkgCacheFile *file)
+ if (file != nullptr && !file->BuildDepCache())
+ return nullptr;
+ try
+ {
+ auto top = APT::Internal::PatternTreeParser(pattern).parseTop();
+ APT::Internal::PatternParser parser{file};
+ return parser.aPattern(top);
+ }
+ catch (APT::Internal::PatternTreeParser::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "input:" << e.location.start << "-" << e.location.end << ": error: " << e.message << "\n";
+ ss << pattern.to_string() << "\n";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < e.location.start; i++)
+ ss << " ";
+ for (size_t i = e.location.start; i < e.location.end; i++)
+ ss << "^";
+ ss << "\n";
+ _error->Error("%s", ss.str().c_str());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+} // namespace APT
diff --git a/apt-pkg/cachefilter-patterns.h b/apt-pkg/cachefilter-patterns.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d37da815f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apt-pkg/cachefilter-patterns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * cachefilter-patterns.h - Pattern parser and additional patterns as matchers
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Canonical Ltd
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefile.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefilter.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/string_view.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace APT
+namespace Internal
+ * \brief PatternTreeParser parses the given sentence into a parse tree.
+ *
+ * The parse tree consists of nodes:
+ * - Word nodes which contains words or quoted words
+ * - Patterns, which represent ?foo and ?foo(...) patterns
+ */
+struct PatternTreeParser
+ struct Node
+ {
+ size_t start = 0;
+ size_t end = 0;
+ virtual std::ostream &render(std::ostream &os) { return os; };
+ std::nullptr_t error(std::string message);
+ };
+ struct Error : public std::exception
+ {
+ Node location;
+ std::string message;
+ Error(Node location, std::string message) : location(location), message(message) {}
+ const char *what() const throw() override { return message.c_str(); }
+ };
+ struct PatternNode : public Node
+ {
+ APT::StringView term;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>> arguments;
+ bool haveArgumentList = false;
+ std::ostream &render(std::ostream &stream) override;
+ bool matches(APT::StringView name, int min, int max);
+ };
+ struct WordNode : public Node
+ {
+ APT::StringView word;
+ bool quoted = false;
+ std::ostream &render(std::ostream &stream) override;
+ };
+ struct State
+ {
+ off_t offset = 0;
+ };
+ APT::StringView sentence;
+ State state;
+ PatternTreeParser(APT::StringView sentence) : sentence(sentence){};
+ off_t skipSpace()
+ {
+ while (sentence[state.offset] == ' ' || sentence[state.offset] == '\t' || sentence[state.offset] == '\r' || sentence[state.offset] == '\n')
+ state.offset++;
+ return state.offset;
+ };
+ /// \brief Parse a complete pattern
+ ///
+ /// There may not be anything before or after the pattern, except for
+ /// whitespace.
+ std::unique_ptr<Node> parseTop();
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<Node> parse();
+ std::unique_ptr<Node> parsePattern();
+ std::unique_ptr<Node> parseWord();
+ std::unique_ptr<Node> parseQuotedWord();
+ * \brief PatternParser parses the given sentence into a parse tree.
+ *
+ * The parse tree consists of nodes:
+ * - Word nodes which contains words or quoted words
+ * - Patterns, which represent ?foo and ?foo(...) patterns
+ */
+struct PatternParser
+ pkgCacheFile *file;
+ std::unique_ptr<APT::CacheFilter::Matcher> aPattern(std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> &nodeP);
+ std::string aWord(std::unique_ptr<PatternTreeParser::Node> &nodeP);
+namespace Patterns
+using namespace APT::CacheFilter;
+struct PackageIsAutomatic : public PackageMatcher
+ pkgCacheFile *Cache;
+ explicit PackageIsAutomatic(pkgCacheFile *Cache) : Cache(Cache) {}
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ assert(Cache != nullptr);
+ return ((*Cache)[Pkg].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) != 0;
+ }
+struct PackageIsBroken : public PackageMatcher
+ pkgCacheFile *Cache;
+ explicit PackageIsBroken(pkgCacheFile *Cache) : Cache(Cache) {}
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ assert(Cache != nullptr);
+ auto state = (*Cache)[Pkg];
+ return state.InstBroken() || state.NowBroken();
+ }
+struct PackageIsConfigFiles : public PackageMatcher
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ return Pkg->CurrentState == pkgCache::State::ConfigFiles;
+ }
+struct PackageIsGarbage : public PackageMatcher
+ pkgCacheFile *Cache;
+ explicit PackageIsGarbage(pkgCacheFile *Cache) : Cache(Cache) {}
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ assert(Cache != nullptr);
+ return (*Cache)[Pkg].Garbage;
+ }
+struct PackageIsEssential : public PackageMatcher
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ return (Pkg->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Essential) != 0;
+ }
+struct PackageHasExactName : public PackageMatcher
+ std::string name;
+ explicit PackageHasExactName(std::string name) : name(name) {}
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ return Pkg.Name() == name;
+ }
+struct PackageIsInstalled : public PackageMatcher
+ pkgCacheFile *Cache;
+ explicit PackageIsInstalled(pkgCacheFile *Cache) : Cache(Cache) {}
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ assert(Cache != nullptr);
+ return Pkg->CurrentVer != 0;
+ }
+struct PackageIsObsolete : public PackageMatcher
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &pkg) override
+ {
+ // This code can be written without loops, as aptitude does, but it
+ // is far less readable.
