path: root/Dockerfile
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-11CI: Use unstable for now, as we need triehash packageJulian Andres Klode
2019-01-22CI: Use debian:buster as test base imageJulian Andres Klode
2018-04-18Run travis against debian:testing again, keep shippable at bionicJulian Andres Klode
2018-04-06Delete /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes on Docker CI imagesJulian Andres Klode
2018-03-23CI: Switch testing to use ubuntu:bionic for 1.6.yJulian Andres Klode
2017-07-02travis/docker: Various improvementsJulian Andres Klode
2017-06-30travis: Switch to DockerJulian Andres Klode