+ if (pkg.CurrentVer().end())
+ return false;
+ // See if there is any version that exists in a repository,
+ // if so return false
+ for (auto ver = pkg.VersionList(); !ver.end(); ver++)
+ {
+ for (auto file = ver.FileList(); !file.end(); file++)
+ {
+ if ((file.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) == 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+struct PackageIsUpgradable : public PackageMatcher
+ pkgCacheFile *Cache;
+ explicit PackageIsUpgradable(pkgCacheFile *Cache) : Cache(Cache) {}
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ assert(Cache != nullptr);
+ return Pkg->CurrentVer != 0 && (*Cache)[Pkg].Upgradable();
+ }
+struct PackageIsVirtual : public PackageMatcher
+ bool operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg) override
+ {
+ return Pkg->VersionList == 0;
+ }
+} // namespace Patterns
+} // namespace Internal
+} // namespace APT
diff --git a/apt-pkg/cachefilter.h b/apt-pkg/cachefilter.h
index 8a6c01341..3c6e1559d 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/cachefilter.h
+++ b/apt-pkg/cachefilter.h
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
// Include Files /*{{{*/
#include <apt-pkg/pkgcache.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/string_view.h>
+#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@@ -145,6 +147,8 @@ public:
+/// \brief Parse a pattern, return nullptr or pattern
+std::unique_ptr<APT::CacheFilter::Matcher> ParsePattern(APT::StringView pattern, pkgCacheFile *file);
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 789727266..dd55edb4e 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ bool CacheSetHelper::PackageFrom(enum PkgSelector const select, PackageContainer
case FNMATCH: return PackageFromFnmatch(pci, Cache, pattern);
case PACKAGENAME: return PackageFromPackageName(pci, Cache, pattern);
case STRING: return PackageFromString(pci, Cache, pattern);
+ case PATTERN: return PackageFromPattern(pci, Cache, pattern);
return false;
@@ -281,13 +282,33 @@ bool CacheSetHelper::PackageFromPackageName(PackageContainerInterface * const pc
return true;
+bool CacheSetHelper::PackageFromPattern(PackageContainerInterface *const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pattern)
+ if (pattern.size() < 1 || pattern[0] != '?')
+ return false;
+ auto compiledPattern = APT::CacheFilter::ParsePattern(pattern, &Cache);
+ if (!compiledPattern)
+ return false;
+ for (pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache->PkgBegin(); Pkg.end() == false; ++Pkg)
+ {
+ if ((*compiledPattern)(Pkg) == false)
+ continue;
+ pci->insert(Pkg);
+ }
+ return true;
// PackageFromString - Return all packages matching a specific string /*{{{*/
bool CacheSetHelper::PackageFromString(PackageContainerInterface * const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &str) {
bool found = true;
- if (PackageFrom(CacheSetHelper::PACKAGENAME, pci, Cache, str) == false &&
+ if (PackageFrom(CacheSetHelper::PATTERN, pci, Cache, str) == false &&
+ PackageFrom(CacheSetHelper::PACKAGENAME, pci, Cache, str) == false &&
PackageFrom(CacheSetHelper::TASK, pci, Cache, str) == false &&
// FIXME: hm, hm, regexp/fnmatch incompatible?
PackageFrom(CacheSetHelper::FNMATCH, pci, Cache, str) == false &&
@@ -686,6 +707,7 @@ void CacheSetHelper::canNotFindPackage(enum PkgSelector const select,
case FNMATCH: canNotFindFnmatch(pci, Cache, pattern); break;
case PACKAGENAME: canNotFindPackage(pci, Cache, pattern); break;
case STRING: canNotFindPackage(pci, Cache, pattern); break;
+ case PATTERN: canNotFindPackage(pci, Cache, pattern); break;
case UNKNOWN: break;
@@ -822,6 +844,7 @@ void CacheSetHelper::showPackageSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &pkg, enum
case REGEX: showRegExSelection(pkg, pattern); break;
case TASK: showTaskSelection(pkg, pattern); break;
case FNMATCH: showFnmatchSelection(pkg, pattern); break;
+ case PATTERN: showPatternSelection(pkg, pattern); break;
case PACKAGENAME: /* no surprises here */ break;
case STRING: /* handled by the special cases */ break;
case UNKNOWN: break;
@@ -842,6 +865,12 @@ void CacheSetHelper::showFnmatchSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &/*pkg*/,
std::string const &/*pattern*/) {
+// showPatternSelection /*{{{*/
+void CacheSetHelper::showPatternSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const & /*pkg*/,
+ std::string const & /*pattern*/)
+ /*}}}*/
// showVersionSelection /*{{{*/
void CacheSetHelper::showVersionSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg,
diff --git a/apt-pkg/cacheset.h b/apt-pkg/cacheset.h
index 489fb6220..6023b861d 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/cacheset.h
+++ b/apt-pkg/cacheset.h
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public: /*{{{*/
GlobalError::MsgType ErrorType = GlobalError::ERROR);
virtual ~CacheSetHelper();
virtual bool PackageFrom(enum PkgSelector const select, PackageContainerInterface * const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pattern);
@@ -172,10 +172,12 @@ protected:
bool PackageFromFnmatch(PackageContainerInterface * const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern);
bool PackageFromPackageName(PackageContainerInterface * const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern);
bool PackageFromString(PackageContainerInterface * const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pattern);
+ bool PackageFromPattern(PackageContainerInterface * const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pattern);
void showTaskSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &pkg, std::string const &pattern);
void showRegExSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &pkg, std::string const &pattern);
void showFnmatchSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &pkg, std::string const &pattern);
+ void showPatternSelection(pkgCache::PkgIterator const &pkg, std::string const &pattern);
void canNotFindTask(PackageContainerInterface *const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern);
void canNotFindRegEx(PackageContainerInterface *const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern);
void canNotFindFnmatch(PackageContainerInterface *const pci, pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pattern);
@@ -739,6 +741,8 @@ public:
std::string pkg, CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper,
bool const onlyFromName = false);
+ static bool FromPattern(VersionContainerInterface *const vci, pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ std::string pkg, CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper);
static bool FromPackage(VersionContainerInterface * const vci, pkgCacheFile &Cache,
pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P, CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback,
diff --git a/apt-private/ b/apt-private/
index 7c8c89777..6071129a7 100644
--- a/apt-private/
+++ b/apt-private/
@@ -39,17 +39,26 @@ struct PackageSortAlphabetic /*{{{*/
class PackageNameMatcher : public Matcher
+ pkgCacheFile &cacheFile;
- explicit PackageNameMatcher(const char **patterns)
+ explicit PackageNameMatcher(pkgCacheFile &cacheFile, const char **patterns)
+ : cacheFile(cacheFile)
for(int i=0; patterns[i] != NULL; ++i)
std::string pattern = patterns[i];
- APT::CacheFilter::PackageMatcher *cachefilter = NULL;
- if(_config->FindB("APT::Cmd::Use-Regexp", false) == true)
+ APT::CacheFilter::Matcher *cachefilter = NULL;
+ if (pattern.size() > 0 && pattern[0] == '?')
+ cachefilter = APT::CacheFilter::ParsePattern(pattern, &cacheFile).release();
+ else if(_config->FindB("APT::Cmd::Use-Regexp", false) == true)
cachefilter = new APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx(pattern);
cachefilter = new APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesFnmatch(pattern);
+ if (cachefilter == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ filters.clear();
+ }
@@ -62,7 +71,7 @@ class PackageNameMatcher : public Matcher
for(J=filters.begin(); J != filters.end(); ++J)
- APT::CacheFilter::PackageMatcher *cachefilter = *J;
+ APT::CacheFilter::Matcher *cachefilter = *J;
return true;
@@ -70,8 +79,8 @@ class PackageNameMatcher : public Matcher
- std::vector<APT::CacheFilter::PackageMatcher*> filters;
- std::vector<APT::CacheFilter::PackageMatcher*>::const_iterator J;
+ std::vector<APT::CacheFilter::Matcher*> filters;
+ std::vector<APT::CacheFilter::Matcher*>::const_iterator J;
#undef PackageMatcher
@@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ bool DoList(CommandLine &Cmd)
if (_config->FindB("APT::Cmd::List-Include-Summary", false) == true)
format += "\n ${Description}\n";
- PackageNameMatcher matcher(patterns);
+ PackageNameMatcher matcher(CacheFile, patterns);
LocalitySortedVersionSet bag;
OpTextProgress progress(*_config);
diff --git a/debian/apt.install b/debian/apt.install
index f12eb240d..f745b3de5 100644
--- a/debian/apt.install
+++ b/debian/apt.install
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ usr/share/man/*/apt-get.*
diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
index 7cca4cf81..3060949e5 100644
--- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ add_docbook(apt-man MANPAGE ALL
+ apt-patterns.7.xml
diff --git a/doc/apt-patterns.7.xml b/doc/apt-patterns.7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efd4293dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/apt-patterns.7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ "" [
+<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "apt.ent"> %aptent;
+<!ENTITY % aptverbatiment SYSTEM "apt-verbatim.ent"> %aptverbatiment;
+<!ENTITY % aptvendor SYSTEM "apt-vendor.ent"> %aptvendor;
+ <refentryinfo>
+ &apt-author.jgunthorpe;
+ &;
+ &apt-email;
+ &apt-product;
+ <!-- The last update date -->
+ <date>2019-08-15T00:00:00Z</date>
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>apt-patterns</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ <refmiscinfo class="manual">APT</refmiscinfo>
+ </refmeta>
+ <!-- Man page title -->
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>apt-patterns</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Syntax and semantics of apt search patterns</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsect1><title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ Starting with version 2.0, <command>APT</command> provides support for
+ patterns, which can be used to query the apt cache for packages.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Logic patterns</title>
+ <para>
+ These patterns provide the basic means to combine other patterns into
+ more complex expressions, as well as <code>?true</code> and <code>?false</code>
+ patterns.
+ </para>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?and(PATTERN, PATTERN, ...)</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects objects where all specified patterns match.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?false</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects nothing.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?not(PATTERN)</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects objects where PATTERN does not match.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?or(PATTERN, PATTERN, ...)</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects objects where at least one of the specified patterns match.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?true</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects all objects.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Package patterns</title>
+ <para>
+ These patterns select specific packages.
+ </para>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?architecture(WILDCARD)</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages matching the specified architecture, which may contain wildcards using any.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?automatic</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that were installed automatically.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?broken</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that have broken dependencies.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?config-files</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that are not fully installed, but have solely residual configuration files left.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?essential</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that have Essential: yes set in their control file.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?exact-name(NAME)</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages with the exact specified name.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?garbage</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that can be removed automatically.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?installed</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that are currently installed.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?name(REGEX)</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages where the name matches the given regular expression.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?obsolete</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that no longer exist in repositories.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?upgradable</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects packages that can be upgraded (have a newer candidate).</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>?virtual</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Selects all virtual packages; that is packages without a version.
+ These exist when they are referenced somewhere in the archive,
+ for example because something depends on that name.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1><title>Examples</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>apt remove ?garbage</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Remove all packages that are automatically installed and no longer needed - same as apt autoremove</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry><term><code>apt purge ?config-files</code></term>
+ <listitem><para>Purge all packages that only have configuration files left</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1><title>Migrating from aptitude</title>
+ <para>
+ Patterns in apt are heavily inspired by patterns in aptitude, but with some tweaks:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Only long forms &mdash; the ones starting with ? &mdash; are supported</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Syntax is uniform: If there is an opening parenthesis after a term, it is always assumed to be the beginning of an argument list.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In aptitude, a syntactic form <code>"?foo(bar)"</code> could mean <code>"?and(?foo,bar)"</code> if foo does not take an argument. In APT, this will cause an error.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Not all patterns are supported.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Some additional patterns are available, for example, for finding gstreamer codecs.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Escaping terms with <code>~</code> is not supported.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>A trailing comma is allowed in argument lists</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1><title>See Also</title>
+ <para>
+ &apt-get;, &apt;
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ &manbugs;
+ &manauthor;
diff --git a/doc/po4a.conf b/doc/po4a.conf
index 587215abc..1cf170b80 100644
--- a/doc/po4a.conf
+++ b/doc/po4a.conf
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
[type: manpage] apt-transport-http.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-transport-http.$lang.1.xml add_$lang:xml.add
[type: manpage] apt-transport-https.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-transport-https.$lang.1.xml add_$lang:xml.add
[type: manpage] apt-transport-mirror.1.xml $lang:$lang/apt-transport-mirror.$lang.1.xml add_$lang:xml.add
+[type: manpage] apt-patterns.7.xml $lang:$lang/apt-patterns.7.xml add_$lang:xml.add
[type: docbook] guide.dbk $lang:$lang/guide.$lang.dbk
# add_$lang::$lang/addendum/docbook_$lang.add
diff --git a/test/integration/test-apt-patterns b/test/integration/test-apt-patterns
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..92c76edd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/test-apt-patterns
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+TESTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")"
+. "$TESTDIR/framework"
+configarchitecture 'i386' 'amd64'
+insertpackage 'unstable' 'available' 'all' '1.0'
+insertinstalledpackage 'manual1' 'i386' '1.0' 'Depends: automatic1'
+insertinstalledpackage 'manual2' 'i386' '1.0'
+insertinstalledpackage 'automatic1' 'i386' '1.0'
+insertinstalledpackage 'automatic2' 'i386' '1.0'
+insertinstalledpackage 'essential' 'i386' '1.0' 'Essential: yes'
+insertinstalledpackage 'conf-only' 'i386' '1.0' '' '' 'deinstall ok config-files'
+insertinstalledpackage 'broken' 'i386' '1.0' 'Depends: does-not-exist'
+insertinstalledpackage 'not-obsolete' 'i386' '1.0'
+insertpackage 'unstable' 'not-obsolete' 'all' '2.0'
+insertpackage 'unstable' 'foreign' 'amd64' '2.0'
+testsuccess aptmark auto automatic1 automatic2
+msgmsg "Check that commands understand patterns"
+testfailureequal "E: input:0-14: error: Unrecognized pattern '?not-a-pattern'
+ ?not-a-pattern
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+N: Unable to locate package ?not-a-pattern
+N: Couldn't find any package by glob '?not-a-pattern'
+E: Regex compilation error - Invalid preceding regular expression
+N: Couldn't find any package by regex '?not-a-pattern'
+E: input:0-14: error: Unrecognized pattern '?not-a-pattern'
+ ?not-a-pattern
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+N: Unable to locate package ?not-a-pattern
+N: Couldn't find any package by glob '?not-a-pattern'
+E: Regex compilation error - Invalid preceding regular expression
+N: Couldn't find any package by regex '?not-a-pattern'
+E: No packages found" apt show '?not-a-pattern'
+testfailureequal "Listing...
+E: input:0-14: error: Unrecognized pattern '?not-a-pattern'
+ ?not-a-pattern
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" apt list '?not-a-pattern'
+testfailureequal "Reading package lists...
+Building dependency tree...
+Reading state information...
+E: input:0-14: error: Unrecognized pattern '?not-a-pattern'
+ ?not-a-pattern
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+E: Unable to locate package ?not-a-pattern
+E: Couldn't find any package by glob '?not-a-pattern'
+E: Regex compilation error - Invalid preceding regular expression
+E: Couldn't find any package by regex '?not-a-pattern'" apt install -s '?not-a-pattern'
+msgmsg "Ensure that argument lists are present where needed, and absent elsewhere"
+testfailureequal "Listing...
+E: input:0-7: error: ?true does not expect an argument list
+ ?true()
+ ^^^^^^^" apt list '?true()'
+testfailureequal "Listing...
+E: input:0-4: error: ?and expects an argument list
+ ?and
+ ^^^^" apt list '?and'
+testfailureequal "Listing...
+E: input:0-3: error: ?or expects an argument list
+ ?or
+ ^^^" apt list '?or'
+msgmsg "Basic logic: true, false, not, ?or, ?and"
+for pattern in '?true' '?not(?false)'; do
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+automatic2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+available/unstable 1.0 all
+broken/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+conf-only/now 1.0 i386 [residual-config]
+dpkg/now 1.16.2+fake all [installed,local]
+essential/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+foreign/unstable 2.0 amd64
+manual1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+manual2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+not-obsolete/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]" apt list "$pattern"
+testsuccessequal "Listing..." apt list '?false'
+testsuccessequal "Listing..." apt list '?not(?true)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+automatic2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+manual1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+manual2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?or(?name(^automatic),?name(^manual))'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?and(?name(^automatic),?name(1$))'
+msgmsg "Package patterns"
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+foreign/unstable 2.0 amd64" apt list '?architecture(amd64)'
+# XXX FIXME We should have support for foreign and native
+testsuccessequal "Listing..." apt list '?architecture(foreign)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing..." apt list '?architecture(native)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+automatic2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?automatic'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+broken/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?broken'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+conf-only/now 1.0 i386 [residual-config]" apt list '?config-files'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+essential/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?essential'
+testsuccessequal "Listing..." apt list '?exact-name(automatic)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?exact-name(automatic1)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?garbage'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+automatic2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+broken/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+dpkg/now 1.16.2+fake all [installed,local]
+essential/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+manual1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+manual2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+not-obsolete/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]" apt list '?installed'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+available/unstable 1.0 all
+conf-only/now 1.0 i386 [residual-config]
+foreign/unstable 2.0 amd64" apt list '?not(?installed)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+automatic2/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?name(^automatic)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+available/unstable 1.0 all
+conf-only/now 1.0 i386 [residual-config]
+foreign/unstable 2.0 amd64
+not-obsolete/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]" apt list '?not(?obsolete)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+not-obsolete/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]
+N: There is 1 additional version. Please use the '-a' switch to see it" apt list '?upgradable'
+testsuccessequal "Package: does-not-exist
+State: not a real package (virtual)
+N: Can't select candidate version from package does-not-exist as it has no candidate
+N: Can't select versions from package 'does-not-exist' as it is purely virtual
+N: No packages found" apt show '?virtual'
+testsuccessequal "Listing..." apt list '?x-name-fnmatch(1)'
+testsuccessequal "Listing...
+automatic1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
+manual1/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]" apt list '?x-name-fnmatch(*1)'
diff --git a/test/libapt/ b/test/libapt/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de2fbceb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libapt/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * cachefilter-patterns.h - Pattern parser and additional patterns as matchers
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Canonical Ltd
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefilter-patterns.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefilter.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+using namespace APT::Internal;
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseWord)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("word").parseTop();
+ auto wordNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::WordNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), wordNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(wordNode->word, "word");
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseQuotedWord)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("\"a word\"").parseTop();
+ auto wordNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::WordNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), wordNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(wordNode->word, "a word");
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParsePattern)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("?hello").parseTop();
+ auto patternNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), patternNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patternNode->term, "?hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(patternNode->arguments.empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(patternNode->haveArgumentList);
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseWithEmptyArgs)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("?hello()").parseTop();
+ auto patternNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), patternNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patternNode->term, "?hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(patternNode->arguments.empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(patternNode->haveArgumentList);
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseWithOneArgs)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("?hello(foo)").parseTop();
+ auto patternNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), patternNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patternNode->term, "?hello");
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, patternNode->arguments.size());
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseWithManyArgs)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("?hello(foo,bar)").parseTop();
+ auto patternNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), patternNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patternNode->term, "?hello");
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, patternNode->arguments.size());
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseWithManyArgsWithSpaces)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("?hello (foo, bar)").parseTop();
+ auto patternNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), patternNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patternNode->term, "?hello");
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, patternNode->arguments.size());
+TEST(TreeParserTest, ParseWithManyArgsWithSpacesWithTrailingComma)
+ auto node = PatternTreeParser("?hello (foo, bar,)").parseTop();
+ auto patternNode = dynamic_cast<PatternTreeParser::PatternNode *>(node.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(node.get(), patternNode);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patternNode->term, "?hello");
+ EXPECT_EQ(2u, patternNode->arguments.size());